Chapter Fourteen - The Attack

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The Fiery Alpha Chapter Fourteen – The Attack

*Jayden’s POV*

2 days later…

“Alpha, recently there are a group of rogues spotted around our borders and they have been hovering around our borders for a few days already.” Chris, delta of my pack trackers team reported. I frowned upon that news. Our land is usually free from rogues. True, that might be one or two sometimes but a group of rogues?

“However, since they did not cross our border, we couldn’t do anything to them.” Chris continued. What are they trying to do? Damn rogues.

“And there are signs of disturbances going around some packs.” Chris said.

“What do you mean by that?”

“6 years ago, the Knight Pack has been destroyed by Robert Miller. Over the years, there have continuously packs breaking apart such as Dark moon Pack, Mist Pack. 1 year ago, our pack has successfully in destroying Robert Miller…” Chris glowed in pride when he said that.

“… We thought everything would have ended. However, there have been rumours going on about the breaking of mate bonds. I have sent Luke and Liam out to investigate. They have reported that packs in other part of the country are experiencing mates going crazy because they are unable to feel the mate bond and it is mostly happening to females. It is believed that females are deemed to be much weaker than males and the mastermind behind all these choose to target the females instead. The most recent case of such event occurs in one of our neighbouring packs, the Thunder Pack. We are still unable to know who is behind all these and we do not know their motive yet. We will continue to track and report again.” Chris said.

‘Brayden, Aiden, I need the both of you in my office now.’ I immediately mind-link them and within minutes, there is a knock on my office’s door.

“Come in.” Brayden is the first to walk into the room, followed by Aiden.

“Beta. Gamma.” Chris greeted them formally. Brayden and Aiden went to sit on the sofa in my office. Chris summarised the information that he has just told me and tell Brayden and Aiden.

“There is something else that we have found.” Chris placed the folder that he all along has been holding on to my table.

“Despite having a few packs being destroyed, these recent events are similar to the incident happened to 1 pack. The Shadow Pack.”

The Shadow Pack.

4 years ago, it was reported that the mated females in the pack started going in depression. The Luna of The Shadow Pack also accused the Alpha of The Shadow Pack rejecting her as his mate. Unable to take the blow, the Luna decided to end her life. The Alpha gone crazy after losing his mate and eventually, the pack fell. However, there were people saying that the Alpha did not reject his mate. They have always been very loving. It was one day suddenly everything turned upside down.

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