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"Woah....." Jungkook and i chanted at the same time.

This is my first time going to the aquarium and it amazes me very much. The different types of fishes they have there is even more than my school fees.

I realised my mouth was hanging open from since we entered the aquarium and i decided to close it for now.

A stingray swam above my head.

"Woahh!!" Jungkook said as he grabbed my arm and shook it.

"Younha, take a picture of it, quick!" Jungkook said while his hand was clinging onto my arm.

I hurriedly rummaged my bag for my phone and took a picture of it.

Ever since i took a picture of the snowman, Jungkook have been asking to take pictures of every single thing. Like the salt, speck of dust found under his bed, his shoes or everything that crosses his sight.

But back to my dat— adventure, Jungkook is holding my hand as usual.

The aquarium is full of our woah's and wow's and of course the iconic ' younha take a picture'.

"Jungkook let's take a picture." I tug onto his shirt to get his attention as he is busy talking to the fishes.

"Of course!" Jungkook said happily, practicing the smile.

"Let's ask somebody to help us take a picture." Since it's weekday, there are only a few people there.

"ah, excuse me," I said to a young man and he seems nice.

"Can you please take a picture of us?"

"oh...er...okay....but its not my fault if i accidentally break your phone." The young man muttered.


"Ah, nothing!" He says and quickly accepted my phone.

Jungkook pulled me closer to him as we took the picture.

"Okay..." He said as he passed the phone to me.

"Thank you!" He smiled and walked away. The keychain dangled on his backpack shook cutely every time he took a step.

I check the photo that we took.

it turned out good thanks to the lighting.

My hand were still clasped together with Jungkook's and he is still smiling cheekily with the V sign.

I look up and saw Jungkook smiling as he looked at the picture.

My heart feels so warm and tingly seeing his gentle smile.

The two of us are in a bus after leaving the aquarium.

Jungkook is fast asleep on my shoulder. I am just looking down on our clasped hands when i noticed something sticking out of his pocket.

I frowned a little when i noticed that thing sticking out is a piece of paper.

what? so fast? is that someone's number?

But that piece of paper looks oddly familiar.

I slowly took it out from his pocket and my eyes widen in realisation as i read it.

I can feel my cheeks become hotter as i continue reading it.

My ideal date >\\\\<

1. Go to the Aquarium

2. Go to the amusement park

3. Grocery together

4. Go to the sea

5. Read a book together

6. Watch a movie together

7. Share an umbrella when raining

8. Play with the snow

9. Have a picnic

Its some cheesy ideal date i wrote during my grade school days.

how did he get this paper?!

I internally face palmed when i knew that he saw the paper. But at the same time, i felt really grateful and fluttered about his thoughtfulness.

I guess this is a date then.

I pursed my lips trying to hide a happy smile.

3rd POV

"I knew it." Taehyung said as he walked closer to the girl who stood on the edge of the rooftop.

"Give my phone back, Racy."

"Why wont she show up?!" Racy screamed as if she did not hear what Taehyung said.

Tears were streaming down her face for unknown reasons.

"Are you planning to do something bad to Younha?" Taehyung clenches his jaw.

Racy finally turned to look at Taehyung.

"I can't do this anymore," She said as she fished out something from her pocket.

"My conscience is killing me." She continued as she threw two pieces of papers on the floor which seems like letters.

"And i think you what I will do next because you're not dumb like your brother."

She gives Taehyung one of her practiced smile.

"I will meet your brother soon,"

"In hell."

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