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"And falling's just another way to fly."


(Joey's POV.)

"Because from what I heard, she actually loved you." 

My heart was leaping through my chest. I felt so stupid, so stubborn. Did she actually feel that way this whole time? I noted how he used 'love' in past tense. Did she not love me anymore? I needed a better explanation. I inched closer towards him. I wanted more than anything for the truth to be revealed.

"How do you know?" My voice was getting caught in my throat. This huge weight was being placed on my shoulders, a huge weight of regret. I should've stayed at the party. I should have apologized right then and there. 

"You should have stayed at the party." He started, practically reading my mind. He shuffled over to my couch and plopped down in the middle.

"What happened?" I could barely speak above a whisper. Cat had fresh tears brimming her eyes, and Sawyer had left the living room and was trailing upstairs. 

"I'm sorry." Cat whispered, before Luke could start. 

"What are you guys talking about?" My eyes flickered to Cat's, then Luke's, then back to Cat's.

"Meghan drank... A lot more after you left." Luke smirked. The heat was rising in my cheeks. It wasn't like any of my outrages I've had recently. It was one hundred and two percent emotion. 

"YOU ASSHOLE! THAT'S WHEN YOU KISSED HER!" My hands itched to make contact with him. The pieces were coming together, but not pieces that I wanted. I clenched my first, my glare heavy.

"Oh, it was a little more than just a kiss." His last words were drowned out by Cat pleading for him to stop. I could slowly feel myself tumble out of control. I couldn't contain myself any longer. I felt weaker than I ever had before.

"Luke, that's enough." Cat's tears were falling freely now. 

"I'm sorry Joey, I would have told you." Her eyes met mine and I turned my back to her. My breathing came out in unsteady heaves.

"Why the fuck didn't you." I couldn't hear what I was saying over my own heartbeat. With each pump, a wave of fury pulsed through my veins. 

"It was better if we didn't." Cat's pleading voice met my ears.

"Meghan told you?" I turned around. 

She looked down, exposing her puffy eyelids. 

"Yes." She sniffled. 

"She told me not to tell you." She added, her voice sounded so lost, like she wasn't telling the full truth. 

"Why? She told me everything, anything that was going on, up until that point." 

Cat paused, biting her lip and squeezing her eyes shut to stop the tears. She opened them again and looked at me. 

"Because she loves you." 

I couldn't breathe. I didn't want to breathe. I didn't want to look at anyone, look around, or even look. I couldn't calm myself down. Why did they think it was alright to do this to me? To wait for the one moment where I feel like ultimately giving up, to dump this on me?

"You're lying. She already told me she didn't." I spat. I refused to believe it. Even though David had said to my face after she had left that day that something did happen, but it could have been anything.

"I swear on my own life. She told me herself." 

Luke started to laugh, to the point where he couldn't breathe. I was so angry, I was about to knock him out. I strode towards him, ready to pounce. 

"I find this so funny," He said, stopping my train of movement. 

"You called her your best friend, said you love her, and now you refuse to believe anything we're saying."

"That's because it's not coming from her." I butted. I couldn't believe either of them right now, they both have equally damaged my trust. Luke, being one of my best guy friends, betraying me and not telling me that he had done stuff with Meghan. Cat, being the one who dared me to do this all in the first place, and not telling me what Meghan had done because "she thought it was best." No way I would believe them. They were probably just trying to make me feel shittier than I already felt. 

"Let's just call her then, shall we?" His eyes were menacing. He pulled his phone out and I could feel the knot in my stomach being tightened to it's full extent. I didn't want Meghan anywhere near this situation. I grabbed his phone from his hand, to which he stood up, attempting to reach for it. 

"Don't do this!" I shouted at him. This was right when Meghan had picked up. 

"Luke?" I heard her voice. There was a pause. Everyone in the room and Meghan herself fell silent. 

"Why are you calling me? I thought you deleted my number." She said. I looked up at Luke, whose eyes were already on mine. I swear to God, if he made her upset in anyway I would not hesitate to mess up his face.

He swiped the phone out of my hand.

"Now why would I do that?" His voice had transformed, he made himself sound so smooth and soothing. It made me want to puke. 

"What do you want?" She sounded annoyed. 

"Well, I have someone here that needs a bit of an... Explanation." He smiled sickly at me before handing the phone back. I refused to hold it to my ear. 

"Who are you with?" Her tone was laced with the shaky sound of nerves. 

"Hi, Meghan." My  voice came out distorted, it didn't sound anything like me, but seconds later my own name filled my ears. 

"Joey?" I could sense the tension through the receiver. 

"Yeah." My mind had drawn a blank as to what I was going to say. I could feel the sweat accumulating on the palms of my hands. I wiped my free hand on my jeans and switched hands to wipe the other. I saw Luke chuckle silently as I returned the phone to my ear. 

"I have to go." She choked. 

"Meghan, wait." I pleaded. 

"Why didn't you tell me about Luke? Even when I asked you, you lied about it." I rushed. I needed her to hear me out. 

"Joey, I really can't talk right now." She urged. The line went muffled for a second, all I heard was "I'll be right back." It sounded like she was covering the receiver with her hand. 

I could tell when she let go when I heard the wind rushing past the speaker. 

"Are you outside? Who are you with?" I asked. 

"It's no one." She answered, the wind still sounding persistent. 

"Just please tell me the truth." I pleaded. 

"When I said "Call me when you're ready to give a shit about what I have to say" I meant it. Hear me out when I say I can't talk right now. I promise I'll call you later. Bye." The line went dead. My arm flopped down to my side. 

"Well," Luke exhaled through this nostrils. 

"Guess you're just going to have to wait." 

"I still don't believe you two." I hissed, eyeing both Cat and Luke.

"You have to, Joey. You can't live in denial your whole life. Please, at least believe me." Cat started taking a few steps towards me. 

"Cat, please. I can't do this right now." I held up my hand and she obeyed, stopping in her tracks. 

"At least believe me." Luke butted.

"I bet I still have pictures." He laughed, waving his phone in the air. 

This is when my fist collided, at full force, with his lip.

a daydream away // moey fanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz