15. Painful secret

Start from the beginning

"Noone... can know." I stated as firmly as I could, although I knew I didn't seem intimidating even the slightest. He started walking again, forcing me to move my aching body along him.

"This will not stay a secret, Y/N. You will not be able to come to school for at least days if not weeks. People will ask about you. Your bruises will not disappear in days and if I want to be completely honest with you, I am almost certain that you have got some broken ribs. Hell, Y/N, your face is covered in blood." He tried to argue and I knew he was right. But for now, I didn't need people to breath down on my neck.

"Just for now, please." I sounded more desperate, than I intended to be.

"I won't say anything for now. But it will be revealed before you know it." I nodded at his reply, knowing how right he was. As we arrived to the infirmary door, Yoongi opened it and tried to balance us through it. I tried not to put my whole weight on him, but I kept blacking out for seconds at a time.

Miss Jung was going through some files, when she heard the door open. She turned around looking at us with wide eyes, murmuring something I was unable to understand. She rushed toward us, helping Yoongi to bring me to one of the beds. I hissed at her hurrying movements, wanting her to stop touching me so abruptly.

As I was laid down on the bed, a relieved sigh left my lungs. Although the pain was persistent, the relief of being safe and in good hands made me feel at ease. My body relaxed as I laid on the bed.

"What happened to her?" Miss Jung turned to Yoongi, completely ignoring the fact that I was awake and capable of talking.

"She was attacked." He spoke, making me growl in disagreement. As if he has forgotten about the favour I have asked of him. "Is there a problem? I thought not, too." He looked at me with a firm look in his eyes, making me immediately feel smaller than an ant. He definitely had the aura of a leader, I didn't want to argue with. "I wasn't sure what to do. The only option I could think of, was to bring her here." Miss Jung started searching for some of her equipments in her drawer. I followed her eagerly with my eyes, not leaving her movements for a second. She came back with her sphygmomanometer to check my blood pressure and pulse, then she checked my lungs with her stethoscope.

"I didn't... catch a cold." I disputed her movements, but she just looked at me in contemn.

"As far as I'm aware, I'm the one with the doctorate degree." She spoke with a serious tone, sarcasm clearly present within. "Tell me where it hurts." She said as she started pushing on my lower abdomen. First on the right side, then switched and applied pressure on the left side.

"Hallo?" Yoongi spoke as he picked up his phone, turning towards the window, letting Miss Jung examine me. I turned towards him, hissing as the doctor found a sensitive spot.

"Where are you? You have been missing since mid class." I heard Jimin's voice. The volume on Yoongi's phone was definitely louder than it should have been. I could see he was thinking hard on an excuse. He looked at me for a second, but I just shook my head, not knowing what to say. I was thinking more about how he was taking his time to reply, which I was sure, seemed suspicious.

"Family stuff." He replied with a grimace, but I immediately knew something was wrong. By the expression across his face, I knew, he didn't even believe his own words.

"But you haven't talked to your parents since... well, years." Jimin replied and I could imagine the frown across his face. I hissed loudly as the doctor started poking against my stomach.

"Well, now I did." Yoongi replied quickly, but it just made it a whole lot of worse.

"Okay... I guess." He spoke, but I could hear the hesitant tone in his voice. "Anyways, have you seen Y/N? I saw her coming to school, but since then she has been nowhere." My eyes widened, begging Yoongi to say something believable for once.

"Erm... No?!" He replied, unsure of his own answer. He looked at me apologetically, whispering 'I'm not a good liar' before turning back to the window.

"Yoongi, you are acting weird." He said, pointing out the exact thoughts running through my mind. 


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"I..." I could hear as he started to speak, but as if electricity ran though my body, I had no possible way to force myself to concentrate on him anymore.

Miss Jung pressed her hand against my injured rib, with a slightly stronger force than I could have handled, making me scream out in pain. I tried to lower my voice, clenching my teeth, but that didn't help. The pain shot through me as if someone was about to pull my ribs out of their place. I started breathing heavily, almost gasping for air. I couldn't hold myself together anymore. I felt as my eyes got heavy, that they wouldn't open again for a while. I let myself shift away in content. 

Notes: If you enjoyed it, don't forget to like the chapter. Thank you :)

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