XXI (21)

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Trigger Warning- Descriptions and Mentions of Cutting

Ally, Dinah, Normani, and I are all squeezed on Dinah's bed watching a movie. Normani is all cuddle up in my side and Ally is cuddled up to Dinah.

All day so far those two have been attached to the hip smiling and being touchy with each other... It's kind of weird. Dinah pauses the movie before bouncing up and sitting on her legs.

"We have to do something about this Lucy thing. I can't just sit here and pretend that this bitch has the upper hand on us" Normani sits up as well.

"I agree. I don't want to walk around school seeing you to together all the time being all touchy" I roll my eyes.

"We all know you're the one for me babe" I place a quick kiss on Normani's lips making her smile.

"Gross. Anyways, what's the plan?" I shrug my shoulders.

"It's up to Mani. If anything goes wrong, she's the one who is getting outed to everyone" We all look at her and she's playing with my fingers.

"I'm fine with coming out to everyone at school. I don't care what they think, but I do care about what my parents think, especially my dad" I roll my eyes and get out of bed walking to Dinah's mirror. I grab a hair tie and start to put my hair up in a bun.

"You shouldn't care what your cheater of a father thinks. He's probably somewhere fucking that wom-" I cut myself off realizing what I just said. I look at the mirror to see Dinah and Ally with wide eyes and Normani confused with a hurt face. She stands up off the bed.

"W-What did you just say?" Normani takes a step towards me.

"I-Uh" I bite my lip looking at the ground.

"You knew he was cheating on my mother and you kept it a secret?" Normani's voice cracks and I look up. Her eyes are starting to water and her lip is quivering.

"I wanted to tell you but..."

"But what Lauren!" I flinch at her voice.

"I didn't want to fuck up your family" I whisper. Normani lets out a bitter laugh.

"Fuck up my family? My family is already fucked up if you didn't know!" Normani grabs her phone and throws Dinah her keys. "Lets go, now! You're taking me home!" She storms out of the room. Dinah scrambles out of the bed with her keys in hand and runs after Normani. I grab my keys and Ally follows me.

Ally and I walk outside to see Dinah and Normani speeding off. We quickly get in my car and begin driving fast after Normani and Dinah.

"Why the hell would you keep something like that a secret?" Ally says holding onto the handle above the door clinging onto it for life. I grip the steering wheel tightly my hands start to turn white. "So you're really going to ignore me and act like you're not in the wrong?" I keep my eyes focused on the road.

I pull up into my driveway and we jog over to Normani's house. The front door is slightly open and yelling can be heard from the inside. Ally and I quickly run inside to the living room to see Dinah and Mama Drea behind a yelling Normani.

Everyone turns to us when we walk in and anger spreads across Mr. Derrick's face. He charges at me, slamming against the wall with his hand wrapped around my neck. I can barely breathe and my hands wrap around his trying to break free for oxygen.

"This is all your damn fault, you little dyke! You couldn't keep your mouth shut!" My vision slowly starts to become blurry.

"Let her go!" Normani pushes his off me making me fall to the ground clutching my threat. I feel someone run to my side and it's Ally. "How could you! We're we not good enough?! Was mom not good enough?!"

I look up to see Normani screaming while tears fall down her cheek. Normani's father laughs.

"You wanna know why I cheated? I cheated because this family is heading straight for disaster" He throws his hands up laughing. Ally helps me stand up and I gain my balance. He looks at Mama Drea. "You haven't touched me in years. Why? I don't know"

"Why should I touch you when you give me no attention and been a horrible husband!" Mama Drea yells. He looks at Normani.

"And you, my little girl" He takes a step towards Normani, but step in front of her. "I've known you're gay. Everyone knows. It's pretty obvious. It's embarrassing to have an excuse of a daughter like you" He takes a step forward but I take one back holding Normani's wrist. "Sure, not getting touched by your mother sucked, but you were the big problem. Tyler was easy to kick out, but when you realize your little girl is a dyke..." I glance at Normani and tears keep flowing down her cheek. "So this isn't your mothers fault, it's not mine - it's yours" He smiles.

"That's it! Get the fuck out man!" Dinah grabs him by the collar and leads him outside. Andrea follows her with Ally behind her as well.

I turn to look at Normani and she falls to the ground crying hysterically. "It's all my fault... it's all my fault" Normani weeps shaking her head. I grab the side of her head trying to calm her down.

"It's not your fault baby, it's not your fault. He's trying to put the blame on you, just listen to me" Normani screams smacking my hands away and runs upstairs. Fuck! I quickly go check outside. Andrea is yelling at Derrick while he speeds away in his car. I walk over to her.

"Are you okay Mama?" She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"I'm fine honey. I always felt like this was happening behind my back, just didn't want to believe it" Dinah comes over to me and grabs my shoulder.

"Where is Normani?" She asks in panic. I give her a confused look.

"She ran upstairs to her room, why?" Dinah's eyes go wide.

"Shit! Normani!" Dinah runs into the house and I run after her. She runs up the stairs and tries to open Normani's door. You can hear water running from her bathroom. "Normani! Open the fucking door!" Dinah bangs on the door.

"Dinah what's wrong? What's going on?" Ally comes up and looks scared.

"Is she not opening up?" Dinah shakes her head and continues to banging on the door. I look at Ally who bites her lip and looks frightened.

"Will you please tell me what's going on!"

"Lauren! Shut the fuck up and stand back!" Dinah shouts. Ally moves me out the way as Dinah starts ramming into the door. She tries three times but it doesn't budge.

She takes a bunch of steps back before ramming into the door and it breaks open. We run inside and into the bathroom and freeze. My eyes widen and tears begin to fill them because of the sight in front of me.

A bloody razor laid on the tile floor with blood everywhere on the ground. Normani's body looks lifeless in her tub that's full with red bloody water.

She's fully dressed in the tub with her sleeves rolled up. One of her arms is all cut up in the water while the other is dangling over the side with blood dripping down fast out of her cuts. Her head is laid back and her eyes are closed shut. How could this of happen?

"Ally! Call 911 now!" Ally pulls out her phone and frantically starts talking to the person on the other line as she walks out of the bathroom. Dinah runs towards Normani and kneels against the tub. "Come on! Give me a damn pulse!" Dinah places her hands all over Normani's neck trying to find it. She lets out a sigh of relief. "I found it"

Ally walks back into the room. "They ambulance is on their way" I try to move but I can't, I'm stuck. Ally grabs my face and stands in front of me. "Lauren, look at me. You need to leave. You shouldn't be seeing this" I look past her face and at Normani in the tub. Ally's yelling becomes faint in the back of my mind.

Why would she do this? Why wasn't I there to stop this? Why couldn't you have kept the stupid secret? This is all your fault! I always fuck up everything

"Lauren look at me!" I slowly start to feel dizzy and soon everything goes black.


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