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I feel sad.

I feel like I'm in a sea of loneliness.

If my heart don't clench painfully, it will feel empty.

Every second feels like an eternity.

Why am I feeling this way?

There are times when it's hard to breathe because I feel like crying.

I just want to thrash around. I want to scream my lungs out.

I heard a faint cry of a woman.

The cries soon got louder and louder, I slowly opened my eyes.

It was blurry at first, but everything turn clear after I blinked for a few times. I observed my surroundings and I'm in a...hospital?

The woman beside me screamed with joy and grabbed my hand, shaking it lightly.

I look at her lifelessly before realising who she is.

"Ra....cy?" I mumbled. Her eyes widen and squeezes my hand tightly.

I suddenly burst into tears.

"Younha?!" Racy panics and starts wiping the endless tears flowing down my cheeks.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" She asks. I shook my head. I, myself, don't even know why am I crying.

But I feel so overwhelmed by the loneliness in my heart.

She hugs and pat my back.

But I feel like her warmth is not enough to calm me down. I want this certain warmth to embrace me.

"Wonwoo! Call the doctor!" She calls to the guy next to her whom I've never seen before.

"Let's calm down, okay?" Racy said as she grabbed tissues from her handbag.

"You're....alive?" I said in between hiccups. But only to receive confused gaze from Racy.

I don't even know why I suddenly said that.

"Why did you say that?" Racy retorted, she seems to be taken aback by what I asked.

"I..." I fell silent.

"Don't know."

"What?" She shook her head.

"You must've been confused. You've been in a coma for 6 years."

What coma? 6 years?

"After that accident with your parents, you went into coma for 6 years. I'm sorry to tell you this but your parents..."

"They're dead." I blurted out, as if I knew it all along. As if....it wasn't heartbreaking anymore.

She looks at me with wide eyes and mouth agape.

"How did you know?" She seems more surprised about my tone.

"I don't know....i just do."

"Aren't you....sad about it?" She asked, examining my face with worried eyes.

"I am...but..." My eyes darted away from her.

"I do feel sad about that. But the sadness I am feeling now...it feels, strange."

"I feel like there's somethi- no, someone? That is missing." I said as I placed my hand on my chest.

I sighed. I know that something just happened but I can't remember it.

And my heart feels so heavy.

At that moment, the door opens and in came a guy with a white lab coat with the Wonwoo guy.

"Another miracle. She's awake!" The doctor exclaimed in awe.

"We'll do some tests on her, i'll ask the nurses to take care of her."

The doctor then turned around, scribbling something onto his clipboard.

Racy grabs my hand and gives it a comforting squeeze.

Again with this feeling, her warmth, is not comforting enough.

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