XXXII (32)

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Dinah slams her locker shut and slings her back over her shoulder. She turns and looks at me.

"And you didn't say it back?" I nod. She contorts her face. "Why not? Don't you love her?" I bite my lip and look at my feet. "Oh my god..." I look up at Dinah whose eyes are wide. "You don't love her..."

"It's complicated D" I point out. I run my fingers through my hair.

"How? You either love her or you don't. If you do then, that's fine. Take your time until you're ready to tell her. If not, then it's messed up. You'll have been leading her on for months and will be continuing to do so. It's kind of fucked up" Dinah walks past me and I begin to walk with her as we weave through people in the hallways.

"So what should I do?" I question.

"I can't help you with that Lauren. This is all up to you and your personal decisions" Dinah states. She stops and looks at me.

"Okay um" I tap my foot on the ground then look up at Dinah. "What would you do if you were me?"

"Well one, I would-"

"Hey D!" We both turn to see Nela jogging over to us. He stops in front of us and smiles at Dinah. "I need you to help me get with this girl on the basketball team"

"Replacing me already huh?" Dinah smirks. Nela laughs.

"Just a little bit. So it's Melissa. Can you help?"

"Yeah. Come on" Dinah and Nela start to walk away from me but I step in front of them.

"You're seriously not leaving me for Pillsbury Doughboy over here are you?! We are talking!" I point out. Dinah laughs but covers her mouth.

"Shut it Chapstick!" Nela bounces back. I groan at that stupid nickname.

"Why does everyone keep calling me that?" Nela starts to drag Dinah away from me.

"Lick your lips and maybe that'll help you find out" Dinah shouts as she turns the corner down the hallway. I shake my head and look to where they last were. Those two have the weirdest relationship.

"Hey there" I jump and hold my hand against my heart. I turn to and look at the person.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! You scared the living shit out of me!" Alesia lets out a small laugh.

"As if you don't already look lifeless" Alessia leans against a wall and looks at me. "So I heard Normani told you she loves you and you didn't say t back" My eyes go wide. "Words travel fast around here"

"Uh huh. And what's the real reason you found out?" Alessia smiles and lifts her phone.

"Dinah just texted me" I roll my eyes. Loud ass bitch. I continue walking and Alessia follows me.

"It's really none of your business" Alessia nods.

"You're right, it's not. However, if you don't tell her the truth, I will" I stop in my tracks and stare at Alessia.

"I have strong feelings for Normani, okay? Feelings that don't have anything to do with you. Me liking or loving her has nothing to do with you. So stay the fuck out of my love life!" I push past Alessia and start heading to my first period.

"The key word in love life is love!" Alessia yells from down the hallway. I shake my head and head towards my second to last class.

I don't see how this is any of Alessia business. Her life obviously must be boring if she has to be all up in mine.

I walk into my class and my eyes widen as I see Alessia and Normani talking. How the hell did she get here before me? What are they talking about?

I quickly walk over to them and protectively wrap my arm around Normani's waist. She jumps a little, but relaxes when she realizes it's me.

"Oh hey Lo" She leans into me and snuggles into my side.

"Hey there" I kiss the top of her head and look at the two girls. "What were you two ladies talking about?" I ask nervously.

"Well we were talking about the show The Good Place and Alessia brought up how she enjoys the strong chemistry between Chidi and Fake Eleanor and their love connection" Normani says smiling. "Don't you agree babe?" Normani looks at me.

"Well-" Alessia cuts me off and our attention swings to her.

"Lauren probably doesn't believe there's a love connection. Probably just that they like each other, right Lo?" Alessia tilts her head with a smile. I glare at her but quickly recover before Normani looks at me.

"I've never watched the show so I don't know" Our teacher walks in and we all take our seats; Normani next to me and Alessia next to some kid who replaced Arin.

I begin taking my notes as our teacher goes over the new lesson. Normani taps my shoulder and I turn and look at her.

"I'm going to have to cancel tonight on our plans. Ariana, Alessia, and I are hanging out at Alessia's house" I move uncontrollably in my chair. Just the thought of Alessia being around Normani without me being there makes me nervous.

"I mean, do you have to go? I really want to hang out with you" I say biting my lip. Normani brings up her hand and pulls my lip away from my teeth.

"You hang out with me everyday Lo. One day won't kill you" She stroke my cheek and continues writing her notes. I turn back up front and begin tapping my foot. I don't have a good feeling about this.

If Ariana's there she probably won't bring up our talk, right? It's none of her business as well. I guess I'm just going to have to cross my fingers.

Class goes by quickly since all the teacher does is lecture and I just play on my phone. I quickly take a picture of Normani's notes and we walk out of her class together.

"I'll text you when I'm home safely from Alessia's" She gives me a quick kiss and heads to her last period. I smile before turning around and walking to mine.

I walk into my class to see Dinah already in our seat. I shake my head while taking my seat next to her, but not before flicking her ear. She quickly grabs it and glares at me.

"What the fuck was that for?!" She rubs her ear before dropping her hand.

"Why the fuck did you tell Alessia about prom night?" I glare back.

"It was an accident! I meant to send it to Ally! When I text a message she's usually the first AL to pop up so I just clicked the first name and clicked send. Once I realized I sent it to the wrong person it was too late!" Dinah whines. I roll my eyes and pull out my notebook.

"This better not come back and bite me in the ass Hansen"


Hey guys!! How'd you enjoy the chapter? What do you guys think is going to happen next?

Q: What would you have Normani's contact name in your phone as? Lauren's?

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