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I ignored yet another call from my mother. She had been calling nonstop since that day she showed up at my doorstep.

I was eating breakfast with Ash before school, Colton already gone. "Yeah," Ash continues. "I just didn't like James as much as I thought I did. So, now I'm together with Andi."

I laugh. "I cannot believe you!" My watch buzzes, signifying that it was time for me to go. I roll over to the sink, and place my plate in there after finishing a final bite of toast. "Well, we gotta get to school, bud." I tell him. He nods his head, putting his cereal in the sink. "Need a ride?" I ask him.

He shakes his head. "Nah. I like walking. It helps me clear my head." With that, we both go outside, and get into my new car. I drove off to school on the wet road. It was still damp everywhere, as a result of the rain that had happened on mine and Colton's date night last night.

As I approach the school, a group of kids gasp at what I assume was my car. I park it, lock it, and roll out, ignoring the stares. One guy, who I knew as Darrel from the musical, came over to me. "Nice car, dude!" He tells me.

I shrug. "It's cool." I tell him. I didn't like all the attention the new car was bringing me. I knew that money brought gold digging 'friends', and I didn't want any of that. "It was just a family gift."

We keep going towards the school together. "Cool, cool. So, how have you been, man? I know that with the whole musical and leg thing..."

I sigh. "That was over a month ago, Darrel." I remind him. "You don't talk to me for a whole month, and now I show up with a fancy new car and you want to be friends?"

Darrel shrugs. "I know it probably looks like I'm just being nice to you because it looks like you have money. And, no offense, I know you don't. But, Christy just broke up with me, so I'm tryin' to make some more friends!" He explains.

"Oh." I say in a monotone voice. He nods. "Sorry. And, I'd be happy to be your friend, still." I tell him, remembering how lonely I was. Sage and Zander had gone back to ignoring me ever since I got a wheelchair, and I was lowered even more in the high school popularity chain.

"It's fine. I did kinda chose a bad time to ask." He admits.

I smile. My life was finally getting back on track. "Friends?" I ask him.

He nods his head. "Friends."


"Everything feels... new, almost. Happy." I tell me therapist, Dr. Amy, that evening.

She smiles, pushing some of her short blonde hair out of her face. "That's great, Jax!" She congratulates me. "What about it feels new, exactly?" She asks.

I smile. "Well, me and my boyfriend are in such a good place. And, I got a new friend named Darrel. Life seems to just be falling back into place."

Dr. Amy tapped the clipboard on her lap with her pen. "Fantastic. But, remember Jax, don't put all your eggs is one basket." She reminds me.

I sigh. She's told me that expression a thousand times. For those who don't know, it means that I shouldn't put all my trust, love, and happiness into the control of one person. In this case, I should have multiple friends, and not just one. This is because of the new friend were to stop being friends with me, I'd be heart broken, and fall back into my state of depression again. I'd probably turn to alcohol for help, and lose all of the progress I have made to get my life back on track.

After the rest of my therapy appointment, Colton picked me up, as he insisted he must do. "How was it?" He asked me.

I sigh. "Same as every week."

"So good, then?" He chuckles.

I was so happy with Colton. The main time my depressed states come back are when I'm just at school. There, I'm not with Colton, and I have no friends. Well, had no friends. Now, I had Darrel, which I hoped would go well.

When I got home, I got to meet Andi, Ash's new girlfriend. Turns out Ash was quite popular at his school. There was a parent/teacher conference next week that I had to go to, and I was hoping to find good things.

Being so caught up in all me happiness, I picked up a call without looking at who it was. "Honey, please let me explain!" My desperate mother called over the line.

I sighed, rolling my eyes. Is everything okay? Colton mouthed to me, not wanting to interrupt my call. I hold my finger up at him. "Five minutes. Maximum." I tell my mom, rolling into my room.

I hear a sigh of relief wash over the other line. "Thank you so much, honey!"

"Jax." I tell her.

I could almost hear the confused look on her face. "It's Jax, not 'honey'." I put air quotes around 'honey', though she couldn't see it.

She laughs. "Oh, I'm so sorry ho- Jax. I'm so sorry Jax."

"Well? Explain." I roll my eyes.

"Oh, right," the other line says. "Well, about that... your father abused me."

"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT?!" I scream at her. "Robin." I use her first name to irritate her more. "Dad beat me every. Night. Every. Night." My voice was growing louder, more agitated.

I hear a knock come from my door. "You alright, baby?" Colton asks.

I nod my head, but then remembered the door separating us. "Yeah. Peachy." It clearly wasn't believable.

"Okay," Colton's hesitant voice called back. "Call me if you need anything."

I put the phone back to my ear. "Jax." My desperate mother was still on the line. "I know. But... he said he wouldn't continue to beat you if I left. But, clearly he lied! I swear, Jack, I didn't know!"

"Robin!" I scream at her. "How do you expect me to forgive you if you can't even get my name right?! It's only been a few months, I'd hope my mother could remember my name!" I could hear Colton shuffling at my door, and my crying mother on the other line. I suddenly felt bad. Her cries felt so real. So sad. So pained. "Oh, mom, I'm sorry." I say in a more comforting voice.

"No. No, I'm sorry, Jax." She apologizes. "I shouldn't have left you. I shouldn't have thought that your father would keep his promise. I should have done so many things." She took in a deep breath, as if trying to hold back more tears. "But I didn't. And I have to live with that. So, Jax, can we try to start over?" She asks.

I nod my head. Tears threatened to spill out if I spoke anymore. But, from the silence on the other line, I remembered she couldn't see me nodding me head. "Yes." My choked voice says. "Yes. I'd love to."

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