XXII (22)

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I slowly open my eyes and I'm blinded by a bright light. I wince but slowly adjust to it by blinking my eyes a few times. I look at my surroundings notice I'm in a hospital bed. Why am I here? The door opens a nurse walks in and closes the door. She jumps a little when she sees me.

"Oh! You're awake, great!" She walks past the bed and heads straight to the computer monitor next to me. She begins typing away. "How are you feeling?" I sit up leaning against my pillow.

"Fine" My voice comes out a little raspy. I notice the water on the table next to me and take a sip of it before putting it back.

"That's good. Your vital signs seem steady so that's good as well" She stops typing and looks at me. "Your friend is awake also. She won't be able to leave for awhile though" I give her a confused look.

"My friend?" The lady nods her head.

"Yes. The one we brought you in with. The pretty dark skinned one. Normani" Everything that happened that night immediately comes back to me. Normani finding out about her dad. Him leaving. Her in the tub lifeless. Blood...everywhere.

"I-Is she okay?" The nurse sits down in the chair next to me.

"She's as okay as girl trying to commit suicide" I give her a confused look. "Right, um. Her vital signs seem okay but she lost a lot of blood. A lot" I nod my head. "Your family is outside in the waiting room, would you like me to go get them?"

"Yeah, that would be great" I smile at her and she returns the gesture. I take this time to take in my doctors appearance.

She looks at about 21 or 22, straight out of college. She's light skin with curly dark hair and a stud nose ring. She has a few light freckles on her nose, but dark enough that I can see them from the bed.

She walks out of the room and a few minutes later Taylor, Chris, Clara, and the devil are in my room. Taylor runs up and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm glad you're okay. We heard you just fainted but you can never be so sure" I smile at her before kissing her forehead lightly. Chris walks over and smiles.

"You look paler. I didn't think it was possible" Chris says and Taylor lets out a small laugh.

"Well that tends to happen when you see what I saw" They both give sad pity smiles. "How is she?" Taylor and Chris look at each other before looking at me. They look everywhere around the room except my eyes. "Please tell me..." Taylor lets out a small breath before breaking.

"We aren't allowed to go into her room but we can see her through this glass window. She looks horrible Lo. Apparently she lost a lot of blood and she won't be able to leave for awhile. We know she's awake now, but... I don't know" I nod my head and play with my fingers. I look up to see Clara and Mike in the corner arguing. Mom notices me looking and she stops the argument and they both walk over.

"Hey honey, how are you feeling?" She grabs my hand and strokes it lightly with her thumb.

"I'm fine, what were you two arguing about?" Clara bites her lip. Maybe its a Morgado trait.

"Your father thinks-" She's cut off by Mike.

"I don't want anywhere near that girl anymore" He crosses his arms.

"Excuse me? And who are you to make that fucking decision?" My voice raising to another level.

"I'm your father that's who" I scoff and roll my eyes.

"You have no right to that title, so don't try that father bullshit. You have no right to tell me who I can and can't hang out with!"

A Four Letter Word // LaurmaniWhere stories live. Discover now