One shot #20 ~ One Whole Week (part two)

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Ok so if any of you are confused, I had part one of this one shot as a draft for ages. Like, I updated between writing it and so it's not at the end where it should be. If you haven't read that part I HIGHLY suggest you read it (obviously because this part carries on from it). I do this a lot, I start things and keep them as drafts, then finish them at a later date. At one point I had like three going at the same time. Luckily I've got them all uploaded so I can create some new stuff for y'all. LY + THANKS FOR 200+ VOTES!

"I suppose it's fair. It'll be good for you to explore yourself, and I'd be happy to partake," he smirked, "but in the mean time, you should get some sleep. You look tired," He finished.
"Mhmm," I said, laying my head down on the pillow and closing my eyes.

The next day
I was ravenous the next morning. I cooked up some bacon and pancakes, the smell seemed to wake Thomas up.
"You're up early," He stated, walking into the kitchen where I was frying the last of the batter.
"I was hungry," I looked at him, "probably from what happened yesterday. You really exhausted me," I laughed, remembering what had happened.

"You blacked out, love,"

"Well, I at least you're not hurt. I was really scared I'd done something wrong," he replied, leaning on the countertop beside me.

I handed him a plate to hold for me as I served up three pancakes with bacon and maple syrup - it was his favourite, and mine.
"Thanks," He replied eyeing up the food. He sat down at the table and waited for me.

"So," He started as I sat opposite him and began to eat, "when are we gonna do this?" He asked expectantly.
"Do...what, exactly?" I asked before taking a mouthful of food.
"You said that you wanted to - you know - try it yourself. Remember? You wanted to tie me up too, just to see what it was like," he said, continuing to eat as if it were a normal topic to speak about at breakfast.

"Uh...I don't...whenever we want, I guess," I stuttered.
"Well, I was hoping sooner rather than later. I was thinking and...well, I think it'd be fun to try. I'm usually the more dominating one out of the two of us," he replied.
"...I suppose it can be arranged," I said, unable to contain my smile. I wasn't used to dominating - I liked the way Thomas did things, he took control and did exactly what I needed without me even telling him what to do. I guess trying new things wouldn't hurt, though, and I was excited to see what I would do.

I began to clear up the table. He helped, even though I didn't want him to. I cooked and so I wanted to clean.
"Sit," I ordered, food still in my mouth.
"Let me help," he said innocently, a smirk creeping on his lips. He liked to challenge me.
"Sit!" I pointed to his chair as I put the dishes in the sink, laughing at his unwillingness to just sit down and let me clean up after I'd made such a mess.
"Or what?" He raised his eyebrows, a devilish look plastered on his face.
"I said sit!" I laughed, pushing him onto his chair and straddling him, taking him by the collar and kissing him. He hugged my torso and I could feel his smile against my lips.

He deepened the kiss quickly. Then I realised why he was taunting me - he wanted it now. He wanted me to tie him up the way he did to me.

"So, I guess this is happening now, huh?" I asked him, stroking his hair.
"Yep. Unless you want me to do it..." he smirked.
"I think I've had enough black-outs for the week," I nodded, and kissed him again.

He stood up, holding my legs either side of him, and walked us to the bedroom. We crashed onto it together, our bodies intertwining. I pushed him to the side so that I was on top, and he crawled backward so that he rested upright against the headboard. He took his shirt off and tossed it to the side.

Newt/Thomas Sangster One Shots (warning: smut)Where stories live. Discover now