6x06 - Time I Tell Him

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For once, I feel at peace. I'm looking back at my friends and family. They can't see me. Of course not. To them, I'm already gone. A single tear slides down my face. If only I could hug them one last time. Oh, well. It's pointless now. I turn back around. It's time to go. I take my final steps and disappear into the light.


Cyrus's POV:
I walk downstairs, hair messy, and still tired. My parents are both sitting on the couch, snuggled up. I lie down on the couch next to them.

My mom smiles. "What is it this time, Cyrus?"

I look at her confusingly. "Why do you assume that I'm having a problem when I lie down?"

"Because you don't bother saying hi. Instead, you just stare at the ceiling, contemplating life or something."

"Fine. You got me."

My dad smiles as well. "Don't worry. You can tell us what's wrong."

I take a deep breath. "Lately, I've been having nightmares. It's reoccurring, but different at the same time."

"How so?" Mom asks.

"I've been dreaming that I've been dying. It always ends with my life ending, but the way I die is different each time. Before, it was always painful or saddening. But last night, my death dream was almost peaceful, and it scared me."

"I've had a patient like this. She had dreams like those as well." my dad said. "What we found out was that she kept holding back how she felt about someone. The deaths represented how holding herself back was causing a downfall in her, and that to stop them, she had to embrace how she felt about her crush, and tell him the truth."

"What does that mean for me, though?"

"You probably have something that's bothering you in life. Find out what it is, and try find a solution to it."

I sat up and gave them both a hug. "Thanks, guys. I love you."

"We love you too."


Marty's POV:
I knocked on the door to Buffy's house. His dad answered the door. "Hello. Are you here to see Buffy?"

I nodded. "We're working on a project together."

He chuckled. "Come on in." I walked in, and he shouted, "BUFFY! YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE!"

I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs. "Dad! I already told you. He's not my boyfriend."

"Whatever you say, sweetie. You two can work in the living room." He started walking away. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything at all. Good luck with your project."

I smirked at Buffy. "Boyfriend?"

She shoved me. "Pssh. No way. Come on, let's practice our dance."


Tyson's POV:
I texted Cyrus earlier and asked him to meet me at the park. I can't hide it anymore. I have to tell him.

There he is. Sitting on the bench, checking his phone. I took a deep breath, and walked over. "Hey, Cyrus." I said nervously.

"Hey, Tyson." He seemed extra happy today. What's going to happen when I tell him the truth? "I-uh-have something to tell you."

Now he looked worried. "Sure. What is it?"

I sat down. "For the past few years, I've had a crush on a guy."

"That's great! Who is this guy?"

Another deep breath. "You."

Cyrus faked a chuckle. "What?"

"I like you, Cyrus. I know you're dating Jonah, but I had to tell you."

He stayed silent, and stood up, quickly running away. "Cyrus? Cyrus! I'm sorry!"

Why am I such an idiot? Why did I have to tell him?

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