20-"I really fucking miss you."

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Sorry for the short and kinda dull chapter. It was more a filler than anything else, and I didn't know what else to do, so I'll also post the next chapter soon!

It was Christmas Day. Colton hadn't yet left for his interview, but he was leaving tomorrow. Life was going great. Colton's family was over at our house for our celebration, and everybody was happy and smiling. But, it seemed that with the ups came even bigger downs.


Colton had left for his trip. I had sent in a few job applications to some places, but hadn't heard back yet. Ash was turning full blown teenager, and blowing his family off to hang out with his boyfriend James, and his friends Nathan and Phoenix.

So, one of the days when I was all alone at my house, I started feeling the most depressed I had in a while. I had lost almost everything. I even lost something I never thought I would- my legs.

So, as I had done what seemed like so many years ago, I cut my arm. Each cut represented something I had lost. Colton. He may still be with me, but he was gone. Thinking about moving to California, probably. Ash. I had lost the sweet little Ash I had known. Dad. Mom. Dash. One cut for each leg. Rhett. Zander. Sage. They both had started blowing me off again, leaving me so alone in this world. Happiness. I had lost almost all happiness in my life. I even lost the musical. I ruined it for everyone who worked so hard on it. I ruined not only my life, but other lives too.

I had lost so much. Too much. It was getting harder with each passing day.


I had left for the interview a few days ago. California was lovely, but not as lovely as Jax. He was always on my mind. Was he okay? Did he miss me too? Was he taking good care of Ash? Were his legs okay? These were the constant thoughts running around my mind.

My interview had gone great. I was fairly sure I was going to get the job. I would be working at UCLA next year, but I'd only be a substitute teacher. And, I was hoping I'd be able to convince Jax to move here with me.

My relationship with Jax had been steadily improving. I was hoping that we could go more public after he finished high school, considering I wouldn't be his teacher anymore.

Just the thought of Jax made me happy. I was coming back to see him soon, and the smile that was on my face grew even larger.

I was walking around California. Well, Orange County. And, getting even more exact, Balboa Island. I was eating a chocolate covered frozen banana, and I couldn't help but think how much Jax would love these. Everything I did made me think of him. But, I only had one more day until our reunion.

Trying to get my mind off Jax, I thought about what life in California would be like. What teaching in California would be like. But, these thoughts always led back to Jax.

I'd want to live in California with him. I wanted to raise a family with him. I wanted to spend my life with him. Jax was my everything, and I didn't know what I would do without him.

So, I called Jax. It was around 3 A.M. for him, but I didn't care. I needed to hear his comforting voice. The phone rang two times before answering. "Colton?" A tired voice called out. His voice was husky, as it always was right after he woke up.

I smiled just hearing his voice. "Hey Jax. Did I wake you?" I ask him.


"Well, I'm sorry." I apologize to him.

He laughs a little. "No sweat. So, why are you calling at this time?" He asks me.

I sigh. "I really fucking miss you." I explain to him.

He sighs, and I run my hand through my hair. "I miss you, too, Colton." His tired voice tells me. "I can't wait 'till you come back tomorrow." I could almost imagine him, laying in his bed, his cute little hands running through his curly hair the way my hands had just done to mine.

"Me neither," I sigh, a toothy smile plastered on my face. I never thought that just the voice of somebody could compel me, make me so happy. "Sorry to wake you, again. Love you."

"Love you too. Night," He says.

"Night." My smile falls just a little as he hangs up, but it was still there.

I went to sleep that warm California night, a goofy grin on my face, waiting for my flight the next morning.

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