Welcome... Home?

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We landed right out side of the hatch and Frankie looked down at the floor debating wether to go ahead or not. I just nodded at him and he went forward to open the latch. He carefully stepped down the ladders then landed on the floor of the hide out as I turned on all of the lighting and electronics.

"Woah! You and thing made this all by yourself!? It's amazing!" He said amazed at the room.

I stood looking around on the spot under the hatch while Frank gave himself a tour around the place.

"Ash look I'm sorry." I heard a very familiar voice that sent shivers down my spine. Gerard.

I looked up to see him hovering above me peeking through the whole. What if Frank sees him? He needs to get lost before stuff turns ugly.

"Wow Ash I can't believe you made this all by yourself. I mean with Presnite also of course." I heard Frank's voice from down the hall and his steps getting closer.

"Gerard you need to go. Quick, before...." Just as I said that Frank rounded the corner and I used a little bit of magic to close the hatch quickly.

Phew. He didn't see. That was almost to close to call.

"OWWWW!!!" A screech from Gerard erupted from above the hatch.

I immediately stiffened and Frank looked at me funny. "What was that?" Frank said curiously.

"I... I poked myself in the eye." I lied and rubbed my eye a little.

"No. It wasn't your voice plus I can tell when you are lying Ash. Is there something else I should know about? First you skip school, then you are sitting above a SECRET hide out crying your eyes out, then you are covered with blood and a huge blue mark on the side of your neck. What the hell is going on Ashes?" Frank said concerned and flapping his arms about.

"It's my fault." Gerard said and opened the hatch and swiftly jumped down the opening.

Frank just looked at me in a I'm go into murder him type of way.

'Im going to rip off his balls and feed them to my dogs. What did he do to you Asher?' Frank said inside of my head.

'Nothing like THAT! Like I said, it's not my secret to tell. If you wanna know you will have to ask him or wait for him to tell you.' I said back into his head and he just sighed.

"Don't just stare at each other for all eternity. You two really love to space out while looking at each other don't you? I would call it young love, but I don't know everything." Gerard said smugly.

'Frank wants to rip off your balls,' I said into Gerard's head.

"Well that's nice of him. I thought he would be straight though, he doesn't seem like the gay type." Gerard said out loud, as he can't send messages because he isn't a witch, and I burst out laughing.

"What did you tell him?" Frank said out loud scowling.

"That you wanted to rip off his balls!" I howled and Gerard doubled over with laughter.

"Scruff!" Frank accused but we were waiting for his out burst of laughter. Soon enough it came and we were all howling.

"Okay okay, seriously now. What happened Ash?" He asked whip in away the tears. "I'm pretty sure that isn't a hickey.

"Erm...." I said and looked to Gerard for help.

"Well it kind of is." Gerard said and Frank's jaw dropped to the floor. "And it also isn't. Well since you two are witches clearly I should tell you what I am." He paused for emphasis. "A vampire." Gerard said and Frank burst out laughing falling to the floor while me and Gerard stood above him.

"You.. Hahahaha..vampire...Hahahaha...... They don't exist you idiot!" Frank laughed.

"Wanna say that to my face?" Gerard smiled evilly.

Frank pulled himself off he floor and walked up to Gerard. "They don't exist you idiot." Frank smirked.

Gerard hissed exposing his fangs and rushing forward to close the small space between them two. Frank tried to step back but then found himself falling onto the floor scared as hell. That should be just about enough to prove to Frankie that vampires are real.

"Okay idiot. No need to get all up close and personal, unless your gay too..." Frank teased.

"Really... Well then I guess you want a hickey aswell." Gerard said and before anyone could say anything, Gerard had leant down to Frank and took a bite into his neck.

"Oh so he likes it rough." Frank teased and Gerard bit harder into his neck. "Owwch!" He whined and Gerard let go wiping the blood from his mouth as he licked his lips.

"Believe it yet?" Gerard smiled.

"Do I ever..." Frank groaned in a playful way.

"Jesus Frank. If I did actually know you I would think that you are gay my dear friend." I said to him.

"Erm... Maybes you don't know me." He said but he was being serious this time.

"Okay, things just got awkward." Gerard said.

"Nawwww I'm kidding hehehe. I can't believe it... I mean do I look gay?" Frank's aid striking a very gay looking pose.

"Yes!" Both me and Gerard replied at the same time.

"anyways you guys still haven't answered my question. What the hell happened to you Ash?" Frank asked with sad eyes.

"She was sitting in here when me and Mikey were hunting and we came across her. She tried to hide in the dark and it resulted in me biting her. Then today I asked Ash if she wanted to skip school so we came here and I caught the scent of blood and went mad. Then I felt guilty and I didn't want to hurt her anymore so I ran away." Gerard explained dully.

My heart just melted. He didn't want me to get hurt. How cute, he cares for me.... Snap out of it Ash.

"So are you okay Ash?" Gerard asked and I couldn't speak.

"Yeah." I barely spoke.

"So what brings your kind to our town, Dracula?" Frank asked.

"Hunters." He said and sighed.

"Okay. So Mikey's a mini Dracula too?" Frank raised an eyebrow.

"Yup so I will get him to kick your ass if you miss behave" Gerard replied sassily while throwing himself on my couch.

"Oh kinky much?" Frank teased.

"You are one dirty little child Frank Iero." Gerard shook his head.

"Tell me about it babes." Frank sighed and sat next to Gerard.

Bathing in blood and secret spells mcr fanficWhere stories live. Discover now