One Shot #3 ~ Intoxicated

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My eyelids opened reluctantly at the coarse knocking at the door. I groaned, rolling out of bed and checking the time.


The knocking continued.

"Alright! Alright, I'm coming," I complained, stumbling down the stairs in the dark.

As I unlatched the door, I realised how dangerous it was.

Mother had sat me down one time, and said, 'Primrose. You need to have your wits about you.' after I'd almost been conned and had my phone stolen.

I opened the door cautiously, but instantly was reassured when the familiar smell of Thomas' aftershave wafted through the gap.

"Hey," he said drunkenly whilst leaning on the doorframe, a clumsy smile playing on his lips.
"What're you doing here...?" I asked drearily.
"I seemed to have locked myself out of my flat," he continued, "and I thought you might be able to help me,"
"Are you alright?" I asked, not too concerned.
"Fine," he smiled warmly.

I stood aside and gestured into the living room.
"I'll get you some water," I said more to myself than him. I padded to the kitchen and poured him a glass, coming back and placing it on the coffee table.

"Thanks," he gleamed.
"No problem," I sat on the arm of the sofa, "Have a nice night, did you...?"
"Yep," he replied, before taking a huge gulp of water.

"Well, uh," I stood up timidly, "I'm gonna go back to bed, you can sleep on he couch,"
"W-W-Wait wait wait," he slurred, looking up at me.
"What is it?"
"I have a secret, but you can't tell anyone," he said.
"Right...," I chuckled, sitting back down onto the arm of the sofa.

"So there's this girl, right," He started.
"Right," I smiled at his drunkenness.
"And she lives in a really nice apartment," he continued, "which looks a bit like this,"
"Okay...," I replied, "and what's her name?"
"Well...her name's...well, it's uh," he thought, frowning in silence for a few seconds, "Primrose. Yes, her name's primrose." He established.
"...Primrose?" I asked, taken aback.
"Yep," he continued, "she's kind, and she's got pretty eyes and hair, and she's rreeaallyy smart, and she's just the most pretty girl I've ever seen," he listed.

"Oh," I said, frowning. Surely he didn't really mean me, correct? But...then again, I hadn't heard of many Primrose's around this area.
"But she doesn't like me back, no," His face fell as he lay down on the couch, "we're just friends,"
"Well...I'm sure if you just talk to her, then she'd come through," I suggested as his eyes shut.
"Maybe," His voice was hoarse.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I whispered and got up, Thomas letting out a faint 'm-hm,' in acknowledgement.

What. The. Hell. What in the fuck just happened. Was it the truth?

I sighed in confusion as I got back into bed, laying down and studying the dust particles in the air illuminated by the moonlight.

Maybe I'll just ask him tomorrow.


I woke up the next morning under a pile of white bedsheets. Suddenly, all the memories of what had happened came flooding back.

I tumbled out of bed lazily, dragging my feet as I slumped down the stairs.

"Hey, Prim," Thomas said casually as he caught sight of me.

I watched him through the dust suspended in the air, the light filtering in through the windows.

"...hey," I replied, not so sure what to think.
"Sorry about yesterday, I uh...," He sighed, taking some fruit out of the fridge, "I got a little drunk,"
"Just a little," I mocked, my cheeks and ears heating with blush.
"I made you some food," he took two bowls and placed one on the table in my direction.
"Thanks," I chuckled.

"So...I probably don't even need to be asking this, but...," he paused, sitting opposite me on the kitchen table, "we didn' know...,"
"Oh! No, no,"
"...right." He sighed, relieved.
"But you did say something I don't think I'll ever forget," I started, taking a spoonful of fruit and yoghurt.

"Oh...oh no, what did I say...?" He stared intently.
"Well, you said that what you told me was a secret," I began, looking down and smiling, trying to hide my blushing.
"Oh jesus," he groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"You told me who you like,"

He froze.

"You told me that she lives in an apartment, much like mine actually, and that her name is...," I sighed, mocking thought, "I think it was—,"

"Ok, I think I know where this is going," he chuckled, cutting me off.
"You do, huh?" I sat back triumphantly.
"Yeah, uh," he sighed, "let me explain,"
"Go for it,"

"I like you, okay? I wasn't gonna tell you, but seeing as I already did, I don't have much choice but to explain myself," He began, rubbing his brow.

"It was when we met, that it began," he started, "but seeing as it was only a week ago since you'd split from your ex, I decided it was best not to interfere. Because of that I guess I just...I never plucked up the courage to do anything about it, and now, I suppose I'm going to spend a long time regretting that."

I sighed and nodded, acknowledging what he'd said.

"I suppose it's time I come clean too, since that's what we're doing now," I sat forward and leaned my elbows on the table, "I like you too, Thomas. So, no, you needn't worry about regretting anything,"

"Woa woa, hold up, you can't just drop a bomb like that and dismiss it!" He held his hands up in protest, a smile wider than I'd ever seen on him.

"Alright, alright," I laughed, "I actually noticed the way you backed off, and I appreciated it a lot. After that, I actually realised that I was getting feelings for you," I said seriously.

"...oh," he blinked, a trace of his smile still there.
"You done?" I asked, standing and picking up my bowl.
"Oh, uh, yeah," He said, handing me the bowl.

I picked it up and bought them to the kitchen, dumping them in the sink.

"So, uh...," I turned to face him as he leaned in the doorframe, "do you maybe wanna...go out tomorrow? On a date?"
"A date, huh?" I chuckled.
"Yeah, a date. Tomorrow at eight, take it or leave it," He teased.

I nodded, my smile uncontrollable.

"I'll take it."

Newt/Thomas Sangster One Shots (warning: smut)Where stories live. Discover now