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HI GUYS! I started this shitty book years ago, never could've imagined it would get the attention it has. I'm so grateful for all the votes, kind messages, and feedback you've all given me.

With this platform I have, I have a responsibility to keep you all safe. The last thing I want is to make anyone upset! So I'm gonna include these general trigger warnings, along with warnings at the beginning of each chap where applicable. If any of these are seriously damaging to you I recommend that you watch out for the parts where they crop up.

Knives, sex/sexual scenes, power-play, domination, language, talk around depression/suic*de/, bondage, abuse, unhealthy relationships, degradation in a sexual context, murder, blood/gore

Damn it seems kinda dark with them all laid out there. Some of them aren't reoccurring, while others are. Just be careful pls!

Also, it goes without saying, given the 'mature' tag, but I don't want anyone super young to read this. It's just really not suitable and like as an almost 20 year old it's kind of creepy to think children might read this lmao.

Also important to mention, since starting this book my writing style has improved dramatically. If you're only planning on reading one or two chapters, I would recommend reading the later ones. I plan on going back and editing the early parts to make them less cringe and more in line with my current skill level, but frankly, going back and reading my old work has been literally so painful it's AWFUL. One day, promise.

That's basically all I need to say. I have no plans on stopping writing this book anytime soon - it's kinda ongoing, I just publish whenever I have a good idea and a crumb of motivation. My most recent book (Lt. Sangster) has been super successful so far, so if you read only one of my works then make it that one!

Thanks guys,

NewtsGoggles x

Newt/Thomas Sangster One Shots (warning: smut)Where stories live. Discover now