Final Chapter

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"Are you kidding me Ally. I would fuck Selena Gomez, marry Demi Lovato, and kill Miley Cyrus" I state as Ally, Dinah, and I walk down the hall.

"Agreed! Like come on Als! How could you fuck Demi, marry Miley, and kill Selena? Like you have to be mad?!" Dinah points out.

"Well I think Miley is wife material" Ally was confidently. Dinah laughs.

"Maybe that's why we didn't work out" Ally scoffs and stops walking.

"You really wanna go there Dinah Jane?" She crosses her arms. Dinah rolls her eyes as she adjust her bag on her shoulder.

"Ally don't come for me until you can reach my lips, alright?"

"You're such an asshole!" Ally begins walking away.

"An asshole that you dated and fucked!" Dinah yells as she disappears though the crowd of students. I shake my head as Dinah and I begin walking to our last class.

"You two are funny together" We walk into the room and take our seats.

"Yeah, well happy to keep things humorous around here" Our teacher walks into the room and begins the lesson. A few minutes into the lesson I tap Dinah's shoulder.

"I'm going over to Mani's house after school if you wanna come?" Dinah's face immediately goes pale.

"A-Are you sure wanna go? I mean, she's probably busy right?" I playfully my eyes at her.

"She said I can come over D, relax"

"I just don't think you sho-"

"Ms. Hansen and Morgado. Quiet in the back please" We apologize to the teacher and focus back on our notes.


I pull up into my driveway to see Clara sitting on our porch in the swing chair reading some magazine. I get out of my car and slam it shut making Clara look up at me. I begin walking towards the Hamilton house and Clara immediately gets up and chases after me. She cuts me off from the house.

"Where are you going?" I snort.

"Where does it look like I'm going? Normani's house mom" I try to move to the side and walk past her but she cuts me off.

"Why don't you go inside our house Lauren?" I roll my eyes.

"I'm fine Clara, thanks" I push past her and walk over to the house and up the steps. I knock on the door and wait for an answer. I turn to Clara who is right behind me. "Are they not home?" I run down the steps and to the window by the door. I look inside and the house is empty. Completely empty. I turn to my mother. "Where is she?"

"Lauren you nee-"

"Where is she?!?!" I scream. Clara shakes her head with a sigh.

"She's on her way to the airport with Andrea. They're moving to California Lauren. They left about 15 minutes ago" I shake my head and push past Clara, running to my car.

I quickly reverse out of our driveway and speed down the neighborhood road. They left 15 minutes ago meaning they shouldn't be there yet. If I can speed without any obstacles I should make it there before the get in.

I can't believe this is happening. How could she just leave without telling me? Dinah. Dinah knew. Clara knew. I bet Ally knew. Everyone knew but me!

Her kiss last night now makes so much sense. She knew she was leaving today and that was her way of saying goodbye. I slam on my wheel as I speed down the freeway.

I speed onto the arrival ramp at the airport and quickly park the car. I run into the airport and scan everywhere. Where is she? Where is she? Where is she?! I spin around frantically until I see her walking up the security line.

"Normani!" I scream through the airport. Her head swerves around and looks at me. She looks surprised to see me, but a smile emerges on her face. She drops her bags and runs over to me.

You know how in the movies you see the two people running towards each other in slow motion? Well, that is exactly what this felt like.

I run towards her and she jumps into my arms. I squeeze her tight, not wanting to let go. Tears start streaming down my cheek and when I feel my back have little drops of water I know she's crying too. I let her go and place her on the ground gently.

"H-How could you leave and not say anything?!" I wipe the tears from eyes and she does the same.

"I'm sorry. I-I had to Lo. I thought not saying goodbye was easier" I shake my head as wipe her cheek.

"Why are you leaving anyways? This is your home.... our home" Normani's about to say something but a man in a tux walks up next to her. It's the man I saw last month in a tux that came to her house.

"Normani, your mother is already past security and is waiting for us" I look at the man as he speaks to her.

"Right" Normani wipes the remaining tears from her eyes. "Oh Lauren, this Damon. My um, my agent. He spotted me off of Kordei Sings and signed me. I know I should have told you but these last few weeks haven't been the best"

The man takes off his glasses and smiles at me. He sticks out his hand for me to shake but I completely ignore and turn to Normani.

"You can't leave me Normani. You can't" I hold her hand in mine.

"Normani we need to leave" The Damon guy places his hand on Normani's upper back and guides her away from me. She starts walking away.

"You can't leave me Mani!" I yell. As they walk away she glances at me one more time before turning back around. I have to say it. I have to or she'll be gone... "I love you Normani!" I yell.

She stops walking. She's frozen. She slowly turns around and looks at me with tears on her eyes. I walk towards her and catch up with the two.

"You said it..." she says in disbelief. I nod my head.

"And I meant it. I love you Normani and I need you. Please don't leave me" She smiles at me before slamming our lips together. I do exactly what she did last night. I put all my emotions and passion into that kiss. This will keep her here. This kiss is the key. Normani pulls away and smiles at me as she strokes my cheek.

"I love you too Lo" I smile at her. "But I have to leave" She slips out of my grip and walks away with Damon. She grabs her bags and walks through security. She looks back at me one time blowing me a kiss. I pretend to catch it and she laughs. She smiles at me one more time before Damon guides her away and she's gone.

She's gone. I put so much work into getting her, into keeping her. And now she's gone. At least I was able to say the four letter word.

At least I was able to say I love her...

A Four Letter Word // Laurmaniحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن