6-"You need to eat."

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It had been about a week or two, and Jax hadn't had much more food than a sandwich. His half brother Ash and his father have made it rather hard.

Jax made his way to his mandatory gym class at the end of the week, two days after his panic attack. Everything had returned to 'normal' between him and Colton.

Running laps during the class, Jax started getting lightheaded. Soon after that, he fainted. Zander and Colton had carried him this time, seeing as Zander was now his boyfriend, which Colton did not know. "Who even are you?" Colton asked Zander after setting Jax on the couch in his office.

Zander laughed. He knew what had happened between him and Jax, but Colton didn't know that. "I'm Jax's boyfriend," He smugly tells the teacher.

Colton frowned. He had found himself unwillingly gaining feelings for Jax, and hearing that he had a new boyfriend after breaking up with Rhett broke his heart. But, Colton would never admit that.

Colton stayed by Jax's side as he was out. Zander had returned to his normal classes, and Colton felt obligated to stay with his student. He grabbed the hand of the student, and squeezed. "You need to eat," he whispered to the unconscious body.

Eventually, Jax woke up to see Colton. He tried to speak, but found his throat too dry to do so. Colton understood, and grabbed him a bottle of water along with a tray of food.

After drinking some of the water, Jax found his voice in the silent office. "What happened?" He managed to ask. He took a bite of the slice of pizza in front of him.

Colton laughed. "You didn't eat. You didn't have enough food in your system to even do the simple activity of running," he explains to his student. "Me and your boyfriend brought you in here after you blacked out in gym."

Jax looked at Colton, confused. "Boyfriend?" He asked. Jax looked back through his memories, and remembered he definitely broke up with Rhett, so who, he thought, could his teacher be talking about?

"Zander?" Colton answers. Well, he more asked to be sure. Jax remembered, and nodded his head. As Jax was eating the pizza, Colton decided to start some small talk. "So, when are you turning eighteen?" He asks.

Jax swallows a bite of his pizza. "Halloween," he answers. Colton nods. "So, in a couple weeks I guess."

Colton smiles slightly. "What are you doing for it?" He asks Jax. He secretly hoped he'd be able to do something with Jax, but knew it wouldn't be possible. It was unrealistic.

"Nothing," Jax sighs. "My dad doesn't really let me do much." He answers. Jax never really cared about his birthday. It just meant he'd not get whipped with his father's belt, as Ash and some lady would be around all day.

Not knowing what to say next, Colton just nodded his head and hummed an understanding hum. "So, Jax... due to your lack of eating, you'll have to come in here every lunchtime to eat a meal I have made for you, and you can't leave until you have finished it," Colton explained. Jax groaned, clearly annoyed. Colton laughed at the gesture, "I know, I know. It's stupid, but it's the school's rule, not mine. I'm sorry," he apologizes while still laughing a little.

The day ends, and Jax reluctantly goes home. This was the worst time- it was the time between when he got home and when Ash got home.

Jax steps into the house, immediately removing his shirt. His dad walked down the stairs after hearing the door shut, but didn't come down with a belt like he normally does. "Fuck you," is all he says before landing a punch right on Jax's stomach.

Jax tumbled to the ground, surprised at the use of his father's fist. On the ground, his father kicked his ribs. Over and over, until it hurt Jax just to breathe. The pain was sharp, worse than ever experienced. Jax crawled up the stairs at the order of his father, not being able to stand.


As Colton got home, he couldn't help but worry about Jax. He had just practically starved himself, and now he was going home to an abusive father.

Colton tried not to think of Jax. He really did. But, he failed. The more he tried to forget Jax, the more present he was in his thoughts. Would he be okay? Would he be safe? Would he get fed? Would he get loved?

The last thought made Colton sigh. He saw Jax in a different way than he should. He wasn't just a student, as he should have been. He seemed to fill a hole in Colton's heart that hadn't been filled before. Jax was cheerful, happy, bright, and best of all, cute.

But, Jax was a student. Colton couldn't do anything about that. He was underage, and a student. Well, he was going to be eighteen soon...

But, there was no way Jax would want a relationship with him! Colton thought. This was the reason Colton went to the bar the night he brought Jax home. Jax was the reason he got drunk out of his mind. He didn't expect to kiss Jax, that was just an added bonus.

Colton laughed at the memory. He was so drunk that he kissed his student! A really attractive one, but one, nonetheless. He looked back at the beginning of the year. All of the girls were drooling over him until he said he was gay. And then, most of the boys started drooling over him.

Colton didn't enjoy one thing about that day, though. He slapped Jax. Was mean to Jax. All because he was angry. Angry at himself. Colton saw Jax was younger than him, but he looked older than seventeen! But, he made a mistake. He never should have gotten drunk enough to do that. He felt ashamed, not just for sleeping with Jax, but for slapping and hurting him.

That was why he was trying to be nicer. Take action. He felt bad. And even though he couldn't date Jax, Colton wanted to at least be able to be friends.

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