Chapter 79

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(Hosanna's POV)

We spent the next few days finalizing the details of the wedding between work. Everything is ordered and fitted. The dates, times, and deliveries are all verified. The food and cake have been sampled and I can't believe it was this much effort considering what my wedding was like. I have no idea how Eric made ours as magnificent as it was in only a few hours.
I'm glad we don't have a meeting with Erudite scheduled this week but Jeanine is aware of the wedding. According to Eric, many of the issues were already decided on and we shouldn't have to meet again before the seminars. I'm glad about that. It often felt like we discussed the same things over and over at each meeting.
Mia eventually explained to me how she talked to Ryan. I'm glad she's opening up more to me and her fiancé about her feelings. They spent the weekend in his apartment reading the spouse leadership packet together. She didn't realize it was so important and is glad Eric insisted on her completing it. She said she never thought her behavior would affect leadership as much as it was.
She explained that they spoke on more personal matters. She told me that Ryan did have a crush on me before and still finds me attractive but he loves her. He said that she's the only one for him. He explained that he'll make a serious effort not to let his eyes wander to anyone else because he really only loves her. He told her it's unintentional and he'll make a genuine attempt to stop himself. He doesn't want to hurt her and I'm glad that issue got resolved between them so positively.
I select a dressy pair of pants before the bachelorette party. I frown at my legs. I can't wait until whatever treatment Mia chose is done tomorrow. I feel so gross. She insisted that I don't shave and it's only the two of us that are having this done. I guess I promised before my wedding so I've got to do this.
Eric has been making me feel worse, but not on purpose though. Apparently he likes my nasty, hairy legs. He keeps playing with it involuntarily and it makes me cringe. I don't know why he likes me to massage his hair on his head so much but I think it feels kind of weird on my legs. I guess I don't mind him running his fingers through my long hair though but this feels completely different... and itchy.
I slide the pants on and feel relieved that I'm covered up. I choose a shirt that's pretty and dressy for a night out. I don't want to wear anything too alluring since Eric isn't going to be there. I'm not dressing like that for anyone but him and I don't desire attention from anyone else.
Eric walks into the bedroom in a towel. I look him up and down.  He is so incredibly desirable. He smirks at me when I meet his eyes.
"When do you have to leave?" he questions.
I look to my watch. "I should probably get going in fifteen minutes," I say.
"You could be late," he mumbles raking his eyes over me.
I make a face. "What?" he asks walking over to me.
"I feel yucky," I frown.
He laughs. "Your legs?" he inquires.
I nod. "Make sure whatever she wants done tomorrow, they do that first. I'd hate for them to forget," he jokes laughing harder.
I slap his chest. "Not funny," I pout walking away.
"Darling, where are you going? I don't mind," he shouts after me.
"Well, I do," I mutter stepping into the bathroom. I start to braid my hair and pull it into a knot. I pull my little makeup bag out and put a small amount of eye shadow on. I sigh when Eric comes up behind me and kisses my neck. I close my eyes and let the feeling of his hands stroking on my arm and hip relax me. I smell his cologne permeate the room and I smile.
"You smell good," I say.
"So do you," he whispers against my skin. "Are you sure you have to go to this bachelorette thing tonight?"
"I'm the matron of honor. I have to be there," I respond.
"I don't like it," he says firmly. "There's nothing but trouble from these."
"What do you mean? Ryan is having his bachelor party tonight, too," I point out with my brows furrowed.
"Just keep a close eye on her and don't let her drink too much or do anything stupid," he insists.
"Alright. I would have done that anyway," I inform him with a crinkle between my brows.
"It's my responsibility to do the same," Eric says and I nod. These types of things must traditionally bring about turmoil.

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