II (2)

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Do you know the definition of a goddess?

A woman whose great charm or beauty arouses adoration

She was the definition of a goddess. Watching this girl come down those stairs was a dream. She way her short cut hair laid perfectly on her head. The way her clothes hugged her body, showing off her curves.

She walked over to me with her beautiful smile showing all of her teeth.

"It's nice to meet you Lauren" Normani sticks out her hand for me to grab and I accept it.

"Nice to meet you as well" I turn to face Ms. Andrea who is watching Normani and I's interaction. "I must be heading back now, I will see you guys at seven tonight" I slightly wave before turning around and heading home. I enter my house to see Clara placing lunch on our table.

"Are they going to be able to come over?" I help my mother place our lunch on the table.

"Yes. They will be coming over around seven" I walk over to the cabinets and pull out four glass cups and place them on the table.

"Sounds amazing. Will you go get Chris and Taylor and tell them lunch is ready?" I nod my head and head upstairs. I reach Chris's door which has a 'Don't Enter' sign placed on the door. I open the door to see him laying on his bed while is computer is on his chest.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Chris sits up and places his computer next to him.

"Oh, you mean that thing you don't do when you barge into my room also?" I lean my body against the door frame with my arms crossed. Chris let's out a small laugh.

"What do you need?"

"Mom has lunch set up downstairs. Go eat" Chris gets up from his bed and walks past me. I stand up straight and head over to Taylor's room where I can hear music playing in the inside. I knock three times and wait for her to answer. The music and the room stops and the door swings open showing a smiling Taylor.

"What's up Laur?" I smile at her and place my arm around her neck pulling her close.

"Lunch is ready" I start to walk with Taylor under my arm as we head downstairs. All four of us take our seats and start to eat our lunch. We have a little small talk going around as we eat, but we soon finish. I pick up my plate and place it in the sink. I walk up to my room, sit on my bed, and start to unlace my converse. As I take them off, I hear a voice.

"Hey" I look around my room confused. Who just said that? "Over here, Lauren" I turn my head towards my window and walk over to it. I look out my window, through the curtains, to see Normani across from me looking out of her window. She waves at me smiling and I push my curtains to the side.

"Hi" I say smiling. Normani leans against her elbows on the window seal.

"Nice room you got there" Normani gestures her head behind me. I turn around and look at my room. I have a bunch of Lana Del Ray and 1975 poster everywhere. Now that I'm actually taking the time to look at it - I need better lighting in here.

"Thanks. Your room is..." I look behind Normani and her room is completely plain, maybe due to the fact that she just moved. "Well, your room" Normani let's out a small laugh.

"Yeah, well, you gotta give me some time to give it a little Normani Kordei flare" Normani says gesturing her arms around her room. I smile.

"Kordei?" I lean my elbows against my window seal just like Normani.

"It's my middle name. Normani Kordei Hamilton" I nod my head.

"I like it. It fits you" Normani smiles shyly. "Lauren Michelle Jauregui-Morgado, but just delete the Jauregui part" I say wincing a little saying that part of my last name. It's my father's last name and I definitely didn't want to be chained to it.

"I like it. It fits you" Normani winks. I blush running my fingers through my hair. Who is this girl?

"So, where did you move from?" I ask. I rolled my chair out from under my desk and slide it towards the window, placing it in front of it taking a seat. Normani notices what I did and pulls a moving box towards the window and takes a seat on it.

"Texas. Houston, Texas" I nod my head gesturing for her to continue. "My dad is a doctor. He got offered a better job here and obviously he took it. My mother stays at home cleaning and all that stuff while my dad pays the bills and brings in the money. It works for them so yeah" Normani shrugs her shoulders. "What do your parents do?"

"My mother works night shifts at a diner during the week" I play with my fingers.

"And your dad?" I immediately freeze. I never talked to anyone about my dad. It was a very touchy subject to me and my mother. So I only gave Normani two words.

"In jail" Silence after that.

"I'm sorry" Was all she said. I shrugged my shoulders. "Um, do you have any siblings?" I nod my head.

"Two. Chris and Taylor. Both younger than me. You?" I ask flipping the question. Normani shakes her head.

"None. I wish I did though. Being an only child is kind of boring. No one to talk to at night. No one to hang out with when my friends can't. No one to bad talk about my parents with" Normani says looking down. I let out a small laugh.

"Well you have me now, so that should count" I say smiling. Normani looks up at me and smiles. We stare at each other for awhile, but it's not an awkward stare. It's - Its comfortable.

"I don't think most people become friends with there neighbors this quickly Ms. Morgado" I smile.

"Well, I can already tell we are not like most people Ms. Hamilton" I lean back in my chair smiling. Normani tries copying me but doesn't realize she's only sitting on a moving box making her fall backwards.

"Shit!" She yells as she hits the ground. I quickly stand up off my chair to see Normani on the ground.

"Oh my god, Mani!" I stick my head out of the window as Normani starts to sit up.

"Mani? I like that" Normani smiles. I shake my head smiling.

"Are you okay?" Normani stands up rubbing the back of her head.

"Yeah, I'm good" We both stand in silence looking at each other before bursting out and laughing. We laugh for what feels like a good 5 minutes before calming down and wiping the tears in our eyes. Normani's mom calls her name making her yell back to her that she's coming. She looks at me smiling. "I'll see you tonight, Morgado"

"See you tonight Hamilton" I wink at her causing her to let out a small laugh. She shuts the window and waves one last time before walking out of her room. I shut my window and spun around in my chair. There is something about this girl...

A Four Letter Word // LaurmaniWhere stories live. Discover now