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I shook my head, tears streaming out of my eyes. "You let him get hurt!" I scream at the lady standing in front of me. She had curly hair, like Jax, but a lighter shade of brown. "You let an innocent seventeen year old boy getting beaten by his father!"

The lady in front of me also had tears running down her face, but very few, as if they were fake. "Who are you to judge me, and my life?! You don't know the first thing about me!" She accuses me.

The tears that once ran down my face had dried, and I was left with pure fury. "The pain you caused Jax is unimaginable! You should have been a better mother!" I may not have known much about the lady on my doorstep, but I knew enough. "He has had to raise his little half-brother on his own! He had to get whipped with a belt every evening by his father!" My teeth were gritted, and my knuckles were white as a ghost. I slowly stepped closer to the woman, who had introduced herself as 'Robin, Jax's mother' like it was nothing.

"May I just see him?" She asks me.

I shake my head. "He's not here. You are part of the reason he is where he is right now." Jax was at therapy after I had found those cuts on his arm three weeks ago.

Robin looked shocked. "He's dead?" She asks.

I scoff. "No, you idiot! He's depressed, not dead!" I finally walk into our house, closing the door on her still begging face.

Ash was right by the door, a questioning look on his face. "Who was that?" He asks.

I harshly grab my car keys from the table, along with my coat. "No one. Now, I gotta get Jax, be good." I tell him. Ash nods his head, and walks over to his room.

I walk back outside, Robin still there. "Please, just let me see my son!" She begs.

I walk right past her, and hop in my car. I drove off, anger surging through my veins. I was so angry I didn't even notice that my knuckles had paled while I was clenching the steering wheel.

As I relaxed my body waiting for Jax outside his therapy appointment, I thought about what Robin said. Should I let her see her son? Let her explain herself?

Jax gets in the car with his wheelchair, smiling wide. "How was it?" I ask, pulling out of my parking space and back onto the road.

"Good," Jax answers, throwing his coat in the backseat. "We made some progress about where all this stuff stems from."

I nod my head. I had to tell him. I knew Robin wouldn't just leave. She'd be waiting there until she got to see Jax. "Jax, I have something to tell you."

He looked at me, concerned. "Is everything all right?" He asks quickly.

I nod my head. "Of course. Just... your mother came by the house. She was looking for you. Wanted to explain herself.

Jax's whole body tensed. "No. No, I can't see her. Never again."

"Why?" I ask him.

"Well, the progress me and Dr. Amy made today was that it was my background that stemmed this depression and anxiety. My mother and father."

I nod my head. "I understand. But, maybe if you talk to her, find her reasoning, it could help?" I wasn't sure I liked the idea of Jax talking to his mom, but I knew it would inevitably come. He didn't look too convinced at the idea either. "Hey, don't worry. I'll watch, make sure everything goes fine." I assure him.

He sighs, loosening up a little. "Fine. But only if you support me." I nod my head. I'd always support him.

As we approach home, we see Robin sitting on our steps. The same steps that Jax had sat on, watching her leave. Jax takes a deep breath, and rolls out of the car. I follow him.

"Baby!" She runs up to him, her arms wide open for a hug. "What happened to your legs?!"

Jax puts his hand out, keeping her away. "Not yet. Please explain yourself first." He said in a professional tone, me putting my hand on his shoulder.

She nodded her now sad head. "Okay, well... well, I didn't want to leave you!" She says.

Jax tensed up a little. "So why did you?" His teeth were gritted, and anger - no, fury - flashed in his deep green eyes.

"Jax!" Robin sighed. "I love you!"

"Bullshit!" Jax yells at his mom, making her flinch. "If you loved me so much you'd have a real reason for leaving me alone to die!" He screamed. My grip on his shoulder strengthened. "Bullshit!" Tears were falling out from his eyes.

Jax was barely breathing. "Jax?" His mother questions.

I shove her away from him. "Look at what you did, you idiot! He's having a panic attack!" His chair, which was not motorized, started leaning back, but I held it up, preventing it from touching the cool cement beneath us."Jax, it's okay! Breathe!" I yell at him. His hand moves to his heart, and his breathing started again, but it was clearly forced. Jax finally came back from his attack, and started rolling to my car, leaning the back of his head against it. I touched our foreheads, getting on my knees. Robin stayed at where I had shoved her. "Jax, it's okay. It's all going to be okay," I whisper to him.

He shakes his head, a few tears still falling. "Make her leave." His voice was weak, and barely audible, but stern. "Make her leave!" He cried again, his voice cracking halfway through it. This time he said it loud enough for Robin to hear. I looked at her with an angry look, to see what only looked like fake sadness in her eyes.

My teeth were sealed tight. "Leave." Is all I tell her before she hops in her car. We hear the engine start, and she looks back at us before driving off.

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