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"Hey Emo's, what screaming rubbish have you prepared for us?" The same jock as last time shouted out to our group that sat on the tables at the front left of the room.

"Just ignore them you lot, I'm sure your performance will be ten times better than theirs." Mrs Jackson tried to cheer us up.

We all just nodded and looked down and muttered our thanks.

"Today, I want to see a draft of what you have so far. If your work is not up to standards then you will be completing the work to a good standard in an after school detention tonight." Mrs Jackson explained. "Am I clear."

"Yes miss." We all chanted.

"Good then carry on with your work." She instructed us.

"Better fill up on brain juice 'jock'." Mikey muttered under his breath but everyone heard it and started to laugh.

The teacher even started to laugh but stopped dead in her tracks but still continued to smile like a maniac.

"Mikey, a word out side if you may." Mrs Jackson said and escorted him outside the classroom.

Both me and Frank exchanged a glance, knowing exactly what each other were doing. We both rubbed our hand over the tops of our right ears which caused a small spell enabling us to hear what the teacher and Mikey were saying. We watched out of the glass window that was in the center of the glass door. Everything was silent.

Suddenly things picked up.

"High five Mikey," Mrs Jackson said and they both held up their hands and high fived each other and started to laugh. "Okay Mikey, your not in trouble I just wanted to say, like I have said to all the other supernatural students in my class, I do not allow any form of dark magic, vampire skills or blood sucking in my class. Okay?" Mrs Jackson stated.

"Yeah miss. How comes you know about these things then?" Mikey asked but still smiled.

"I'm a light witch, your math teacher is a vampire as well. No one really notices though because he hides it really well. There are only two supernatural teachers in this school but there is four students including yourself." She explained and Mikey nodded along.

"Oh right, thanks miss. I suppose I should Finnish the work before the teacher gives me an after school detention." Mikey joked.

"Okay, I'm pretty sure that the teacher would let you off for it though. Mini Dracula." She said.

Both me and Frank turned our gazes to each other. "Mini Dracula?" We both said at the same time with the same amused yet confused tone.

Suddenly we both started laughing interrupting the almost silent class and the teacher escorted Mikey back to our table then went and sat at her desk.

"So, how's it hanging, mini Dracula?" I teased both me, Frank and Mikey started to laugh and the others looked confused at us.

"Did I miss something?" Gerard asked confused.

"Yeah." All three of us chimed.

"Mrs Jackson has named her pet 'mini Dracula'." Frank explained to Gerard.

"Oh, Mikey is teachers pet. Wait till I tell mom." Gerard said sounding really, really American.

"You dare and I will dig out the hottest sauce in the house." Mikey threatened.

"Oh you just reminded me, I need my revenge on Ashers." Gerard said using my lengthened version of my name while smiling evilly.

"How did you hear our conversation anyways?" Mikey asked me and Frank.

"Erm we will explain it tonight, come to our den at about six o'clock. Bring sleeping stuff, were having a sleep over." I chimed.

"Okay," Mikey shrugged.

"Perfect, I can get my revenge." Gerard smiled evilly and tapped his fingers together.

No matter how hot he looked, he still petrified me. I gulped audibly but in a joking way, but deep down I did actually feel like that. I'm dreading tomorrow morning.

Bathing in blood and secret spells mcr fanficWhere stories live. Discover now