13-"I promise."

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Colton hadn't come home for a while, and I will admit I started to get worried. I couldn't leave, though, because I had to take care of Ash.

A few hours after school ended, Colton finally came back. "Colton! Where were you? Are you okay?" I ask.

He sighs and throws his bag on a table. "Your stupid 'boyfriend' locked me in my office! The janitor finally came around to get me out." He explains to me, visibly annoyed.

I didn't know what to say. Ash came over after hearing all the commotion. "What happened?" He asked.

Colton sighs again. "Nothing, buddy," he ruffles Ash's hair. "Now, go play outside or something." I smile seeing how good Colton was with Ash as he runs off to his video games.

Colton turns back to me. "You need to do something about Zander. He was questioning me this morning, and then locked me in my own fucking office!" He was angry. I could see it in his eyes. But, besides anger there was something else in his gaze. Worry? Was he worried about Zander? "Jax, please be careful around this guy." Colton warns me. Was he worried about me?

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Colton. It will be okay, kay?" I try to reassure him. "I promise."

We make our way to a couch, and plop down. "I'm not sure, Jax. I'm really not sure." And I wasn't either.


Everybody was asleep. I lay awake on my bed, eyes wide open. The cuts on my arm had healed, and were nothing but little memories. Thanksgiving was coming, and we were out of school after Friday. But, me and Ash had nowhere to go. I had just started looking for a job, and I was worried about Zander. Well, less about Zander than Colton.

So, that night I traveled down to the kitchen.

Why did the one person that cares about me not be able to have a relationship with me? Why could I not protect the one person that cares about me?


It was Friday morning. The end of the week. Because of the colder weather, nobody questioned my use of a coat, though it was not to keep me warm.

Nobody had noticed the new cuts on my arm. I made sure nobody noticed. But, because I had to wear a coat, my tattoo was covered. It was harder to remember why I was still alive. Why I should live.

Choir comes, and even then I couldn't get my spirits up. But, I managed to not have Colton notice.

As school ended, I just got into Zander's car, too depressed to fight him. But, apparently he wasn't. "Jax, I want you to transfer out of Mr. Haynes class." He tells me while driving.

I groan. "Zander, can we please not do this?" I ask, annoyed.

"No, Jax! I'm concerned about you! He's clearly hitting on you, and I won't take that!"

"Zander." My teeth were clenched tightly, my knuckles had turned white from making fists, and my eyes were sealed shut. "You don't control me. So stop acting like it."

Zander pulled over, and gripped my knee. "Babe. I just care about you."

I try to open my door, but Zander had locked the car. "Zander, let me go."

"Jax, I don't suggest you talk to me like that."

I scoffed. "I doubt you have any evidence. You probably have nothing about anything on me! You have no proof!" I accuse him.

He chuckled a little. "And what if I do? What if I don't? I'm an honor student, never get in trouble, and I have my word. Mr. Klark will believe me." Mr. Klark was our principle, the one who could get Colton fired and arrested.

I knew Zander was right. I knew I didn't want to get expelled. I knew I didn't want Colton arrested. But, I also knew what Colton told me. I had to be careful around Zander. Zander was bad for me. In every way possible.

"You know what, Zander? I'm sick of you. Do what you want, we're done." I force myself out of his car, and walk away.

After a few minutes of walking, I just sat down under a tree. Under that tree, I thought about things. My life. My miserable, miserable life. I thought of Dash. I thought about following in his footsteps. Colton took better care of Ash than me.

After a while of sitting under the tree, a familiar car came by. Colton. He stopped, and opened the passenger door, knowing it was me. "What were you doing out there, Jax?" He asks after I step in the car and shut the door.

I shrug. "I don't know. Stuff." I depressingly try to explain.

"Jax. What happened? What's wrong?" He asks more sternly this time.

"I need a drink." I don't answer his question. I couldn't tell him his job was at stake!

"Jax. You cannot drink. You're not even old enough to!" He started getting angry, and we had a silent ride the rest of the way home.

When we did get home, Ash was there doing homework. "Hey, buddy!" Colton greets him as we enter. He throws his keys on the table, and goes over to help him with whatever he was working on.

I just walked over to the fridge. My dad always kept some spare beer around, and I made sure to save it. I opened a bottle and took a swig of it. I then proceeded to make my way up to my room.

Who really needed me? Ash had Colton, all my friends had left, Colton had other students... I was useless. Just a waste of space. I kept drinking. And drinking. In fact, I ended up finishing three whole bottles of beer. By that point, Ash had gone to bed, but I couldn't find myself doing anything but adventure.

I drunkenly try to walk down the stairs. "Whooohooooo!" I scream after successfully making it down one stair. Then another, and after a few I got confident. I could do this! I had all the balance in the world.

So, please check out my other books! This is by far my best, but I want to hear opinions on my other ones!

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