Chapter Thirty Eight - Epilogue

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The Fiery Alpha Chapter Thirty Eight – Epilogue

*Jayden's POV*

Holding onto the bouquet of flowers, I kneeled down in front of her.

"I came to see you, Cassie." I plucked out those weeds at the side and placed the flowers in front of the tombstone. Reaching out to the tombstone, I outlined her name using my fingers.

"I'm letting you go, Cassie." My heart throbbed in pain when I said that.

"I promised to love you and only you. But I guess I'm breaking that promise now. I fell in love with her. It may be not as deep as my love towards you, however I know one day I would love her just like I love you." I paused for a while before continuing.

"Will you then be angry with me? I wonder whether Moon Goddess will say that I am greedy, wanting to have the love of 2 girls and have them both as my mate." I chuckled at my own sentence.

"She has some similar traits as you, Cassie. She is kind and caring, just like you. The difference is that she likes to bicker with me, doesn't like to listen to me. She is strong-headed and stubborn. Even though she said that I'm stubborn, I think she is the stubborn one." While I was saying this, I thought of the past where she loves to stand up to me and defied my words.

"She is strong. She doesn't like to give up easily. She is willing to protect our pack and put our pack in front of her own life." I thought of that day when she fought against The Secret Society.

She has the guts, the strength. Usually when werewolves shifted, most of the time the wolf has the control. However, during a fight, if the human side is scare or afraid, it will affect the ability of the wolf. Some humans might try to take back control and back out during a fight. Therefore, werewolves are required to be well-trained and well-prepared for fight and wars.

During a fight, the mindset of the human is important. They must be strong, have to will to fight and to protect. As for Madelynn, she is not officially trained. However, she trusted Callie fully. She doesn't fear and doesn't back out. Her determination to protect her friends is strong. In addition, she is able to analyse the situation well and make accurate decisions.

She will be a good Luna. I smiled at that thought.

"I finally see you smile." I snapped my head up when I heard her voice. I stood up from the ground and spun around.

"Cassie." She is standing in front of me, smiling brightly at me. My smile widened upon seeing her. I took a few large steps, going towards her.

"Cassie." I called her name.

"Jay." She said, smiling at me. I reached out my hand wanting to hug her but this time, I couldn't. My hands passed through her body. I couldn't feel her. I frowned at the situation.

"Don't frown. I love to see you smile instead." Cassidy said.

"Why can't I touch you?" I asked.

She started laughing at my sentence. "Silly. Of course you can't touch me. I'm dead already, Jay."

"But I could touch you previously." I argued.

"Because this time you finally let me go." Cassidy said. "You finally release yourself from the pain of losing me."

"Cassie, I-I..."

Cassidy shook her head at me. "I'm not angry. I'm happy, Jay. I'm happy that you finally found happiness. Every time you visit me, you are always in pain. However, this time you are smiling. I could finally rest in peace."


"Please be happy, always. Madelynn is a good girl. You must treat her well if not I will be angry. You wouldn't want to make me angry right?" Cassidy is making that lecturing face. I nodded at her.

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