1-"What's your name, handsome?"

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Jax had just been left to die. Or, that's how he thought of it. His mother has just left him with his abusive father, not even putting up a fight for him. She just packed up and left. Or, that's how Jax saw it.

That was how Jax got to the club that night. He knew his boyfriend Rhett would not appreciate where he was, but Jax was too drunk to care.

He hoped the drinks would make him happier, make him forget. But, they did the opposite. He was saddened even more. He kept playing the scene over and over in his head. The screaming in his parents' bed room, while he was sitting on their steps to the front door. The door slam. The angry heels down the exact steps he was on. The screams from his father, ridding his mother of their life. The taxi pulling up. The car door closing. The taxi driving off. His dad, pulling him up, into the house. The sound of his dad's belt unbuckling. The sharp whip of the leather hitting his skin. The cries. His cries.

That was why Jax was at the club that night, drinking away his sorrows. Thoughts of his older brother flashed through his mind. Dash had had the courage to find happiness. Dash had killed himself a month or two before this day, and thoughts of him swarmed Jax's mind. Should he follow his footsteps?

His thoughts were interrupted by another clearly drunk man patting his back. "Let me buy you a drink," the man offered. Jax politely declined. He was always surprised whenever somebody flirted with him. He was slightly on the paler side, with curly brown hair, and green eyes.

The mystery man now sitting next to Jax was different, Jax thought. He had nice brown hair, and blue eyes. His smile was wide and white, but smelled of the beer he was drinking.

Despite his wishes, the mystery man bought Jax an unneeded drink. "So," said the man, turning to a nervous Jax. "What's your name, handsome?"

Jax blushed at the stranger calling him 'handsome', and in his drunk state, couldn't help but smile and giggle like a little girl. "I'm Jax. And yourself?" He asked, taking a sip from his new drink.

"Colton," the man now known as Colton replied. Colton found himself very attracted to Jax, not worrying at any consequences.

Jax hummed. "Interesting name, Colton. Colton. Colton." Jax repeated the name, enjoying how it felt coming off his drunk tongue. He seemed slightly happier around Colton. Suddenly, Jax felt the mans hand on his leg.

"I like yours too, Jax." He said, looking deep into Jax's eyes. Colton felt like he could get lost in them, and would never want to find his way back. He slowly leaned into Jax, closing his eyes.

Jax was thankful Colton's eyes were closed, because it meant he didn't see Jax's nervous face. Still, Jax went with it, and leaned into the kiss. Soon, the kiss got more intense, their bodies clashing.

"Colton," Jax sighed out, looking into his eyes, and seeing nothing but lust. Lust meant for him. Jax smiled just at the thought, Colton's lips clashing back into his.

Colton pulled away, blood filling his entire body. Entire body. "My hotel room is just next building. Follow me," he instructed Jax. Jax looked stunned, and Colton started walking out of the club, dragging Jax with him.

Colton didn't think. All he knew was that he wanted Jax, and wanted him now. He was fairly sure Jax felt the same way about him.

They rushed up to Colton's room, and Jax didn't think twice before reconnecting their lips. In Colton's lips, warmth, and safety, Jax forgot all about Rhett, his mom, his dad, and Dash. All he thought about was the man removing both of their tops.

Soon, the rest of their clothes were on the floor, and Jax was on his fours on the hotel bed. Jax had never done anything before, but because he was so drunk he didn't care.

Colton also didn't care. Colton didn't care about his father kicking him out of their house at that dinner. Didn't care that none of his siblings tried to support him. He only cared about the young man in front of him.


The next morning, Jax awoke due to an arm wrapped around him. He was confused. He looked around, and didn't know where he was. He didn't know who the man next to him was. He didn't know why both of their clothes were on the ground. And frankly, Jax didn't care.

Jax slowly removed the arm around him, and memories of last night flooded his head. His mom. The club. The drink. The kiss. The hotel room. Colton. The man's name, as Jax now remembered, was Colton.

Colton started stirring in the hotel bed he was now alone in, Jax standing up putting on his clothes. As Colton woke up, he looked at Jax, and laughed. "Why are you leaving so soooooon?" He asked. Colton was like this whenever he was hungover, and high on sex.

Jax didn't respond, and rushed to put on the rest of his clothes before rushing out of the hotel room. He worried as he made his way back home. Did his dad notice he was gone? What would he do if he had?

Colton lay in bed, still recovering memories of the last night. His father had told him to leave his house, and never come back. That was the first thing he remembered. His two brothers and sister did nothing to fight for him, nor did his mother. Then, the club. Drink after drink, and suddenly sitting next to someone. The man he woke up next to. Jax, he remembered. He and Jax had come to his hotel room, and had sex.

Colton had a mix of emotions. He was disappointed Jax had left so soon, but he was also over emotional when he was hungover. Eventually, Colton stopped trying to think, and fell back asleep due to his splitting headache. God, he hated hangovers.

Jax had managed to get into his house, unnoticed by his father who probably also had a hangover. Jax slipped into the comfort of his own bed, slipping into a hungover sleep.

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