Chapter 35 (Eric's POV)

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*****May contain mature content *****

I wake in the morning laying on my side.  Why am I more exhausted than I normally am after a night's rest?  I sigh roughly.  My eyes are still closed but I know the sun must be coming up soon and I don't really feel like getting out of bed.  Out of habit, I reach across the sheets to feel the empty side where I wish Hosanna would lay.  I stop abruptly when I graze soft, cool skin.  I open my eyes immediately—in complete shock—to realize that I'm seeing a beautiful girl.  I notice that her back is facing me. She's mostly covered with the sheets but I'm in total awe.  Hosanna is here, beside me. I smile as I look down to my left hand. My father's ring is there, my wedding ring. 
That wasn't a dream last night—that really was my wedding... and wedding night.  I smirk at that.  I never thought that either would be as magnificent as they actually were.  Every moment last night was absolutely amazing, better than I thought it could ever be.  I'm so glad that I waited—for her and our wedding.  Everything seemed more special than anything I could have hoped for and I'm glad I never wasted my time on anyone else. I don't know what it would have been like but all the intimate experiences everyone else brags about doesn't seem to come close to how wonderful our wedding night was; they all pale in comparison.  I find it difficult to even put into words.  As we came together, it's as if we stopped being separate—individual—and somehow became one.  I feel as if I found a little glimpse of heaven here on earth with her. Just the thought of last night and of her beside me now brings a smile to my face.  Some dreams really do come true.
I notice her blue cluster of hair and I reach out for it, wrapping the curls around my fingers.  I really like that she dyed it.  I'm usually not too keen on all of the unnaturally colored hair in Dauntless, but what she had done looks stunning and not overdone. As she pulled the pins out of her hair last night, the feeling of her long, lustrous hair grazing my bare skin... well, it was incredible.
I release her hair and gently run my fingers along the shape of her body, from her neck around her shoulder, down her soft side and the curve of her hip.  I observe how much darker her skin actually is compared to mine. I never really noticed before, but my skin—even where it's tanned—is many shades lighter than hers. I always thought she was tan, but that's her natural skin color since it's the same all over. I move my fingers from her hip and make a detour to graze those adorable dimples just above her backside.  I don't know why I'm so drawn to them.  "You really do love those, don't you?" Hosanna says softly.
"Yes," I answer continuing to touch those unique divots in her skin with my fingers.  I hadn't even realized she was awake. 
She leans her body slightly towards me and kisses me.  I slide my hand up to her cheek.  Every moment feels like a fantasy with her...


Sometimes I drift off and wake to an empty bed, but whenever I call out for her, she always says she's coming.  She enters the bedroom with two glasses of water this time.  "Were you thirsty?" I ask as she hands me a glass. 
She shrugs.  "Not really," she says drinking some of the water. 
I laugh.  "Then why are you drinking so much water?  That's like the fifth glass I've seen you with this morning alone," I comment.
"Do you really want to know?" she asks raising her eyebrows at me in question. 
I shrug taking a sip.  "Because I've had several people warn me about urinary tract infections.  I've had a few before and they said to urinate after every time we..." she says trailing off. 
I almost spit the water out in surprise. Oh.  Maybe I didn't want to know that
"You asked," she informs me.
"Did I say that aloud?" I question.
"No, but I can tell by your facial expression that you're uncomfortable with the subject," she responds.
I look to her seeing that she's wearing a robe I've never seen before.  I set the glass down and sit up at the edge of the bed. 
"This was a gift from Ava," she tells me, referring to the silky, black robe. "We have several gifts in the apartment and I'm told yours is full, too."
"Who told you that?" I ask curiously. I assumed we'd be left alone.
"There are notes all over the apartment and my keys were slid under the front door with another note," she explains.
I pull her closer to me and feel the smooth material of her robe.  I caress her waist and hip, smirking that she lets me touch her however I want—she doesn't stop or question me now.  She sighs softly. 
"So what other advice were you given?" I inquire.
She laughs, "Are you okay with the topic?"
"I'm fine as long as I'm touching you," I say.  I do feel calmer, distracted yet focused as I take her in. 
"Dana said to be careful and to go to the bathroom often so that I don't end up with an infection, especially after a frenzy like ours.  There's something called honeymoon cystitis that I would like to avoid.  I don't want to make a trip down to the infirmary, besides it sounds painful," she tells me.
'Hmm.  That wouldn't be very fun,' I think as I continue to touch her gorgeous form.  A thought enters my mind about how many times we've made love and it occurs to me, "We didn't use protection..."
I release her worriedly and look at her face.  She's smiling at me.  I didn't even think about that in all my planning yesterday.
"It's okay," she whispers comfortingly.  "My shot will last about four more months.  After that, we can decide what to do, unless you want to talk about it now."
I think over what she just said and remember that pregnancy shot she received the day of her Choosing Ceremony when she arrived. 
"So... do you want children right away?" I ask.  I know she wants them. 
"Do you want children?" she questions me.
"Yes, of course," I respond quickly and she smiles brightly. The thought occurs to me that she would go without children for me if I didn't want them—that she loves me that much she'd go along with anything I want...
"Really?" she beams, bringing me back to our current conversation. 
"I never could see myself as a father before, but when you cared for those babies in the nursery, I could picture myself like that.  But only with you," I explain fully how I feel.   
She appears so incredibly overjoyed at my admission and climbs onto my lap, straddling me. She runs her fingers through my hair.  "I would like to have your children someday, but would it be selfish of me to say that I want to wait a while?  I want you all to myself for a few years before we have children.  I want to live first and experience more of what life has to offer, and of course handle this situation with Erudite.  But in our future, I see children," she tells me.
"That sounds perfect to me," I admit pushing her hair out of her face and kissing her.  We really do think alike, our dreams even match completely.
"Good," she replies. "Are you hungry or do you want to bathe first?"
I'm starving but I feel like I should really get cleaned up. "Shower, but you can go first," I tell her.
She giggles a little before climbing off my lap. "I thought you'd want to join me," she says teasingly over her shoulder as she's opening her bedroom door.
"Are you serious?" I question surprised.  I've wanted that so badly but I'm afraid she's just joking.
She steps back into the bedroom leaning against the door jamb. "I told you yes, yesterday. That means yes to everything. Anything you want, ever, just ask. There will be no more shut doors between us.  I will not be telling you no anymore when it comes to anything like that. Whatever you want, my answer will always be yes," she explains. She smiles and turns away walking to the hallway. I see her grab a bag from the closet and open the bathroom door. She keeps it open after she enters...
She said yes.

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now