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I walked into the kitchen in the morning, only to find him eating the cereals as if he haven't eaten for days.

"Morninggg" He groggily said.

I picked up the empty cereal box that laid on the kitchen counter and looked at it sadly.

"Those cereals are supposed to last for another week." I dropped the empty box into the disposal bin.

Jungkook munched on the cereals happily as if he heard nothing.

my wish is to look for my happiness, but how is this muscle pig gonna make me happy?

I was debating on leaving Jungkook alone or  staying with him at home.

I turn my gaze towards jungkook as he just sat on the couch waiting for my next move.

"Look....Jungkook, I have to go to school. And you will have to be alone at home."

I spoke while watching Jungkook's expression.

"So when I'm away, I want to see everything in the house in place, don't you dare enter my room. Dont leave the house, don't open the door for random strangers and don't finish all the food."

He nods obediently.

I feel like a mother leaving my child at home.

I grabbed my bag and put on my shoes.

Jungkook followed me to the door.

"I'll go now."

"Take care. Have a good day!"

My heart fluttered.

It has been awhile since someone said that to me.

"I will."

I gave him a smile in which he returned.

The classes ended in a blink of an eye.

As usual, people in the campus gave me looks and glares.

Taehyung kept clinging onto me while i push him away.

I just don't want him to get involved in my business.

I managed to escape the campus without anybody beating me up.

I quickly made my way to the bakery.

"Mrs Choi!" I greeted when i saw Mrs Choi at the entrance of the bakery.

She was putting up a brochure.

"You want to hire someone?" I asked Mrs Choi as i helped her with the scotch tapes.

"Yeah, I need someone to look after the kitchen."

A bright idea popped up in my mind.

"I have a friend who is currently free and unemployed, can he work here?"

"Really? Sure, of course!" Mrs Choi's eyes lit up.

"But, about the interview-"

"Don't worry, no interview is needed. It'll be great if he start working tomorrow!"

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