Chapter 14 | Take It or Leave It

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So many questions were running through Arenia's head.

Why wouldn't they use the gem's power?

Why would they leave it for Arenia to find?

Who left it?

She had more questions than answers, and she couldn't get answers right now. Arenia didn't know if she should take the gem or leave it here for someone else to find. She glanced towards the crowd that surrounded Agent 34 and the rest of the gang that stood on the makeshift stage. Arenia looked down at the shining orange gem, and picked it up quickly, pocketing it slowly.

The elf worrily glanced behind her as she jumped down off the city wall and back into the alleyway, her ice boots crunching against the grass. She stumbled down the alleyway as she walked back to the stage through the city, cautiously looking down each street she crossed as she did. Arenia had an unusual feeling of her being followed, a feeling she didn't like.

Someone's behind me, She eventually thought to herself, and stopped in the middle of the street. Arenia turned around slowly, and a chuckle sounded from farther down the street.

There, a heavily armored soldier appeared slowly walking out of an alley, shaking its head slowly. "Tsk, tsk. What a shame," It said, walking slowly towards Arenia, face down. "A gem gone to waste."

Arenia's feet didn't budge from the spots they sat in. The soldier looked up towards Arenia as it got closer. 

"Agent X," Arenia's eyes were filled with shock, mouth gaping open. "I thought you were dead!"

"Many of my allies have cheated death before, and so have I. Now, you either take that gem or you leave it." Agent X said, drawing its sword and running at Arenia.

Arenia tried to turn on her heel and run, but she couldn't. Something was holding her feet in place, a spell was holding her in place. She looked around to try to spot a spellweaver casting spells at her, but didn't see any. 

The masked warrior reached her, and Arenia drew her sword quickly. The two blades connected in a fury of sparks, and Agent X quickly shoved the sword out of it's oppenents's hand. It clunked to the ground with a loud bang, and Arenia hoped it would alert her friends. Agent X then put its silver sword atop Arenia's neck, Arenia gulping in surprise. "Pull out the gem," X ordered, and Arenia did without hesitation. She knew Agent X was far more stronger than her, and X proved to be in the Battle of Urania.

"You either break the gem," Agent X ordered. "or I will." 

Arenia's eyes widened in shock. "W-wha?"

"You heard me," The deep voice growled, it's gloved fingertips reaching for the orange gem. "You accept our gift or I will."

Arenia's hand shook as she pulled it away from Agent X. With a sigh and a frown, her finger's strengthened on the gem until it shattered to pieces. Her jaw forcefully opened as she was lifted slightly off the ground and the energy inside the gem flew straight into her gaping mouth. Her mouth closed and her feet touched the dirt again, power swirling inside her. By that time, Agent X was gone. 

She could feel the energy inside her, the strength she had. It was strange to her that Agent X had just given her the gem. Agent X stated that it was a gift to Arenia, like Agent X had planted it. She glanced down at the orange shards on the ground and picked them up swiftly, pocketing them. Arenia sighed and walked back to where her friends were waiting.

As she walked back, she felt again as if she was being watched. Arenia knew this time that she actually was, the ninja-like Agent X watching from the shadows, lurking silently, Braunick perhaps with her. Or Vrängr. She shook at the thought of her previous lover being alive after coming back from the dead twice already.

Arenia reached her friends slowly, not going back up on stage. She stood in the crowd, but stood out easily with her heavy armor with red and black designs along it. 

"Hey, you're a Destigem! Get up on stage!" someone said beside Arenia, pointing her out quickly. Arenia was about to tell her no, but she felt a hand shove her forwards and people in front of her move out of her way. People continued to shove her towards the front of the crowd, and Arenia eventually found herself on the stage the Zena had made with the rest of the Destigems.

"Welcome back, Arenia," Agent 34 greeted her. "We were just showing them the powers of our gems!"

Oh no, she thought to herself. Do not make me show my powers! I'll be more faster and stronger than the rest of the Destigems and it'll be obvious that I have the power of more than one gem.

"Arenia, would you like to show how fast you are and how high you can jump because of your gem?" Sercon asked politely, motioning her to go to the front of the stage.

"N-no, I'm not feeling well–" Arenia shook her head quickly, but Agent 34 and Marque ushered her up quickly. "No, really guys. I don't think I can do this,"

"Aw, come on! I can do it and I'm still injured!" Marque said, jumping as high as he could and landing with a thump.

Arenia sighed and jumped, but tried her hardest to not jump as high as she could. She jumped lower than Marque did to not make it obvious.

"Come on, Arenia! I've seen you jump higher than that!" Agent 34 said. 

"I'm sorry, I don't feel well." Arenia lied. The crowd emitted a heavy sigh, and Arenia frowned quickly. "Fine."

Arenia prepared herself, and jumped as high as she could. She jumped higher than a small building, and landed with a thud on the wooden stage. She turned around to the three behind her, who's faces were in shock. Arenia quickly shrugged and said, "I've been practicing."

Sercon gave her a look of suspicion, then shrugged. Arenia sighed heavily as she went back to the edge of the stage and Agent 34 and Marque took over again. I might've just blew it, she thought to herself.

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