7-"Please don't leave."

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I lay in bed that Saturday morning. I was pretty sure I had a broken rib or two, but all I could think was that I needed a drink.

So, I painfully stood up, and walked to a nearby bar. Again, even though I was only seventeen, with enough connections and a believable fake ID, you can get most things.

So, I drank. And I drank. And I drank.

But, I didn't only drink. I thought, too. Mostly of Colton. He was so sweet, kind, caring, smart, talented, hot, magnificent, strong, buff... the list went on and on.

After I ran out of money, I struggled to walk home drunk. Luckily, a car that I recognized recognized me. Colton pulled over. "You're drunk. Get in," he tells me.

I smile, and happily get in. He drives us to his house, where I keep giggling like a little girl. "Mr. Haaaaaaaaaynes! Cooooooooooolton!" I whine. He keeps me up right, and I giggle. I turn around and push him against the wall.

I was so drunk. Too drunk to care. I pushed my lips into his, and he kissed me back. There I was, in my teacher's house, kissing him. Again.


Finally, he pulls away. "Shit. This-this wasn't supposed to happen," he nervously says.

I frown. "But, Mr. Haynes, did you not like it?" I drunkenly ask.

Colton sighs, still pressed against the wall. "Don't call me Mr. Haynes," He tells me.

I look at him as he switches our positions so I'm pressed up against the wall by him. "Don't you like being called that, Mr. Haynes?" I ask, giggling knowing that I found his horny spot.

Colton sighed again. "God, What you'll do to me, Jax. What you'll do to me." I push my lips onto his, sick of his talking. As he pulls away, he laughs a little, and says, "Not that bad."

I giggle at the horrible joke. Even overly drunk, I could see that Colton made me feel better. Happier. "Colton," I start, running my fingers through his hair.

He laughs. "Yes, Jax?"

"Will you cuddle with me?" I ask. He sighs, and picks me up, lying me on his couch.

We cuddle next to each other for a little while, before anybody speaks. Colton was the one to break the silence. "Jax, What about your Boyfriend, Zander?" He asks. I sigh, and turn my body around to face him.

I was too drunk to really know what to say, so I just said the truth. "Oh, screw that guy!" Colton looked at me, wide eyed, open mouth. "I'm only 'dating' him because he's blackmailing me. Well, us really. About the one night stand deal," I rant. Whenever I was drunk, I couldn't find the strength to lie. And, I couldn't in this instant either.

Colton puts his arm around me, his eyes still wide in surprise. "What?!" He exclaims. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks.

I frown, thinking he was angry. "W-Well, you were really mad at me, and, and..." tears start to fill my eyes, as I sighed out a beer filled breath. Drunk meant over emotional.

Colton chuckles a little before bringing me tighter. "Oh, no, baby I didn't mean to upset you," he apologizes, kissing my forehead.

We stayed cuddling most of the day, and I even stayed over and slept like that with Colton. When I woke up, I remembered it all. I turned to see Colton still asleep next to me, his arm around me.

But, unlike the last time, I let it stay there. Soon, Colton woke up, still holding me. I turn to him. "Morning, handsome," I greet him.

He laughs. "Morning. I can't believe this is happening. This is so wrong, but-" He starts.

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