12-"I'm locked in!"

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I woke up on Sunday morning in a different bed, different house. That was when I remembered I was in Jax's house. And, speaking of Jax, our naked bodies lay in that bed, shoved against each other.

I remembered all of last night, and had no headache, which meant I didn't have any alcohol last night. This wasn't just a drunk decision. I just willingly had sex with my student. It was finally legal for me to do so in the age department, but otherwise...

Jax started stirring beside me. Turning to me, he opened his eyes. "Morning, handsome," I tell him, just like the time we woke up cuddling.

After rubbing his eyes and stretching, Jax responded. "Morning." His voice was raspy, and deeper than normal. His hair was everywhere, and he had morning breath. Yet, it was one of the cutest sights I've ever seen. Despite Jax's cuteness, I couldn't focus on him. I had to focus on other things. Zander. My job. "What are you thinking?" He asks.

I put my arm around him. "Oh, nothing." He gives me a look, a look that was saying 'don't lie to me', or 'really?'. "Fine. I was thinking about all of this. Us. Zander. My job. Your little brother. Everything." I rant to him.

He ran his hands through my hair, looking deep into my eyes. "Colton. Stop. One thing at a time. What was the first thing you said? Us?" I nod my head. "Well, what about 'us'?" He questions.

It was a good question. What about us? We couldn't really do much, considering the other things I listed. And Jax knew this. So, what about 'us'? There were other reasons it was a bad idea, too. What if I hurt Jax? I couldn't live with myself if I did that. "Jax... I'm not sure. I don't think there CAN be an us!" I try to explain.

Jax nods, clearly trying to hide his pain. "Yeah. And what about Zander?" He moves on. "He wouldn't be on to this. I've made anything even with the chance of being seen as over the teacher/student boundary seem like it was school related."

I nod my head. He was smart. Jax was always smart. "Yeah I guess. But, we should still be careful around him."

"I agree. And same thing with your job, and my brother. How would anybody find out if we have good enough excuses?"

I was still hesitant, but went along with it. "Yeah. Totally. It'll be okay." I say more to myself than Jax.

"It will be okay, Colton. I promise." He tries to assure me even more, which I was thankful for.


I was the first one awake in the Miller household that Monday morning, as I expected. I had to be out of the house before they probably even had to be up. So, I grabbed a protein bar as my breakfast, and went to the school.

As soon as I got there, the same student I recognized as Zander approached me. "Mr. Haynes, can I talk to you for a moment?" He angrily asks me.

I keep walking into the building. "Come to my office." Is all I tell him. I hear his footsteps behind me to know that he was following me to my office. As soon as we get in there, I close the door. "Yes, what would you like, Zander?"

He scoffs. "I'd like to know why you always hold Jax back after choir. And, why you keep hitting on him. And, hm, maybe why you had a one night stand with him before the school year." He finishes.

I lean back in my desk chair. "Well, Zander, firstly he stays behind because I'm the school councilor, and I have to address him as one. But, I'm not sure Jax would enjoy his private information being shared, so I won't share specifics. Also, I'm not hitting on him. I know he is dating you, and I know he is much too young for me, besides the fact that the teacher student relationship is not allowed. And, furthermore I would like to know why you have been stalking your teacher's sex life. Also, that wasn't Jax, because that would be rape. He was seventeen then, right? So, anymore questions, Zander?" I smirk. Good thing Jax had caught me up on all of the lies he's told people so we didn't seem suspicious.

Zander sat on my couch, eyes wide with surprise and defeat. But, only for a second. After that second, I saw anger. An anger that no one should have inside of them. "No! I know you're lying, Mr. Haynes!" He bolts up, and points his finger at me. "I know you're lying!"

I stay calm in my chair. "Alexander, I believe it would be appropriate for you to leave now." I use his full name to cause more irritation.

He sighs in defeat before walking out.


My last period comes rolling around, and in comes Jax. He sits in the front, so it was easy to sneak little smirks at him throughout the class. Jax tried to hide his blushing when he caught me looking at him, but always failed miserably. But, that was okay. I thought it was cute when he did that.

I don't bother to call him over at the end of class, knowing we'll see each other soon at home. I have to leave earlier than him, and get home later, but I'd still get time with him.

So, as Jax and the other students left, I brought my supplies up to my office. I had a few assignments to grade, and I had to plan the next class, but I didn't have to do much.

After I finished my limited work in my office, I tried to open the door. But, it was stuck. I looked out the blinds of my window to see a chair locking me in, and a note. The note read:

Jax is mine. This is what happens when you flirt with the wrong person.

So, I was stuck in my office. I picked up my phone. But, the school had such bad reception I couldn't call or text anybody.

I started banging on my door, hoping to catch somebody's attention. "Help!" I screamed out. "I'm locked in!"

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