Chapter 107

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(Hosanna's POV)

Eric and I make our way to the dorm after seeing his sister off. My brother meets us just outside in the hallway. Eric, Four, and I stand in front of the males.  We decided to let my husband do the talking about the ranks.  He's much more thorough at remembering the details of everything we've determined for their scores. 
I try to focus in while Eric is speaking to them. "... if any of you have a problem with your rank, you will see a leader. You will not bicker among yourselves and there will be no fighting," he explains.  "Dauntless born and transfers are separated as you will plainly see. After this stage though, you will be combined. Everyone has made the cut this year, so congratulations. Here are your ranks." 
My brother turns the board in his hands and hangs it up on the wall.

Dauntless born
1. Uriah
2. Lynn
3. Gabe
4. Cain
5. Marlene
6. Frank
7. Hank
8. Benny
9. Wes
10. Ty
11. Dean
12. Kyle
13. Rita
14. Alex
15. Angel

1. Edward
2. Tris
3. Peter
4. Will
5. Christina
6. Al
7. Molly
8. Drew
9. Oliver
10. John
11. Myra

The initiates chatter about their scores. I can see the face Peter makes. He looks to Edward enraged, like he's struggling to control his temper right now. Edward appears extremely proud of himself though.
"Are there any questions about your rankings?" Eric asks.
Nobody responds.
"Alright. Let's go announce at the girls' dorm," Eric says to my brother and me.
Four carries the other chalkboard with us. Eric makes the announcement, my brother posting the ranks up just after. 
Tris looks shocked at her placement but she earned it. She won two out of three fights, led her team to victory in Capture the Flag, and showed skill in every other trial. She would've been third but Peter's behavior bumped her up.
A few others look surprised as well, some in excitement others in disappointment.  When Eric asks about questions, Molly speaks up. "Yeah, why is she ranked above me when I beat her in minutes?" she gestures to Christina. She reminds me so much of Julia in that moment before Eric humbled her last year.
"Do you really want me to answer that in front of everyone?" Eric smirks. He's going to humiliate her. I pull on his arm. He looks at me questioningly.
"Yeah," Molly responds. He turns back to her.
"You only won that fight, she won two others. You lost our flag during Capture the Flag while she helped her team retrieve it. Her fighting is cleaner, while yours is still sloppy and unrefined. She's a better shot with a gun, better aim with a knife, she has more stamina, and she's shown greater improvement than you in the first stage," Eric lists.
Molly's cheeks are bright red in embarrassment.  "Any other questions?" he asks.  There is silence in the room.  "Good."
He walks out of the dorm, me right behind him alongside my brother.  "Let's just hope they're happy with their ranks," Tobias mumbles. 
"Why?" I ask. 
"Because I'd hate for anything unfortunate to happen," he replies. 
"Me, too," I agree.  They should all be content, everyone made it and they all earned their ranks. 
We walk towards the Pit.  "Baby?" Eric says. 
"Yes, Eric darling," I grin. 
He smiles and my brother sighs harshly, irritated at our playful banter.  "How about I take you out tonight?" he asks. 
"Out?  Like where?" I question.  It's been a while since we've gone out together. 
"There are some restaurants in the Pit.  How about we get dressed and go out to a nice romantic dinner, just the two of us?" he offers.
Tobias nudges me. I look to him in question. He shrugs smiling.
"That sounds wonderful, actually," I tell him excitedly.
"Alright, let's go get dressed," he says.


Eric and I get cleaned up to go out for a late dinner. I decided to wear a dressy blouse and skirt. I put on one of my favorite perfumes he bought me and head to the bathroom to do my makeup. Eric is wearing a buttoned down shirt and dress pants. He's just finishing combing his hair. He shaved, too, and smells amazing.
Eric starts to walk out of the bathroom as I grab my makeup bag. I begin to line my eyes with eyeliner. I feel him run his fingers along my waist. I guess he didn't leave.
"No tickling," I tell him. "I don't want to poke myself in the eye," I warn.
"Don't worry, I won't," he says leaning his body against mine. He slowly, gently wraps his arms around my abdomen.
I pull out my eyeshadow and mascara. I begin to apply them. Eric still remains watching as I put on my lip gloss. I see him grinning in the mirror as I pick up. "What are you smiling about?" I ask.
He shrugs. "You look lovely," he says.
"And I normally don't?" I giggle.
"You always look lovely. It's just on the rare occasion when you put makeup on, you look more so," he explains.
He runs his fingers down my arms and this moment feels so incredible. I grin. I love it when he compliments me. I'm so used to growing up without any real positive confirmation and it means so much to me that he always speaks such sweet sentiments toward me. "Are you about ready?" I ask.
"Yeah, let's go," he says grabbing my hand. He opens the front door for me and locks up.
We descend in the elevator and start to cross the Pit. "Baby, wait right here," he requests.
"Alright?" I reply questioningly.
Eric walks away and up some stairs nearby. He's out of sight in just a moment. I notice there're some guards in the area. I wave to them. They wave back. I realize that he left me by the corridor near the initiates' dorms. I sigh and lean up against the wall.
I'm waiting for quite a while. I look to my watch to see that he's been gone ten minutes already. I stand up straight and I'm abruptly bumped into by someone rounding the corner. I stand solidly still while the other person falls to the ground, something clanging down.
"Why don't you watch where you're going?" he says irritably.
I raise my eyebrows in question as he looks up to me from the ground. "Oh," Peter laughs awkwardly. "Sorry... I mean... I'm sorry. I should've watched where I was going," he corrects.
"Apology accepted," I tell him giving him a hand up.
"Thanks," he says letting his hand linger in mine long after I've released his. "Well, see you Monday?"
I nod and Peter runs off. He stops for a moment quite a distance away, patting himself as if searching for something. He shakes his head and walks away.
I lean against the wall once more and step closer to get more comfortable when I hear a scraping noise beneath my shoe. I look down. Something shiny is below my foot. I step aside to see a knife on the ground. I pick it up. It's a butter knife from the cafeteria. Why is this here?
I decide to take it back to the cafeteria before Eric returns. It's just down the hallway anyway. I walk through the corridor. There are still a few people eating dinner. I enter the kitchen door.
"Hosanna? What can I do for you?" Kay inquires.
"Hello, Kay. I just found this knife on the floor down the hall. I figured someone must've dropped it and accidentally kicked it down the hallway or something," I explain handing it to her.
"That's weird. I've never heard of that happening before," she says taking the knife from me. "Thanks for bringing it back."
"Not a problem," I reply waving to her as I leave.
I walk briskly back to where Eric left me. I find him there pacing.
"There you are. I was wondering where you'd run off to," he says worriedly.
"I just ran a utensil back to the cafeteria," I explain.
"A utensil?" he asks questioningly.
"Yeah," I shrug. "I found it on the floor."
"That's strange," he mumbles.
"So... where've you been?" I ask sliding my arm through his.
He smirks. "I bought you these," he says pulling some flowers out from behind his back.
"Oh," I smile taking the large bouquet in both of my hands. "They're beautiful," I whisper admiring the gorgeous red tulips he gave me.
"Sorry I took so long..." he says glancing at me as he leads us through the Pit. "I had to choose just the right bouquet."
"Oh? Is there significance to this one?" I ask curiously. I can't stop smiling.
"Yes," he responds. I look to him waiting for an explanation. He laughs softly. "Um... they signify true love."
I pull him a little closer as we continue to walk. He gives my side a squeeze. I sigh in contentment at the sweetness of each and every thing he does for me.


Eric takes me to some expensive restaurant in the Pit. He tells me it's the same place Ryan often brings Mia when they go out. She does like fancy things and this place definitely seemed like it'd be her style. He orders for me, which I don't mind at all. I'm too interested in the decor and atmosphere to even pay attention to the menu.
He orders some type of white fish for himself and a steak for me. We end up sharing our meals as always. I love his and he loves mine.
We walk back hand in hand through the Pit, taking our time and glancing in the windows as we pass by. The lights have already begun to dim since it's so late. Eric mentions that he's been thinking about getting a tattoo lately but only if I get a matching one as well. I grin and agree even though he refuses to tell me until we get it. He decides that after initiation would be the best time to do it since he's hoping things may slow down then.
Eric and I near our section of the Pit leading home when we notice guards running frantically in one direction. Pam, the nighttime infirmary employee, is with them and so is Christina. I drop my flowers when I realize they're heading straight for the initiate dorms. I remember my brother's words from earlier; some initiates weren't happy with their ranks. "Oh God," I whisper running after them.

*****Thanks for reading!  Sorry for the cliffhanger.  I hope you enjoyed it.*****

Words of Wisdom:
We ought to be content in what we have not petty and striving to take from others, or harm others.  We ought to love everyone.  Turn away from jealousy and hate.  Love those who even persecute you.  Pray for those who hate you. 
I've often had people dislike me—I may have stuck my foot in my mouth or it may have been for no real reason at all but regardless, I still love those who don't love me.  I try to push the hurt and anger aside and love on them, pray for them and move on.  Living your life in constant anger will hold you back.  You have to learn to let go, know that you're not in control, and do what's right no matter what.  I'm not saying this is easy because it's not, but it is the right thing to do. 

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."
Philippians 4:11-13 NIV

"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses."
1 Timothy 6:6-12 NIV

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now