Chapter 13 (Eric's POV)

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I wake in the morning to the bright sun glaring in my eyes. I squint, looking around to see where I'm at. I'm confused, this is not my bedroom. Then I feel something in my hand. Looking over, I see Hosanna's beautiful face nearby, her hand in mine. My smile grows so big that my cheeks start to hurt. Now I remember, she said I could stay but only for last night. I'm not going to complain, I'll take what I can get. I promised not to force her into anything though, so I'll try to keep my distance.
I slowly, carefully roll over as not to disturb her. I want to watch her sleeping for as long as possible. She is so beautiful laying next to me on her stomach. Her left arm is on her pillow, bent at the elbow, draped above and surrounding her head. Her face is turned for me to see her, hair sprawled out around her. Her right hand is in mine.  Her lips are slightly parted and she has the most serene look on her face. I'm glad—last night was terrible. She needs some peace, if only in her sleep. She brings me the most peace that I've ever felt in my life, too. Some nights, I just toss and turn without her. Most of the time I'm thinking about her and hoping she's safe. I've never woken up like this in my life; laying in the exact spot I went to sleep in. I think last night was so restful for me. She moved a bit further away since we went to sleep but not much.
She breathes in deeply, calmly stirring. Her grip tightens around my fingers and I start to draw circles on the back of her hand with my thumb. She smiles and slowly opens her eyes, those beautiful dark lashes fluttering like the wings of a butterfly. A larger smile plays on her lips as our eyes meet.
"Good morning," she says in that incredibly sensual morning voice of hers.
"Good morning," I respond.
She turns towards me on her side and scoots over closer. She slides her arms up above my shoulders, placing her hands around the back of my neck. "I love your voice when you first wake up," she whispers, kissing my lips gently.
I smile, laughing softly. "I was thinking the same about you," I say.
Her smile widens, dimples more pronounced.  I roll over on my back and she puts both of her hands on my chest, fingers threaded together and rests her chin on her hands staring into my eyes. 
"So, what advice would you give me for today?" she asks.
I take a breath, deep in thought.  "Well... we should definitely go down to the cafeteria for breakfast.  Hold your chin high and let the faction see that what he did didn't faze you.  It's definitely not a day for laughs at the leaders' table.  You need to show them your strength today.  After breakfast, I think we should go down and deal with Nathan.  I'll send Ryan a message that we're all going down to lockup to interrogate him together.  I'll take you to where we store our serums in the compound first and then we'll all meet in the interrogation room down there," I say.
"Okay," she agrees.  I can see the determination in her eyes.  She is truly strong and brave—she can handle this. 
I push her hair aside from her neck to inspect the bruise from yesterday, rubbing her delicate skin with my thumb. 
"Is it still there?" she asks. 
"It's faint.  I'm sure if you put a little more cream on it, it'll be gone before we get downstairs," I tell her.
"We better get up and get ready for the day," she says moving away from me and climbing out of bed.  She grabs some clothes from her drawers and closet.  I frown, knowing she won't dress in front of me. 
"Can I join you?" I ask hopeful. 
"No," she laughs not even facing me and walking into the bathroom.  I hear the shower turn on and I sigh. Well, that was a better response than the last time I asked—she pursed her lips and threw a pillow at me when I said we'd already bathed together before. 
Resting my hand on the mattress she just left, I still feel the warmth from her body.  I turn to her pillow smelling her intoxicating scent before I sit up.  I stretch and stand up thinking about how that was the best night's rest I can ever remember.  Maybe her mattress is nicer than mine or maybe it's the company.  I definitely miss having her in my bed every day, not that I would want her to be sick again.  I exit her bedroom—hearing the water running—jealous of every drop that hits her skin.  I bite my lip—stupid water—walking down the hallway and out of her apartment. 
I send a brief message to Ryan before I quickly get ready for the day.  I step into my bedroom, towel wrapped around my waist.  I hear my door open and close.  I guess she's here.  I remove my towel and take out my clothes, slipping them on.  I grab my boots and sit on my bed to start lacing them up.  I look over to my nightstand drawer.  Pulling it open, I grasp my mother's ring.  I rub my fingers over the cool stone and circular band.  I imagine what this would look like on her finger—if she actually said yes.  I want to ask her, soon.  But things have been so hectic lately with her training.  I don't know how much longer I can stand waiting to ask her.  I have no idea how I want to ask her either.  I want it to be personal, memorable, unique.  I don't want to ask her friends though—I'm sure the Candors have big mouths and the Amity would be too giddy.  The Erudite doesn't seem like she's much into romance.  Just from her textbook definition last night alone, she's a definite no.  I guess I could try to flip through some of my romance novels for ideas or inspiration.  I replace the ring and close the drawer.  I finish tying my laces and walk out of my room.  I see Hosanna on my sofa reading 'A Million Suns' and I smile.  Inspiration.

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon