Part #10

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the way i'm not even bothering with the full title anymore
Trying to focus to work the next day was like trying to sleep on christmas eve. Watching him walk into the office still sent my nerves ablaze.

Though we tried to avoid eye contact for the most part, I was always so excruciatingly aware of his presence. Maybe I stole a glance or two here and there. The temptation was too much to resist.

I imagined what Thomas' place might look like. Would he have pictures on his walls? A nice rug? Any plants? How did he decorate his bedroom? To be inside his home would be a vulnerable thing. His private space, laid bare.

By the time lunch rolled around, I had already created a perfect mental image of his kitchen.

I made my way into the break-room to collect my lunch from the fridge. In my half-daze, the sound of the door opening made me flinch.

"Sorry," Thomas apologised, stifling an amused expression. I shot him a wry smile. Some other colleagues followed him soon after, so we put our conversation on hold.

He stood next to me, waiting for the coffee percolator to heat. Not too close, but close enough so that I could smell that aftershave I liked. I could've sworn he did it on purpose.

He set two porcelain mugs on the side, adding a couple of teaspoons of sugar to one of them. I remained silent as our colleagues filtered out of the break room, leaving just the two of us.

"His and hers," Thomas mocked, passing the cup to me.
"Thanks," I said with a dry smile, taking the cup from him. He turned away to face the door, leaning against the counter. Didn't want to seem to conspicuous.

His eyes lingered on me as he took a sip from his mug.

"So, uh...about tonight," I started, pulling my gaze away, "What's on the menu?"

"I, um..."
His eyebrow raised a bit, before he realised what I actually meant.

"Beef ragu. If you like."
"Sounds good." I nodded, taking a sip of my drink. 

"Forgive me, I'm just..." Thomas started, but he seemed apprehensive to tell me.
"What is it?" I questioned.
"I don't know. This is, to me." He admitted, turning his head to face me briefly.

"You're nervous." I stated. Thomas tutted.
"No, I'm not nervous," He rolled his eyes, taking another drink of his coffee, "I just...want it to go well."
"I make you nervous?" I teased, feigning shock with a hand to my chest. This time he just turned to face me, peering down. 

"I should ask you the same thing." He ground his teeth together in thought, with a tight smile.

As if to answer the question for him, I had to look away. 'Of course you do.' Couldn't just give me this one, could he?

"Hm," He confirmed, "Now get back to work."

"Fine..." I sighed, defeated, watching him go to leave the break room.

"One more thing, though," He turned back around before the closed door, "Bring an overnight bag. I think we both know you'll need one."

"...okay." I replied, heat spreading across my face. I couldn't shrink any smaller.

After that, I just carried my packed lunch back to my desk. I figured that trying to paint a mental image the interior of Thomas' house wouldn't make the day go any faster, so I just got to work. Soon enough, it was five O'clock - time to leave.

I said my goodbyes and goodnights before leaving the office, and drove myself home.
Admittedly, I was really starting to get that fluttery feeling in my stomach. It was the first time we would spend some actual, quality time together - and at that, without needing to worry about work the next day.

The first order of things was to put my hair up and run myself a bath. I needed to shake the tension. Candles, botanical oils, and bubbles would do just the trick. Once this was done, I applied a little light makeup.

Now, it was time to find a dress.

I had never owned many evening dresses. Why would I? It wasn't particularly common for me to be going somewhere that would elicit dressing up like that. Still, although limited and hiding in the depths of my wardrobe, I did have options - two dresses.

The first, a light pink dress that reached below the knee - the dress I bought for my grandma's 80th birthday. It had two layers of fabric, the upper being an airy silk mesh, and a V neck studded with small pink beads. It was pretty, but fairly simple.

The second was a similar length, but made from a beautiful pale blue-purple satin. It also had a V neck, but with spaghetti straps. This one, I preferred, but was it too much? I laid the two dresses on my bed and took a picture of each to send to Georgia.

For a few minutes, I waited nervously, wrapped in my white towel. I decided this might be a good time to pack that overnight bag. As I shoved some clothes and pyjamas into a backpack, I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks again.

'Oh wow. you have to wear the purple one. Or is it blue? idk. But the not-pink one.'

Georgia and I had similar tastes, it seemed. Though it was pretty, it was out of my comfort zone.

'Are we sure? Is it not too much?' I wrote back.

'Who's gonna judge you? Is he gonna judge you for making an effort and looking sexy?' She reasoned.

'I guess not. ok ill go for it. thx for your help. also he asked me to bring an overnight bag...'

'go get him lol. have fun. love you x'

'Love u too x'

Georgia knew me well. She knew I had a tendency to shy away from showing confidence, but always found a way to instil some in me.

After getting myself dry, I applied some Moringa scented lotion. On top of that, a few spritz's of my favourite perfume - a sweet but woody and floral scent.

If there was anything I could always own about myself, it was smelling good.

Finally, it was time to wear the dress. I picked it up off the bed, admiring how the material reflected the low light of my bedroom.

Once it was on, I knew Georgia and I had made the right decision. It hugged my body in all the right places, and the silk flowed like water. I turned around to admire the other side of the dress, which only covered the bottom half of my back. I furrowed my brows, though, at the outline of my underwear, which showed quite clearly under the light-catching satin.

Would it be such a crime to not wear any?

I slipped them off. Much better.

To finish off, I picked up a matching pair of earrings and necklace from my jewellery dish. A small oval of amethyst set in silver, hung from a dainty silver chain - which the earrings matched. Incidentally, the colour of the stone complimented the dress.

By then, it was close to seven O'clock. I took a deep breath and slipped on some low heels - to wear flats with a dress like that would be a disservice. To stay warm, I layered a thick white fleece.

One by one, I switched off the lights in my bedroom, and then shut the bedroom door.  Sat on the sofa by the front window, overnight bag at my feet, I waited for Thomas' headlights to illuminate the road outside.

At one minute past seven, they did. He parked outside on the street and made his way up the drive. Once he was at the door, he knocked.

One last deep breath, and I was ready. I got up to answer the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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