14-"Good news and bad news."

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I heard a scream coming from the stairs. A drunk scream. Jax. I started to slowly get up from my bed. Then I heard another thing. A crash. I then sprinted out towards the stairs to see Jax lying on the floor.

I went into his room. How much alcohol did he have? How did he get so much? I saw three empty beer bottles in his room, and one had broken when he fell down the stairs.

I shook Ash awake. "Hey, Ash. I-I-I have to go to the hospital with Jax. I can't leave you alone here, so get dressed, and then we're going." I explain to him, not even trying to hide my concern.

Still tired, Ash didn't argue. He just got out of his bed, and put on some clothes while I picked up Jax and put him in my car. He was out. Either from too much beer, or the fall. But, either way, I couldn't just leave him like this!

I saw a cut on the back of his neck. It was from the beer bottle that must have been in his hand as he fell. The bottle had shattered, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were other cuts along his body. Even more reason to go to the hospital.

Ash came downstairs and into my car. He then saw Jax's unconscious body. "What happened to Jax?" He asks, worried.

I sigh. "He just tumbled down the stairs a little."


Ash and I were waiting in the waiting room as Jax got checked out. My foot was tapping, my head in my hands. Thoughts were swarming. Bad thoughts. I could have prevented this! Jax may get in trouble from having alcohol! What had I just done?!

Soon, a nurse comes out. "So, we have some news. Good news and bad news." She says.

I pick up my head. "W-Well what's the good news?" I ask, fast.

"Well, the good news is he'll wake up. No serious head trauma."

"A-and the bad news?"

"Well, a few things. First of all, he was underage drinking. Secondly, a shard of the beer bottle came in to his body, most likely from an entrance point on the neck. It's too close to his spine." She explains.

I look over and see Ash sleeping on the chairs. It was around midnight. "Well, what are the options?" I ask the nurse, bolting up from worry. I don't know what I'd do if I lost Jax.

"Well, there are two options. One is you could leave it there, and risk him never being able to use his legs again." I shake my head.

I couldn't do that to him! He should be able to run! Live! "And the other option?"

I could tell by the nervous look on her face that this one wasn't good either. "Well, he could undergo surgery. But, at his age... there is a chance it may be terminal. And, even if it is not terminal, there is no guarantee it would be a success, and his legs may stop working in latter years." I sit back down. What could I do? Neither option was good! "I know you have a lot to think about, so I'll give you some time." The nurse walks away.

Ash starts to wake up while the nurse is going back into Jax's room. "H-Hey Ash? How are you buddy?" He gives a tired mumble as a response. "Well, I need to ask you a question."

So, I told him the options. I asked him what Jax would want, and what Jax would choose. "Colton, I-I don't know. But, I think he might have chosen..."

Hey, I know this was a really short chapter, but I wanted to end it here, on the sorta cliffhanger.

What do you think Colton and Ash chose?

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