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I was sick of life at this point.

I didn't want to bother Colton. He was too good for me. I shouldn't upset him further.

The only way to insure that I didn't bother him was to leave. Leave this world. Be reunited with Dash, and Rhett, and even Dad.

Nobody would miss me. I was sure of that. Ash spent all of his time with his girlfriend, Andi, now. Darrel spent all of his time with his girlfriend. Sage and Zander abandoned me. Colton had forgot about me. There was nobody left to care.

I had lost so much. Everything. Colton. Ash. Dash. My mother. My father. Zander. Sage. Rhett. My legs. My grades. My happiness. My will to live. Why not lose my life too?

It wasn't that hard of a decision to make. Nobody ever showed their affection towards me. So I knew I wouldn't be missed. I knew.

But, there were a few things I wanted to do first.

I went for a final drive in my car. I rode past some landmarks of mine and Colton's relationship, but they just reminded me even more what I had lost. It reinforced my decision.

I texted Sage, Zander, and Darrel.

Jax- Hey, guys. I've really enjoyed being your friend. I wish we could have stayed that way. But, just know that it's okay. I deserved all of this.

I also texted Colton and Ash. Ash was at Andi's all day.

Jax- Hey guys. I just wanted you both to know that I love you no matter what. Even if you stopped, Colton, I didn't. And Ash, you have grown so much. I love you both.

Although my love for the two was real, their love for me wasn't.

I destroyed some of the things in my house. I ate most food in the house, and drank some whiskey, but not enough to get drunk. I didn't want to be drunk for this moment.

At the end of all of that, I ended up lying in my bed, a gun in my hand. A gun that my father had kept around after he got fired from the force. It was now in my hand. My hand - no, body - was shaking. Maybe with fear. Pain. Anticipation. Excitement. Contentment.

But, what ever it was, it was happening.

There was a pounding at the door, but I didn't answer it. Then, the door slammed open. "Jax!" I heard Colton scream. Colton.

I stayed perfectly still. But, he still found me. He barged into my room to see me with a gun in hand.

He was confused. "What? Jax, no! Jax, don't." He begged.

I shook my head, the first of many tears falling out. Seeing him reminded me of why I was doing this. Why I had to do this. "I'm sorry, Colton. You don't deserve this piece of shit in your life." My voice was quiet, and steady. This was the right choice.

Tears fell from his eyes, too, as he realized the scene before him. "But Jax.. no!" He cried out to me.

I shook my head. The rest of my body was steady now, finally remembering why I was to leave this world. This was my fate.

"Colton, just know... this isn't your fault." I tell him.

"Jax..." he started to walk closer to me. Earlier, he was frozen, maybe from shock, fear.

"I'm sorry, Colton. Goodbye." With that, everything seemed to be in slow motion.

Colton charged at me, arms out in front of him, as tears flooded his eyes.

My hand lifted, the gun in it. I moved my hand towards my head.

This was how I wanted to go. My dad was partly to blame, so whatever I could do might help. After he got fired was when he first started beating me.

My hand touched the gun to my skin, finger playing at the trigger.

Colton kept screaming at me, but it seemed so distant. I could barely make out his words.

My finger moves slowly, pushing the trigger down. No pain yet.

This was the right decision. Colton just didn't want to be blamed for this. He didn't actually care.

And, it wasn't his fault. It was mine. My fault for thinking that I should let people in my life. For thinking that I should have ever lived.

In fact, I should be thanking Colton. He was a main help in helping me realize my fate. My suicidal fate.

The bullet made contact with the side of my head.

My eyes started to go black. But, I could see Colton crying on his knees. I could feel the warm liquid forming around my head.

I felt no pain. No fear. I felt at peace. This was right. I never should have started this life. Finishing it was the perfect idea.

And after no more than a second after my finger pulled the trigger, my body went limp. My eyes blacked.

I was gone.
Don't worry, the story is not over yet.

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