Chapter 68

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(Hosanna's POV)

My morning at the office was like going through the motions.  Eric figured that I'd be more productive before the meeting this afternoon, rather than afterward.  I agreed.  Max and I are going to work out together later.  Eric will be in the control room watching the city screens along with the live feed of my recording device from Max's computer.  We will have a patrol on standby awaiting Eric's orders if the worst were to happen. 
I complete my work quickly and go lay on the sofa in Eric's office watching him get security ready for today.  I let my guards come in and sit down.  I think they're more tense right now than I am.  I'm fairly certain Eric's nerves about this afternoon is affecting them; he's a little frantic. 
The time comes for us to head down to lunch and Tobias joins us on the walk down.  I get formally introduced to his guards by Max.  I don't think he realizes that I've met one before. 
"This is Ray and Wes," Max explains.  I nod and shake the first's hand. 
"It's nice to meet you Wes," I say.  "So good to see you again, Ray," I shake his hand and pat him on the back. 
"We'll keep you both safe," Ray assures me.
I give him a genuine smile. 
We eat lunch quickly, Eric's hand on my bouncing leg the entire time, an arm wrapped protectively around me.  "I love you," he whispers, his voice wavering. 
"I love you, too," I reply squeezing his arm.  Just with him holding me like this gives me comfort.  I wish he would be there holding my hand, beside me, but that can't be. 
The time comes for us to part and I hold him a little longer, taking in his scent and face.  I kiss him affectionately before slowly backing away.  He holds onto my hand, pulling me in again for another gentle, loving kiss before finally letting go.  I look over my shoulder as we near the garage to see Eric's eyes still fixed on mine.  I wave to him and I see him step forward but restraint holds him back.  He raises his hand to me, a despondent expression on his face before we enter the garage and he's out of sight. 
I climb into the armored truck awaiting us.  Once we're all inside, we're on our way. I turn my pin on to begin recording.  I'm so nervous, I'm afraid I'll forget.
The ride is short and our vehicle comes to a stop as we near the Dauntless-Factionless border. I climb out of the truck just after my guards. Max gets out behind me. Jax is here to guard him as well as one of Max's usual personal guards I've met recently. His name is Vinny. Tobias exits next along with his two guards.
We walk together, leaving the driver and four additional patrol officers with the vehicle. We approach our back up patrol team. I notice that Jonah, Dan, and Jasmine are among them with several older Dauntless that I don't know. They watch as we walk by them with solemn faces. None of us are looking forward to this meeting. I don't think any of us know what to expect. We pass the large group of soldiers and round the corner. I can see there are several snipers on top and through the windows of nearby buildings. They're not aiming their weapons yet, they're just standing by—alert—awaiting orders. I recall Eric insisting on them today just in case things don't go well.
We get to the end of the street where it's clear that the homes and buildings of Dauntless stop and the Factionless territory begins. The clean streets turn to streets littered with garbage and broken glass, the buildings are crumbling into rubble. 
We stand and wait with our soldiers watching our backs. Time passes and Max looks to his watch, nodding to me that the hour is upon us. They're not here so we wait and wait. My brother reaches out for my hand and I take it, giving him the additional strength he needs. "You know, I never apologized for leaving you there," he says above the silence.
"There's no need. I told you to go," I remind him.
"But had I known, I never would have left you," he insists sadly.
"That's why I didn't want to say anything when I got here. You needed to go. So did I. We're both better off out of that situation altogether," I tell him.
"It still doesn't make me feel any less guilty," he mumbles.
"It wasn't your fault. Marcus is an adult. He should've known better. He should have behaved like the father he ought to be, not a wild animal that can't control his urges. The blame rests on him alone.  It never was and never will be your fault," I point out looking to him.
He purses his lips but nods, a somber expression on his face. He's trying to accept what I said but he's still dealing with the torment in his heart. "I'll be okay. I have Eric. He helps me more than you know," I say.
He looks me in the eyes and I can tell he sees my love for him and my husband. He nods once more in understanding.
A moment later, I hear it. The sound of feet crunching on gravel and glass in the distance. Tons of feet. I can see her after a minute. She's leading an entire mob of Factionless. They're all dressed in clothing of every faction, dirty, and full of holes. The multitude accompanying her is attempting to look intimidating with makeshift weapons like sharp, rusty pieces of metal for stabbing, long pipes in hand, and boards with nails on the end.  I notice how they all look well fed compared to what I've seen previously—nothing like those outside the fence in the fringe.
My mother approaches us and stops a few feet away. "Evelyn.  It's good to know that you're alive," Max says.
"Yeah.  I never started that lie.  That's typical of Abnegation sweeping things under the rug," she says with disdain in her voice.  "What? Are you planning on shooting me with those?" she mocks, gesturing to our holstered guns.
"It's a shame that your attitude has changed over the years. These are the required uniform of every Dauntless leader for our own personal protection. We have yet to draw a single weapon but your group has theirs ready for attack," Max responds calmly. "If you had such a problem with leaders carrying their own weapons, perhaps you should've met with your children in the daylight the first time and seen they were both armed.  Eric was carrying also."
"So, is that the name of your husband?" Mama asks me.  Her voice is one of contempt and not curious or out of love.
"Yes," I respond.
"Eric Franklin," she says, as if she's tasting the sound of my husband's name on her tongue. "That's why we couldn't find your name in the directory, isn't it? You changed it."
I nod. "Hosanna Franklin?" she asks. I nod again. "I'm really sorry for what your father put you through, both of you. I figured that being clothed, fed, and having a roof over your heads was more important than being with me. I had to get away. I was in a dark place in my life and nothing felt more important than escape at the time. I didn't think about what could happen to you two, I just left. It was selfish of me to leave you like that. I didn't think of the consequences, I just panicked and left after he hurt me."
I nod again accepting the apology.  The words sound genuine but there's something about the manner in which she speaks.  I can't quite put my finger on it but something is off. 
"Don't either of you have anything to say to your mother?" she asks in a nervous, shaky voice.
"I accept your apology and I'm trying to forgive you," I say quietly.
Her lip quivers and she reaches for me. My guards pull their guns out, aiming at her.  I raise my hand to them, removing my firearms and passing them to Jax. I step forward and allow her to hold me.
"My girl. Oh, my beautiful girl. I've missed you every day. Not a moment has gone by that I haven't thought about you," she says as she embraces me. She begins to cry as she holds me, patting my hair. This actually sounds like the truth compared to what she said before.
I wish I could feel the same as her but somehow, I feel kind of empty inside at this moment. It feels surreal—like a dream.  I just stare into nothingness as she sobs in my arms.  I blink, glancing over at Max and I can see the adoration in his eyes for her.  Even now, after all this time, it's clear that he's still in love with her. 
When she calms down, she backs up a little. She wipes her eyes and holds me at arms reach.
"You look so much like I did at your age. So different though, too," she laughs. "More beautiful," she adds.
I try to smile but it feels forced. I don't know why I feel nothing. I should be glad to have my mother back, but somehow, this feels like a hoax. This just doesn't seem right. There is a heavy weight on this meeting. It's as if everything she says is insincere. I shake my head to clear the sensation when she looks to my brother.
"Tobias? Could you ever forgive me?" she asks, holding a hand out toward him.  Just then, I think I pinpoint why it feels strange.  She's using the same compliant voice she always used on Marcus with us.  She always spoke so sincerely towards us as children but this sickeningly sweet voice was reserved for Daddy.  It made him calm down sometimes but she never used it on us before.
"Just like I told Marcus on Visiting Day, I'm not as forgiving as my sister," he says abruptly.  She frowns and looks like she's on the verge of sorrowful tears. She nods though in understanding.
"Why did you call this meeting?" she asks Max.
"I want you to stay out of Dauntless. You said you're concerned about Erudite. We're trying to deal with that situation but having your members break into our compound, into secure systems, even a private residence is unsettling," he responds.
She laughs, a mocking sound. "Or what? What will you do if I continue to have my people enter Dauntless?" she questions.
"We'll take away our food donations to start. We'll also arrest and execute any Factionless that enters Dauntless," he replies.
"What food?" she guffaws.  I find it odd that she ignores the other stipulation.
"You're all looking well fed as of recently. Haven't you wondered where it's come from?" I ask.
She snickers. "The Abnegation feed us," she responds rolling her eyes.
"Don't you think the food is well seasoned compared to Abnegation food?" I question pointedly.
That wipes the smirk from her face. "The new cafeteria. That was you?" she asks.
I nod. "We were throwing it out before. I changed that. If you continue to have people break into our buildings, I will send the donations to Erudite instead. We will arrest anyone we don't recognize that enters the compound. We've already been looking for Rita Knowles," I say nodding to that very girl in the crowd.  She shrinks back in fear.
"You will not touch her," my mother demands, practically snarling at Max. 
"As long as she stays out of Dauntless, that won't be a problem.  If she comes near the compound again, she will be arrested and executed," Max replies sternly.
Mama furrows her brows.  "Why are you doing this?" she asks him softly now. 
"She broke into our compound, she hacked a computer with personal information on it, and she unlawfully entered a private residence.  If she was a Dauntless with that list of charges, she would be executed.  That right there was an act of war.  We take threats very seriously in our faction.  You have to keep your people out unless you want hostility with Dauntless.  What would you have me do?  Pat her on the back in congratulations?" he responds.
My mother stares for a moment.  "Fine, she will stay away from Dauntless.  What else?" she asks.
"All Factionless will stay out of Dauntless.  If anyone enters, they will be arrested and the food will go elsewhere," he replies.
"Anything else?" she sighs, sounding like we're boring her.
Max looks to me.  "Actually," I start remembering about something else.  "Any pregnant woman in Factionless, I'd like them to receive help.  Abnegation has previously offered medical care.  If the child is unwanted, they have a list of families that are willing to take the babies.  I don't want to walk through Factionless and find a newborn so close to death lying on the streets abandoned again," I say sadly. 
"What?" Mama asks me confused. 
"Your daughter found a baby under a pile of rubbish in your faction.  Her husband was kind enough to remove his own shirt for the child," Jax speaks up from beside me. 
"How would you know this?" she questions him, a look of surprise on her face.
"Because I was there," he says.  "There are several other members of my team that can testify nearby, unadulterated if you wish."
She looks to me.  I nod at her unspoken question.  "Did the baby live?" she inquires.
"Yes, Robert Black's little sister, Louise, has him," I tell her. "She got married after you left and has been struggling to conceive."
"I'll make sure if anyone is pregnant, they'll be sent to Abnegation," she responds quietly.
"I'll contact Natalie and tell her to put them at the front of the cafe line.  Perhaps that would be more of an incentive," I offer.
She nods.  "That would certainly help," she responds.  She takes a deep breath and says, "I have a request."
Max and I wait for her to voice it.  "We would like to become our own faction and receive our own food and goods the way the other factions do," she requests.
"That is not something we can give," Max replies.
"That is my demand," she insists crossing her arms.
"We do not run the city.  We protect.  We are not the governing body that decides what goes where," I respond. 
She purses her lips but nods.  "When this thing with Erudite passes, I would like to have a say in those meetings," she tells us.
"So would we," I start.  "We're working on that.  We can only do so much but I'll see what we can do."
"Alright.  So what is the plan dealing with Erudite?" she asks.
"That's confidential," Max states. 
"How can I trust you then?" she questions.
"You'll just have to have faith in me and your daughter to do the right thing," he replies.
"Fair enough.  What about her husband?" Mama sneers.
"He's with us," I answer quickly. 
She snorts, "Are you sure about that?"
"Yes," I respond abruptly. 
"He's a Divergent hunter.  How can you even be serious about him?" she cackles.
"Not anymore," I reply harshly.
She rolls her eyes at me.  "He was trained by Jeanine herself," she insists.
"He is also the son of two Divergents," I whisper. 
That grabs her attention.  "What?" she asks me breathlessly.
I nod my head.  "She's holding his sister hostage," I say pulling out the photo I removed from the album while Eric was gone.  "What would you do if a gun was pointed at her head?"  I show her the picture of us with Janice and little Lizzy.  "He was coerced and tricked.  He understands."
Mama frowns and takes the picture from my hand.  "How old is she now?" she asks quietly.
"Twelve," I say.
She nods.  "I want the Divergent deaths to stop," she says handing me back the picture.
"They stopped with the death of Egan, Eric's predecessor," Max explains.  "The rest of us knew nothing about them in Dauntless until recently."
"Really?" she asks Max surprised looking into his eyes.  He nods staring at hers as well. 
"Fine then.  What about the increase of Dauntless in Factionless territory lately?" Mama questions.
"The patrols were my idea.  The Factionless have been getting more violent with each other and among the other factions. It is our job to maintain the peace and protect everyone inside the wall," Max elaborates.
My mother purses her lips but nods nonetheless. It appears as if she doesn't speak for everyone in Factionless if she's not continuing her complaint.  She must not be able to control or influence them all. 
"Did you have anything else to discuss?" she asks us.
"I think that's all we've got," I say.
She nods.  "We can live with this Max. Thank you for bringing us together," she tells him.
"I've always wanted to do what I could to bring you some happiness in life," he responds quietly. "You need to remain impartial in this issue with Erudite or I can't protect you."
"How do I contact you in the future?" she sighs and Max looks to me.
"Send someone with a message, clearly dressed as Factionless to any entrance in the main compound of Dauntless. The message must be written in your handwriting, the same handwriting as the last message," I say recalling that it was, in fact, her handwriting. "Their face must not be covered in any way and their hands raised in peace. After they are checked for weapons, they will be brought before leadership to give us the message. We will either send a message back with them or send it to the same home in Factionless as the first one."
"We can do that," she replies nodding. She reaches out for me and holds me again. I let her, patting her back. "You and your brother are always welcome to see me," she whispers.  That invitation actually sounds genuine. "Just say your name, your maiden name, and they will know who you both are."
She backs away from me and looks to my brother. "Tobias?" she says, a longing in her voice.
"Evelyn," he replies abruptly, emotionless and detachment in the name. The hurt from his response is clear in her expression. She nods and turns away. The Factionless clear a path down the middle of the group, letting her through and following her. She blends in and disappears into the mass of people quickly.

*****Thanks for reading! I feel like the interaction with Evelyn adds a whole new layer to the story.  What'd you think?*****

Words of Wisdom:
It's as if Hosanna knows there's something amiss about her mother's behavior.  She's being honest at times, then not.  Forgiveness is best, yet she also doesn't want to be duped, used, or possibly others harmed in the future.  She can still do her mother the kindness of forgiving her and loving her.  She ought not let her walk all over her or use her though. 

"Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:32‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil."
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4:23‬ ‭NIV‬‬

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now