Chapter Twenty Nine - The Cell

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The Fiery Alpha Chapter Twenty Nine – The Cell

*Madelynn’s POV*

When I woke up, I scanned the surrounding. The whole area is dark. The walls are made of cements and bricks. When I looked out, there are bars. Then I realised I’m in a cell. There is only some dim lights hang on the walkway outside of the cells. My hands and legs are being chained together.

“Hailey! Hailey!” I called out when I saw a figure lying on the ground in the opposite cell. No matter how I yelled or screamed her name, there isn’t any response. Just then, there is the sound of the metal gate squeaking opened and footsteps can be heard. I scurried to the front of the cell and held onto the bars.

Footsteps are heading nearer to us. As the person came out from darkness and stood under the light, I lifted up my head to look at that person. Alpha Max.

He looked over to me and then to Hailey. He then signalled his men to open Hailey’s cell gate. Few of the men went in and pulled her nearer to the front of the cell.

“What are you doing to her?!” I half-yelled at him.

“I’m just taking what I need.” Alpha Max said calmly. I looked back to Hailey. The men roughly pulled up her. Her back is now placed against the bars. I could see clearly the wounds on her back.

“Hailey! Hailey!!” I shouted loudly, trying to get her attention. However, she seemed to be unconscious. One of the men then took out something from the box they brought with them. I then realised they wanted her blood. The men are not professionals in withdrawing blood. They just grabbed Hailey’s arm and pushed the needle in.

“Stop!! Stop!! You are going to kill her!!” I screamed out loud when I saw them drawing her blood from 2 arms at once. And after the 3rd bag, they are still not stopping.

“Shut up!!” The Alpha roared at me. “If only they agreed to give me her blood willingly, we don’t have to do it the hard way. If you want to blame, then blame on her Alpha and her mate.”


“Not only me, other Alphas are also trying to get her blood to save their pack since her blood is the only cure to the chemicals.” Alpha Max said without any emotions.

“How…” How they know about it?

“The pack members from the Red Blood Pack suddenly recovered within a few days. My trackers reported to me regarding the news. And this news about the cure spread faster than you could imagine. All packs are desperate for the cure. I politely asked for help to save my pack and without hesitation, the Beta rejected my request. So don’t blame us for doing this.” Alpha Max said.

“Hailey!! Hailey!!!” The moment they collected 4 bags of blood, they let go of her. Her body slide past the bars and limped onto the ground.

“Hailey!!” I grabbed onto the bars, trying to pull it open.

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