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Time Lapse: 2 Weeks Later

"So we're doing it today during lunch?" Alessia asks. I nod my head.

"Yeah. Are you sure you have everything? People to hold the roses? Someone to record? Everyone knows where to go? It has to be-"

"Perfect. Yes, I got it" Alessia rolls her eyes and walks away.

"Aww why'd the skank leave? I thought me and her could maybe chat for a little bit. So sad" I turn and look at Normani who has a sarcastic sad face.

"You really need to stop calling her that" I state. I walk over to my locker with Normani by my side.

"I think I can call her what I please. It's weird how she has hung out with you more than me - your own girlfriend - in the past two weeks" Normani leans against the locker next to mine. I put in my combination and open it.

"We've been busy" Normani rolls her eyes.

"Fucking, I know" She slams my locker shut, almost closing on my fingers.

"Normani, what is your problem?! You almost slammed the damn thing on my fingers!" I look at her as if she's crazy.

"If you're going to cheat on me, at least make it less obvious" Normani walks away pushing people out of her way, leaving me alone. She can't seriously be mad at me?

"Damn... what'd you do that got Naomi Campbell over there pushing people out of her way?" Dinah comes and stands next to me.

"She thinks I'm cheating on her with Alessia" I roll my eyes and start opening my locker again.

"Well..." I open the locker and look at Dinah. "Are you?"

"Really Dinah? Of course not!" I pull my textbooks out of my locker and start placing them in my bag.

"I mean, I know she's helping you on asking Mani to prom, but you've been together a lot" Dinah says dragging it out.

"I want to make it-"

"Perfect, I know. You've told me millions of times" Dinah says rolling her eyes. "Well today is the day, you ready?" I nod.

"Definitely" I slam my locker shut.


I'm standing in the cafeteria with a the choir kids behind me and a bunch of random students with their phones out waiting for Normani to come in.

Ally is on the left of me holding a poster that reads:

Every Princess needs a tiara for the ball...

Will you be my princess for prom?

In pink letters, while Dinah is on the right of to me holding up a small red velvet pillow with a tiara on it. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out.

Almost there, only a few more roses to go

I place the phone back into into my pocket. My foot begins to tap fast and I begin to bite my lip. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and I turn to Dinah.

"It's going to be okay. You got this" I nod my head and face back to the cafeteria doors.

The doors soon open to Normani holding about 30 flowers of 7 different colors while most of the student body is behind her holding their cameras out. She walks over to me smiling and everybody quiets down.

"So um before I ask you this certain question that's on this poster" I gesture to Ally. "I want to tell you why you have a bunch of these 7 different colored flowers, if that's okay with you guys" I ask the student body. They all cheer and scream.

"I think that's a yes" Normani says smiling. I laugh and nod.

"Well the red stands for beauty which you have. The white is for your purity and how light and comforting you can be. The pink is for my appreciation for you and all that you do for me. The light pink is for my admiration for you because well, look at you" A bunch of the students laugh and my whole demeanor relaxes. "The yellow stands for all the joy and happiness that you bring me. The orange stands for the desire for you that burns in my heart. And the blue stands for the impossible, because everyday you always seem to amaze my by doing the impossible" Normani has a tear run down her cheek and I slowly wipe it off her face.

"With that being said, will you do me the honor of being my princess to prom?" I ask. A smile beams on Normani's face.

"Yes" she whispers. I shake my head.

"Did you hear her you guys? I asked her, will you be my princess to prom?!" Everyone starts cheering and Normani laugh.

"Yes! I'll be your princess and go to prom with you!" I laugh and turn to Dinah. I lightly take the tiara off the pillow and turn to Normani. I lightly place it on her head, trying not to mess up her hair.

"I pronounce you, my princess"

"You're such a dork" Normani pulls my by my shirt connecting our lips. I can hear people awwing and cheering but it's quite faint. I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn to see Principal Smith standing there.

"That was very cute ladies, and I was happy to help. But let's dial down the PDA for me" He winks at us and walks away. I turn to Normani and smile.

"Still think I'm cheating on you?" I ask smirking. Normani playfully rolls her eyes and pushes me away. Alessia walks over with a camera and hands it to me.

"Here's your camera. I got everything and it was perfect, just like you wanted it" Alessia smiles. I nod and thank her.

"So you helped Lauren with all of this?" Normani asks. Alessia nods. Normani pulls Alessia into a hug before disconnecting from her. "Well thank you for helping her with all this. It was amazing"

"It was no problem" Alessia blushes but it quickly subsides. She turns and looks at me. "By the way, the red flower also means love, but I understand why you didn't tell her that" Alessia says. Normani looks at us confused.

"Huh?" Alessia looks between the both of us and I shake my head. Alessia sighs and puts a fake smile on.

"It's nothing. I'll see you guys in Chem" Alessia walks away leaving us alone. Normani looks at me confused.

"She's just being weird" Normani nods and her gaze locks with something behind me. I turn to see Dinah and Ally talking.

Ally starts talking but Dinah cuts her off a few seconds in. Dinah begins speaking and most of the time Ally just nods. Dinah kisses

Ally's head and walks away leaving Ally alone, while her head is down and slightly twists her leg. Normani and I walk over to her and she looks at us with a weak smile.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"I mean Dinah thinks it's better for the both of us if we pretend none of this happened and we stay friends"

"And how do you feel about that?" Normani places her hand on Ally's shoulder.

"It doesn't matter how I feel, it's how she feels. If she thinks this is best and she'll be happy with it, then I'll be okay with it" Ally shrugs.

"So you and Tori then?" I ask. Ally's eyes begin to slowly water.

"Actually" she wipes her eyes. "She um broke up with me" Ally quickly wipes her eyes.

"Oh, Ally" Normani goes to give her a hug but she's pushed away by her.

"I-I don't need yall's pity. I'm fine" Ally walks away leaving us alone.

I guess it was a good day for Laurmani, but a bad day for Dinally.

A Four Letter Word // LaurmaniWhere stories live. Discover now