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"No." He told me coldly. "No, I'd hate to."

My face fell. How could he say this! "But, Colton! She's my mom, I want to give her a second chance!" I tell him, laying in my bed the morning after the call with my mother. "We could have dinner, and I could finally have a family again!"

Colton wiped some tears that I didn't even know were falling from my eyes. "Hey, I'm your family, remember?" He kisses my head, and I instantly felt better.  "And, if you care about it this much, fine. But I can't promise I'll like it." He says with a wink.

I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling his lips to mine. I give him a long, passionate kiss, and smile through it. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I yell at him.

He laughs, ruffling my hair. "Those painkillers for your neck should start to work soon, but you need to rest. I'll take care of Ash."

I smile, trailing my thumb on his shoulder blade. "Thank you," I say, feeling myself drifting off to sleep.

He kisses my forehead again. "No problem, princess." He says with a smirk. I would fight back, but I could already feel myself falling asleep.

I woke up to the sound of some yelling at the front door. "I can't believe he wants you back in his life!" I couldn't make out the voice, but I assumed it was Colton, because it was a deep male voice.

"I cannot believe he wants you in his life." This voice was not yelling, and it sounded more female. Mom?

I was still too tired to be sure of who was talking, but I was fairly sure they were arguing. The voices, who I assumed were Colton and Mom, were agitated.

I heard Colton groan. "Fine. But I'll be here when you break his heart." He says.

I hear footsteps walking towards my room, and pretend to be asleep as to not wanting to be caught ease dropping.

The door slowly opens and light pours into my dark room. "Hey, baby." Colton says, sitting on my bedside. He strokes my hair. "How are you feeling?"

I open my eyes, ignoring the burn from the sudden light. I reach my hand up to wipe a hair away from Colton's face. "Good." I smile.

He leans down to kiss me. "Good. Your mother is here." I had to resist saying that I already knew.

I nod my head, and Colton gets up. He blows a kiss over to me, and warmth fills my body. I loved him.

I got dressed and hopped into my wheelchair, rolling out of my room. My mom runs up to me, arms open just like the day I saw her on my doorstep. "Jaxie!" She wraps her arms around me.

I stiffen at the action. I was still not used to having mother's love, and it felt strange. Almost... too real. Too perfect.

"Hi, Mom." I was starting to have my doubts because of the conversation I overheard, but pushed them out of my head. My mom would never leave me again. Right?

We sat down to dinner, along with Ash. Ash wasn't biologically related to my mom, but it still felt like we were just one big family. I could tell Colton tried not to show his doubts, but I could tell. I always could.

At the end of the dinner, Mom leaves and I'm in the living room with Colton and Ash. Ash's head was in my lap, close or in sleep, and my head was leaning on Colton's shoulder, his arm around my body.

I nested my head further into his abs. "Hey Colton?" I said a little nervously.

"Uh huh?" He strokes my hair back a little.

I started to fidget with my fingers. "Why do you hate my mom?" I ask.

He didn't answer. His body tensed up, and his arm pulled away. I lifted my head from his chest. His teeth and fists were clenched. "I... I don't hate her." I didn't believe him. "Why would you think that?" He tries to relax his body. He puts on a fake smile that I saw right through.

"Colton. During dinner... you clearly weren't happy." He was surprised that someone had seen through his act, but it was obviously going to be me. "And... I heard you yelling at her at the door." I admit.

Colton stands up. He picks Ash up from my lap, and brings him to his room upstairs. I frown that I had made him leave. But, soon he comes back down. He picks me up, making me giggle. He had a smirk on his lips as he leaned down to kiss me. He set me down on my bed, snuggling up to me.

He sighed loudly. "I'm sorry you had to hear that, Jax." He wholeheartedly says. He pushed his body closer to mine. "It's just... what if you get hurt again? What if..." his voice cracked, and I could feel a tear hit my shoulder. I knew what he was getting at.

"No, Colton. No!" I was stroking his hair back. I connected our lips for a second. "Colton, it will be okay! I'm never going down that road again." I try to reassure him.

Colton was worried that I would start hurting myself again. I understood why, but at this point it all seemed past me.

He takes in a deep breath to compose himself. "Of course. I just care about you, that's all."

We lay there in complete silence until sleep fell upon us. Our bodies were rubbing against each other, his arm around me.

I knew I had school tomorrow. He knew he had work tomorrow. We both knew we couldn't stay like this forever.

But, it felt like we could.

It felt like we would never be separated.

And at that point in time, I thought that that would be true. I thought what I had said was true. I thought we were going to have our happily ever after. I thought I was done hurting myself. I thought we'd be able to stay perfect forever.

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