"Lucas, Ness is going night night. I think you should, too," I said once I got downstairs.

"But Daddy isn't home yet!" he protested.

"I know, but Daddy will be home soon enough. He'll go in and kiss you goodnight when he gets home, I promise."

He started whining and I picked him up and brought him into his room and laid him in his bed. I grabbed his cow stuffed animal, which he slept with every night.

He continued whining and I kissed his head. "I told you, Daddy will kiss you goodnight once he gets home. I promise. You need to sleep good, you're going to Kate's tomorrow," I said as I kissed his head. "I love you, my little munchkin."

He quieted down as I left the room and shut off the light.

That was easier than I was expecting, I thought to myself.

I sighed and started cleaning up the basement, putting Lucas's toys away and grabbed Ness's rattles and teething rings and putting them in a little basket. I folded up his blanket and put it over the chair.

I decided I should probably get the laundry done so I did that, too. I finished up the bathroom and decided it was good enough.

I noted that the house was pretty much silent as I walked up the stairs.

I still had groceries to put away, so I did that and cleaned up whatever was left from supper. I started the dishwasher and cleaned Lucas's toys up from the living room upstairs, too.

I finally decided I'd done enough and did one more load of laundry before coming back upstairs.

8:47, where is he? I thought as I sat on the couch.

I turned on the TV and started a movie. I popped popcorn in the microwave and sat to eat it while I watched.

By the time the movie was over he still wasn't home. I decided I better call him.

It didn't ring, just went straight to his voicemail.

Great, his phone is off.

I groaned and shut off the lights. I laid for a while with my eyes shut before I completely fell asleep on the couch.

I woke up abruptly to the door slamming shut.

I sat up quickly and ran over to the door. No one but Bobby.

"It's 12:30, where were you?" I asked before kissing him.

He tasted like alcohol.

He started to say something and I cut him off. "Bobby, are you drunk right now?"

"What?" he asked with a slight slur.

I'd never seen him like this. It wasn't anything like him.

I walked away in disbelief and changed into my pajamas. I came into our living room to find Bobby in the kitchen, looking for something to eat.

"You can just find a place to sleep on the couch." I said before walking away.

"Wait! Christina!" he said behind me.

I turned around slowly, knowing it was a mistake.

"How's the baby?" he asked as he walked up to me and touched my stomach.

"Don't. You. Dare. Ask about our baby when you're like this," I said before turning away from him.

I shut off the lights and laid in our bed, alone. I started to cry when the door opened a crack.

"Hey baby, mind if I come in?" he asked.

"Don't baby me right now. And no, you can't come in. You stink. I don't want you in here with me," I said sternly.

He walked in, though. He laid on the bed and put his hands on my waist.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You like to sleep like this, remember?" he asked.

"Not with you smelling like beer," I said and pulled his hands from my waist.

He leaned over and kissed me and I pulled away but he pushed me closer to him.

"If you stay in here," I said after I'd gotten out of his grasp, "I will leave and take our kids with me."

"You'll leave? And take the kids with you? Please, baby, you'd never do that," he said with his slur.

"Wanna bet?" I asked and eyed him.

He looked at me. "You know, if we don't have twins yet, there's still a chance we could."

"This is your last chance," I said, ignoring his last comment, "Get out. Or I will. With Lucas and Ness."

"C'mon, baby, you know you love me. You wouldn't leave," he said.

I looked at him expectantly. He had to get out. He had to. I wasn't clung onto the idea of leaving with my two children, below the age of four, at 1 in the morning.

He leaned over and I pushed myself away. Soon enough I was laying on the bed and he was hovering over me.

"I'm gonna go. You have to get off," I said and tried to squirm away.

"No, you love me, remember?" Why did he keep holding that against me? "You're gonna stay here with me and we're gonna have a fun night."

"No. Actually, one of us is going to leave this room. If I leave, I'm leaving the house and bringing Lucas, Ness, and baby number three with me."

"You're funny," he said with a laugh.

Now I was scared. Truly scared of my own husband. He was a lot bigger than me, he could do anything to me and he was drunk. He wouldn't even have a conscience to tell him to stop. It didn't help that he was practically on top of me at the moment, either.

He leaned down and kissed me as I tried to get out from under him. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and I cringed.

He stopped suddenly. "What's wrong, baby?"

"You taste horrible. I'm leaving. Now." I said as I quickly moved from under him.

I rolled off the bed, just out of his grasp.

"Clean yourself up, honey. I'm leaving and I'm not coming back until I feel like I should," I said as I shut the door behind me.

Was I seriously going to do this? Yes, I was. I was doing this.


Author's Note:

Sorry I haven't posted in over a week :/ I got a little busy but I'm here with a BIG DRAMATIC UPDATE!

Yay! I hope you guys are still into the story and enjoying it, I love getting support from you :)

-thatsmyswift xx

Happily Ever After: A Christina Grimmie & Bobby Plizak Fanfic (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now