Chapter 114

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(Hosanna's POV)

I'll admit, I couldn't focus on watching the simulations the last two days.  I was just going through the motions.  Eric left me to it since he thinks I'm doing just fine on my own.  His excuse for not being around the last couple of days in initiation is that he's catching up on some work in the office.  I know my husband probably better than he knows himself at times though.  He's most likely looking into the last few recordings from Max's meetings at Erudite and reading the reports to better prepare for this visitation from Jeanine. 
I'm currently sitting in the bathtub soaking—an attempt to help me relax tonight.  I'm not in the mood for going over the rest of the sims.  I'll do it after this gathering has passed, this weekend at the latest.  I'm too tense to handle all of that and I can rank them by their times alone in the meantime.  I have to be prepared for any unexpected signs of Divergence, though, and to warn the initiates properly before Lauren aids us on Monday.  It's not that I don't trust her, I just don't know her well enough to put all of our lives in her unfamiliar hands. 
I hear the front door slam and I smile.  I feel comforted just knowing that Eric is near.  "Hosanna... baby, are you home?" he calls out. 
"Yeah, I'm in here," I respond.  I hear his boots thumping firmly with each step on our hardwood flooring as he progresses down the hallway.  After a minute, the bathroom door opens. 
"Oh, there you are," he says smirking at me and leaning against the doorjamb.  "Do you mind if I join you?" he grins. 
"The water has run cold.  I was just about to get out," I frown. 
"Oh," he says disappointed.  "You should probably get ready to leave anyway.  That meeting is in less than an hour."
I nod, standing up, pulling the plug, and reaching for my towel.  After I wrap it around myself, I realize Eric is gone and the door is shut. I should ask him what he was up to today but I really ought to get ready first. I finish drying off. I get dressed into a nicer outfit to meet with Jeanine tonight.  I figure I'll put on some makeup and do something a little more special than usual with my hair to pass the time.  It'll help calm my nerves to keep myself busy.  I finish getting ready and it's close to the time to leave. 
I step into the living room to see Eric seated on the sofa reading. He looks up from his book at me.

((A special thanks to @BeckyJolene for making the beautiful outfit!!))

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((A special thanks to @BeckyJolene for making the beautiful outfit!!))

"Well, I feel underdressed now," he comments. "You look breathtaking."
"Thanks," I try to smile at him.
He stands from the couch to leave but strides straight over embracing me. "I've missed you today," he sighs holding onto me tightly. 
"What'd you get done in the office?" I ask resting my chin on his shoulder.  I've missed him, too.
"I just went over a few things from Max's visits with Erudite," he admits releasing me and shrugging. 
"So what did you find out?" I inquire. 
"Nothing of note," he says.
I nod and glance at the clock. "We should go. I don't want to keep her waiting."
"Yeah," he responds. I press record on my pin so we have full documentation of this situation. Eric mentioned yesterday that the cameras in the loading dock, hallway, and meeting room are to be turned off for the entirety of this meeting—Jeanine's specifications of course. He opens the front door for me and I wait by his side while he locks up. He places his hand on my back and escorts me down the hall. The contact is a great comfort. We descend in the elevator and cross through the crowd in the Pit. I barely register those around us, the voices and faces just fade into the din of every day in this place. We move through the maze of hallways toward our loading dock. Eric and I arrive just as Jeanine and Max walk through the entrance. I see her car is parked outside in the distance, the driver just closing her door. There is a large truck backing up to load whatever it is she's sent from Erudite for us.
"Hosanna, Eric, it's so good to see you," Jeanine greets approaching us.
"Jeanine," Eric nods to her.
"Hosanna dear, you look absolutely beautiful. My Eric is fortunate to have such a lovely wife," she says.
"Thank you," I reply a little surprised at the compliment.  It's strange how she can be so kind to me at times.  I have to keep reminding myself that she has sinister plans she wants to carry out and she uses deception and flattery to dupe everyone into falling in line. 
"Let's go to our meeting room," Max insists leading the way. He's not much for pleasantries.
Jeanine follows us and I realize several of her assistants join us.  Riley and Darlene are among them. 
"Hello Hosanna," Riley says quietly.  I nod and give him a small smile while I hold on tightly to Eric's hand.  He looks extremely pale today. 
We enter an area set up similarly to our conference room upstairs except this space appears more along the lines of a factory or a storage facility. I've never been in this room before. The wall is painted stone with chipped and peeling paint coming off. Above us, there are loose wires tacked to the ceiling and ductwork for air circulation.  We all take a seat at the conference table and Jeanine begins her meeting.  She tells us about the computers that will be set up here in Dauntless and how we will be receiving shipments daily from Erudite with more computers and crates for the next week.  Erudite members will be present, setting up the computer equipment for us and will be here during the daytime until completion. 
A moderate-sized wooden crate is brought in the room and set on the table before Jeanine.  It's opened with a crowbar by an Erudite guard, the metal and wood creaking with each forceful push before the top is removed.  Jeanine reaches inside the wooden box, pulling out a vial of serum.  The color is very odd, though.  It's an orange-brown shade and unfamiliar to me. 
"This, I'm very proud of.  We have Mr. Riley Thompson to thank for this.  He had been working on fertilizers up until recently and made great progress with this for me," she grins.  "This is a serum I ask that Dauntless leadership injects each of their members with.  This serum will make them more susceptible to suggestion.  It will allow us to be in complete control of all your members and follow very specific orders," Jeanine states holding a vial up for us to see. 
"What exactly will Erudite be doing with control over all of Dauntless?" Max questions.  He's always straight to the point. 
"Dauntless will be doing exactly what their leadership agreed to," Jeanine smiles.  "I told you before that we will be working together to eliminate flaws in our faction system.  We will put those in power who know what they're doing and will help our faction system to benefit and become prosperous.  We will stop draining our resources on the Factionless.  Erudite will need Dauntless forces to assist in these transitions.  All of the current leaders have agreed to this previously.  Now is the time that I'm asking for your assistance to remedy this issue."
"So, you want us to inject our members with a serum to give you complete control over them.  You want to use those soldiers to take over Abnegation and give control to Erudite," Max states.
"Precisely," Jeanine laughs.  She's almost giddy.  Max nods in understanding.  "There is one thing that you should take note of.  This serum will not work on the Divergent.  They cannot be controlled. If you find any not following orders, eliminate them," Jeanine adds.  "You will be receiving crates of the serum for the next week as well.  Try not to destroy them.  That's one thing that census was good for: giving me a precise and accurate count of each person in the city."
"What are we to do with the Abnegation once Erudite takes over?" Eric questions his aunt.
"Good question, dear nephew.  They will no longer be needed.  You are to round them up and execute them.  Next order of business will be the Factionless," Jeanine says coldly.  This is so incredibly diabolical and she plays it off as if sending a request for someone to wash her laundry. 
We both nod in response.  I know I'm trying hard to keep a straight face. 
"You've been awfully quiet, Hosanna.  What do you think of my plan?" Jeanine asks. 
I blink, surprised at the question.  I can see Riley looking at me intently, almost afraid to hear my answer. 
"I think that if you want these eliminations, that would definitely solve our food shortage issue, you'd be rid of the Divergent, and you would be in a position of power which is exactly where you want to be.  This plan of yours, in theory, could be a swift and effective way for you to obtain what you desire," I respond.  This is not what I believe is good, but I can see how she has twisted herself into believing that doing this outweighs doing what is moral and right.
I observe the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face.  She uncharacteristically crosses the room and embraces me.  "I just knew Eric chose well when he chose you.  You are so much like me," she says with her voice cracking slightly.  I actually hear her sniffle.  I hug her back and I do love this woman, even though she's lost all reason.  I pray that she comes back to her sanity some day. "If I were to ever have a child, I'd hope that she'd be just like you," she whispers.  I don't know how to respond to that since she has no idea who I truly am and what is in my heart.  I pat her back gently. She releases me, straightens out her dress, and composes herself quickly. "So, any other questions?" she asks the room.
"When are you planning on orchestrating this?" Eric asks.
"I want everyone injected except for leadership and those of your choosing for personal guards by next Friday night. The soldiers will be put under simulation first thing the following morning," she explains.
Eric, Max, and I share a look. "That's the night of our final test and graduation to membership for the initiates. There will be a party that night that will last until early morning. Members will notice something wrong if the serum isn't working at exactly the same time and may be difficult to control afterward. If we go without the celebration, that would be a clear sign of something not right as well. We'll have to cancel everything that's been ordered and members will question that," Max explains.
Jeanine waves a hand at him. "Fine, it'll have to be the next weekend," she says attempting to feign indifference but she does sound put out.
"What do we tell the members that we're injecting them with?" Eric questions.
"Make something up," she tells him dismissively. He stares at her awaiting an actual answer. "Fine, tell them it's a tracker you're injecting all members with since some have gone missing." Eric purses his lips and nods.
"If that's all your questions, then I'll take my leave. My technicians will be starting here on Monday then since there's no rush on the setup," Jeanine explains before striding off. Riley meets my eyes briefly before falling in step behind his leader and the rest of her group.
Max, Eric, and I walk them out through the hallway and toward the loading dock exit.  Max catches up to Jeanine, striding quickly beside her.  I notice Erudite and Dauntless guards unloading boxes of items and carrying it to the room we just vacated.  As we step further in the direction of the doors, I observe some initiates walking down this same hallway.  It's Tris and her friends. 
"Beatrice Prior," Jeanine calls out to her. 
I see her face turn a little pale at the sight of the Erudite leader before her.  She and her friends stop in their tracks.  "Ms. Matthews, it's a surprise to see you here.  It's just Tris now, though," she says.
"I like that.  It suits you," she responds. 

Jeanine looks over Tris's bird tattoo

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Jeanine looks over Tris's bird tattoo.  "I notice you're fitting into your new faction well.  I'm glad to see that you're where you truly belong," she tells my friend. 
"Thank you," Tris replies with a small smile. 
Max walks Jeanine out the door and to her car.  I see Riley look back at me once more.  He seems quite apologetic.  I sigh as I turn to the initiates.  "What are you doing down here?" Eric asks them evenly. 
"We were just exploring," Will explains with a shrug.  I'm tempted to chastise them since they're supposed to stay around the Pit but I'm sure they don't know where they are. 
"This is our loading dock.  We generally receive goods from other factions here.  They're currently unloading some boxes with fragile contents.  We'll walk you back to the Pit," I explain.
"Actually baby, I think I'm going to make a stop at the vault.  I'll grab the serum for tomorrow while I'm down here.  Tell your brother, it'll save him a trip," Eric says quietly.  I raise my eyebrow at him in question.  "I'll meet you at home?" he asks.  I nod to him.  He kisses my cheek before turning around. 
I begin to walk the initiates back through the labyrinth of corridors. 
"Why was Jeanine Matthews here?" Tris asks me accusingly after we make a few turns and we're alone with her friends. 
I glance at her.  She looks upset and afraid.  "We had a meeting with her," I explain softly. 
"What was it about?" she pushes. 
"I'm sorry but it's confidential," I say gently.  "Only leadership knows.  Those that become leaders will be told."
She nods to my response but the face she's making, the devastation in her expression appears as if she believes Eric and I betrayed her.  I need to get her alone and speak with her about this... as soon as possible.

*****Thanks for reading!  I hope you enjoyed my version of this part of the story.*****

Words of Wisdom:
I find that in life, it's impossible to please everyone.  No matter what you do, someone will be disappointed.  From my experiences, no matter what you do, always try to do the right thing.  If you're not sure what that is, ask God.  He will lead you on the right path.  It may not be what you expected or even what you want to do.  It may not even be easy or without hardship but I believe He always has our best interests at heart for our future and righteousness. Only through Him, we are made righteous.

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."
Hebrews 11:6 NIV

"Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life."
Galatians 6:8 NIV

"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."
Galatians 1:10 NIV

"but I will not take my love from him, nor will I ever betray my faithfulness."
Psalm 89:33 NIV

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now