16-"Too close."

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I was excited about the thought of a musical. I loved musicals. It was two of my favorite things combined- acting and singing. So, of course I signed up for the cast.

I waited after school for a while, getting multiple 'are you okay?'s, 'what happened?'s, and even random glances at me. Colton was driving me home, but he had to work out a few things, and it would look weird if students saw us going home together.

After a few minutes, Colton came outside to me. We hopped in his car, and Colton suddenly planted a kiss in my lips. I pulled away. "A little risky, don't you think?" I jokingly ask him. He groans, and starts the car, knowing I was right.

We talk a little while we drive home, his hand on my leg. Whenever we got to a red light, Colton planted a kiss on my lips, just 'because he could'. At this point, Ash was aware of our growing relationship, but did not know that Colton was my teacher.

I was fairly happy with my life, at that point.


Thanksgiving came, and I was introduced to Colton's family. Dana, his mother; Willow, his sister; Clinton, his brother; and Joshua, his other brother. He had a sweet family. They knew me as 'Colton's boyfriend', and not as 'Mr. Haynes' student', of course.

After Thanksgiving and that break, the school play slowly grew into more and more. We were doing Aladdin, and I had gotten the part of Genie, not just because Colton was director.

After I was steadily, but still kinda slowly, walking, I was fully involved in the musical. We had to paint the background, and everything was turning out great.

"Shoot!" Colton exclaimed one practice. "I left some paint in my car! Can some people help me?" He asks, winking at me. Me, Christy from choir, and a guy named Darrel, who was in charge of the set, agreed. What was Colton thinking? We started walking out to his car. After a little ways, Colton stopped. "Oh, I also have to get something from my office! Jax, would you mind?" I wasn't sure I liked where he was going with all this, but I reluctantly agree. He throws his keys to Darrel. "You guys won't steal this, right?"

We start walking towards Colton's office. As soon as I open the door, I was pinned against the wall, wet lips on my neck. "C-Colton," I tried to say sternly, but it came out as more of a moan.

Colton chuckled. "God, I don't know if I can do this, Jax." He connects our lips, smiling through the kiss.

"Colton," I say, my voice being muffled by his lips. "We could get caught!"

Colton groaned and let me go. He knew I was right, but he couldn't admit it. "But Jax, if you just keep looking so damn cute all the time..." he connected our lips once more, his fingers trailing my chin, and this time I let him. I loved the taste of his lips against mine, always the faint smell of whisky, even then.

The door pops open. "Uh, Mr. Haynes..." a student who I recognized as Ally, who was in charge of costumes, walks into the office. I shove Colton off me. "Well, we are out of thread..." She shyly explains.

Colton groans. It was obvious that Ally hadn't caught us, but it was still close. He rubs his hands against his temples. "There's probably some in the sewing class, Ally." She nods her head, nervously backing out of the classroom.

I relaxed my unknowingly tight muscles with a sigh. "Mr. Haynes," I try to lecture him, but he interrupts me.

"Oh, don't start it with Mr. Haynes," he smiles as he says it, placing his finger back on my chin.

I correct myself. "Colton... that was close. Too close."

He nods in agreement, and I decide I'd lecture him in the car on the way home. We walk to the auditorium in our school, me a few paces behind him. "Wait!" I remembered. "What about what you 'needed from your office'?" I remind him.

Colton keeps walking at his brisk pace. His broad shoulders moved slightly with each step, his shirt showing each of his many muscles. I still didn't understand what he saw in me! "We'll just say we couldn't find it," he decides. I nod my head, though he couldn't see it.

The weeks flew by. The play was to be performed right before winter break, which wasn't too far away. Everything about it had been coming together perfectly. Colton had had a few more slip ups, but we got past them, and still hadn't been caught. My physical therapy had been going great, and I was almost fully recovered, thoughts of side effects getting lower and lower each day.

One day, when Colton came home after I had, his head was hanging low. I asked him what was wrong, and he sighed. "I have to go away for winter break. I won't be able to spend it with you and Ash. It's about work, and I'm really sorry, but I have to." He explains.

I put my arm around him. "It's okay, Colton. It's okay." Winter break was about one more week away, and lasted two.

Colton put his head in his hands. "Jax, it might be easier if we just put this on 'pause', just so it's easier to leave. I know that that's hard, and it will be for me too, but-"

I cut him off. "Hey, whatever you need to do, Colton. It's fine."

He nods his head, and remembers one more thing. "And, I'm going to have to spend the rest of the week in another house." He says as if it was nothing.

I retract my arm. "What! How will me and Ash survive! I can't get a job yet! And what about physical therapy?! I-I can't go through this on my own!"

Colton let's me put my head on his chest. "I know, I know. It's a lot to take in. But, I'll leave you two with some money to take care of yourselves. And, I'll come to this week's therapy, as always, but I won't be able to during break. I have to travel for work, and... I'm sorry. I really am. But, I think we should try to put this on pause for the time being."

I look up at him from my position on his chest. "Just one more night?" I desperately ask him.

He laughs, kissing my head. "One more night." He agrees.

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