Chapter 19

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(Hosanna's POV)

Eric and I ended up touring Abnegation yesterday since we were already there and Marcus wasn't. I think the tour was more for his sake than mine since I'd spent a good majority of my childhood there. Andrew Prior was present and gave us the tour while Natalie cared for little Seth. I got to hear Louise's cry of joy from down the hall as we slipped out the door leaving their compound. Somehow I know he'll survive and be well cared for.
After lunch today, all of the leaders are meeting in the conference room. We ascend the Pit stairs together and head up toward our offices. We arrive at the conference room and everyone takes a seat.
"So, what is it that you want to discuss?" Max asks Eric.
"Hosanna has some ideas about what to do with the leftover food from each meal in the cafeteria," he says and gestures to me to speak up.
I tell them my ideas and Max says he has no problem with having Abnegation come and pick up the food. We all vote since it's customary. With a unanimous decision, I tell them that I'll inform Andrew Prior about our daily donations we will be making.
"Is there anything else either of you wish to discuss?" Max asks.
"Did you hear about the incident yesterday in Factionless?" Eric asks him.
"Not yet. What happened?" Max asked concerned.
"Hosanna found an abandoned newborn in an alley. I was looking through our protocol last night and we have no rules on what to do with them in Dauntless or any faction that I could find. I was thinking that we could make some rules about it at least in Dauntless and pass our decisions on to the other factions as possible guidelines if they come across similar situations," Eric says.
Max nods and gestures for him to continue.
"I was thinking that nobody knew what to do with that child except for Hosanna. I think if anyone comes across an abandoned child, we should bring them to Abnegation for adoption," he suggests.
"Let's take a vote," Max says. "All in favor?"
We all raise our hands.
"Okay, make sure both of you check with Abnegation on these issues first that they will comply. I don't think they've ever turned down anything we've sent them in the past but just as a formality, write up a proposal. Then inform the cafeteria staff and the police force of what we expect from them once we're all in agreement," Max tells us.
I smile.
"If that's all, everyone is dismissed," Max says.
Eric and I stand and walk to our offices. It doesn't take me more than ten minutes to write up a proposal to Andrew. While I wait for his response, I make a draft of what is expected of our cafeteria staff in assisting the Abnegation with the food donations and how to pack up everything. Moments later, I receive a reply from Mr. Prior accepting our vast donation. He tells me that Natalie will organize a team of volunteers to come three times daily to Dauntless after our mealtimes with a truck to accept our gifts.
I send Natalie the appropriate times for pickup. She responds immediately with information about how she will be here Monday morning. I send the message I drafted to the cafeteria staff informing them that we will be donating the majority of the food leftover.
I close up my computer and cross the hallway to Eric's office. I knock once and open the door to see him closing his computer as well.
"Natalie Prior thanks us for the child and is happy to know that Dauntless will help them rescue any children we come across in the future," Eric says smiling.
He grasps my hand and leads me out of his office door. He informs me that he had made a special appointment for me today and it may take a large portion of the day. We have to hurry if we want to make it on time.
As we cross through the Pit, we approach a tattoo parlor. I recognize it as the one Tori and Ava work at. I stop in my tracks and stare at it. I look to Eric to see he's smiling at me. I smile back and grab his hand. It's time.
Tori meets us at the front desk. I see Ava peeking from behind a curtain and she waves to me. I wave back. Tori takes us to her station and hands me a book.
"These designs are only for leaders. You can select one or have me draw up anything similar that you want," she explains.
"Just out of curiosity, what are the stipulations for an original one?" I ask.
"Well, it has to be on the front of your neck. There has to be at least two lines, one on each side with symmetrical patterns like these," she says pointing to the designs.
I peruse through the book. Some are photographs, some are just drawings. I flip through them all finding Eric's as just a drawing. I look to him.
"I was the first to choose that one," he says.
I smile and continue to flip through the book. Near the last few pages, the designs start to get thinner, where the decorative bars aren't as long or wide as some of the others.
"Previously, many of the female leaders used to get these types, due to their smaller frames than the males," Tori points out.
I nod in understanding. I actually like the thinner ones better for me but I like Eric's as well.  His design is quite unique compared to the others. "I think I know what I want," I say.
I explain to her that I want one in the thinner style but the same way Eric has his, like his/hers tattoos. She nods laughing and begins to draw it up for me. Eric takes a seat next to me and reaches out to hold my hand. He strokes the back of my hand with his thumb and looks into my eyes. I stare back at him.
"Is this about what you want?" Tori says after a few minutes showing me her drawing. 
I meet her eyes smiling. "That's perfect—even better than what I was imagining," I tell her.
She sits down in her chair and starts prepping her tools. I kick my foot in excitement. I didn't think I would be looking forward to this as much as I am. I feel Eric begin to stoke my left hand again for a while but then he stops, rubbing at one of my fingers and looking up to me. I smile at him.
"Okay, Hosanna. Can you lean your head back?" she asks.
I comply and stop moving my foot. As she begins, I notice this tattoo hurts a bit more than the last one, probably because it's located in such a delicate area. I breathe slowly—predictably, so she can work without distraction. I feel Eric rubbing my finger again and I close my eyes. The motion is helping to soothe me from the pain.
After what feels like an hour, Tori moves back and readies to go to the opposite side of my neck. I take a deep breath as she crosses to my other side while Eric remains where he is. He sits up and I can see his face studying the finished side. He smirks and looks into my eyes. I'm tempted to ask how it looks but Tori begins again and it'll have to wait.
When it's finally complete, she hands me a mirror. I sit up and admire the work she's done. I stare at the ink on my skin and glance at Eric. Just the movement to look in his direction makes me wince.
"Your neck will be pretty sore for a few days," he says. I debate on whether I should nod or respond to him but neither will feel too good.
Tori puts a bandage on either side of my neck.
"Thank you, Tori," I say.
"It's always a pleasure to do these," she says smiling.
Eric walks me back to my apartment since we're done for the day. I strip off my guns and vest laying down on my bed as Eric sits next to me. "Do you want me to bring you something to eat?" he asks.
I bite my lip. "I'm not really that hungry," I say yawning.
"I'll tell you what, how about I bring you something and I'll stick it in your fridge. It'll be there if you change your mind," he says.
"Okay," I whisper.
"So, your brother and I are going out drinking tonight. If you fall asleep, I'll see you in the morning for breakfast?" he tells me.
"Yeah," I say.
He kisses me on the forehead and smiles. "Goodnight darling," he whispers as my eyes close.

*****I love the tattoo scene, how I actually have it as a leadership exclusive. I thought this moment and matching tattoos would be awesome.*****

Words of Wisdom:
Eric has been seeing Hosanna's incredible kindness firsthand for quite some time. After finding baby Seth, he really observes how important it is to care for others besides her. He saw how much that tiny infant meant to her. It moved him to take action so he hopefully never has to see her in that position again, or at least everyone will know what to do.

"Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel: The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love."
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭103:2-8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now