Chapter 84

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(Hosanna's POV)

The seminars are incredibly informative and I feel as though I'm learning so much about the inter workings of the city. I'll admit, having my father here is making me quite uneasy even though he supposedly plays a huge roll in the city. Now that I know he's watching me, I'm even more uncomfortable. Jack has let up substantially and is only coming by to talk when Eric is by my side, which I appreciate. It isn't difficult though since we're always together except when I use the ladies' room. Eric told me that Jack apologized to him for his behavior and he's trying to control himself. He knows I must've been through quite an ordeal in my childhood and he doesn't want to add to my current stress.
My time spent with Eric in the seminar presentations is helping me to be a better leader. I've been giving suggestions to the demonstrators afterward and it's so fulfilling to be a part of something this great. I had never realized how hard the factions work together annually to better this city. I do feel that some of Jeanine's ideas for the most part will be of a substantial help to further this.
There were a few occasions where Marcus was present during the lectures we attended. I tried not to let his watchful eyes distract me on the presentation, but I'll admit, my mind did wander a little. Eric and I just moved our seats or tried to leave quickly to avoid any interaction.
I really have benefited from this experience though. The Amity have spoken on their food production, including but not limited to the livestock, the orchards, greenhouses, fisheries, and farm fields. I've learned all about irrigation, when they fertilize, and use pesticides. I learn about an insect causing trouble within the orchards which explains why our peach harvest wasn't so plentiful this last year. The Erudite are apparently working on that.
Amity also speaks on their counselors and how they are faring. They give statistics of reasons for counseling. Some of the reasons range from addictions with substances, abuse, stress, marital problems, depression, and self harm. I frown at these and notice that my father is not present for this lecture. The speaker passes out a list of numbers to call for each type of assistance desired. I thank her personally and learn her name is Lara.
Erudite presents on such a variety of topics that range from medical studies—which include development of medicine and procedures—to textile production to education to the sharing of knowledge through the press and libraries. There are so many variations of services the city gets from Erudite that I sometimes forget how valuable the faction is. I find every presentation and workshop to be extremely informative.
The Abnegation discuss what they've been doing throughout the year, new orders of business and old. They speak on how supplies are designated and the determining factors of those, which proportions go where based on population, how they're distributed... etc.  Some speak on the designation of items to the Factionless.  The proportions are quite low because there is no citizens' registry as being Factionless and there really is no way to tell how many there are. 
Natalie speaks briefly about adoption lists and the aptitude testing.  She informs us about the volunteers and the time frames for applying to volunteer.  I'm glad we attended but I'm surprised it was one of the shorter meetings.  I guess not too terribly much has changed for both processes. 
I think my father is surprised when Eric and I sit in on his lecture but I'll admit I was curious to learn about what he actually does. He's dealing with the organization of funds and supplies to each faction and the actual amounts that are received.  It's mostly just numbers but they do seem a little off to me.  I think this may play into that area of theft that Jack was speaking about previously. Perhaps the Factionless are stealing from the delivery trucks or even the employees transferring the merchandise. I notice a young man attending the presentation that I've met previously.  He glances over at me a few times.  I try to place his name but I can't. He's the man I met before who helped Natalie and Earl with the food donations.  After the lecture, Eric and I exit quickly so we don't have to interact with Marcus.  I hear my name being called and I turn around. 
"Hosanna, wait!" the young man shouts down the hall rushing through the crowd to catch up to us.
He meets us out of breath.  I signal my guards to stand down.  It's clear to tell that they're not sure what to make of this man. "I just wanted to say hello again. I haven't seen you in a while," he says.
I blink and look to Eric.  He looks somewhat baffled as well.  "Hello..." I respond.
"Justin," he says smiling.  "We met before during the donation."
"I remember.  I'm sorry I just couldn't place your name.  How are you?" I ask.
"Wonderful, thank you.  I was happy to catch you here.  I didn't know if I'd see you or not," he tells me.  "Do you mind if I join you for lunch?"
I look over to Eric.  I know he's irritated about this but I ask anyway.  "Do you mind?" I question.
He sighs loudly.  "It's fine," he says pulling me along. 
"Great," Justin responds grinning. 
We grab our lunch and take a seat together.  I introduce Justin to our guards.  "This sandwich is excellent," he comments.
"Not accustomed to the plain food in abnegation yet?" I ask smiling.
He shrugs.  "Any food that I don't have to make myself is good.  I've never been much of a cook," he explains.
I nod.  "Neither was my brother," I say as I notice him joining our table. 
"Talking about me?" he questions before putting a huge bite of food in his mouth.
"Just a little.  Justin this is Four, my brother," I introduce.
He furrows his brows.  "It's nice to meet you?" he responds a little confused.
Tobias just nods in acknowledgement while he continues to eat. 
"Nick name," I clarify.
Justin nods too, still a little surprised by the name. 
"So, what brings you to the seminars?" I inquire taking a bite of my sandwich. 
"Mr. Eaton wanted me to come today," he explains.
I furrow my brows.  "Why did he want you here?" I ask out of curiosity. 
"I'm studying under him.  I've been chosen to become a leader.  Not like you though.  It'll take years of studying and learning to actually become one," he tells me.
"I feel sorry for you," Tobias mumbles.
"Why?" Justin asks.  Tobias just looks to me.
I clear my throat.  "Marcus Eaton can be a difficult man at times to get along with," I elaborate.
He nods in understanding.  "You're his daughter, right?" he asks.
"Yes," I respond.
"So... I've kind of noticed that," he says very quietly to me.  "What do you suggest?"
I laugh.  "Maybe if you can be an understudy for anyone else, like if a position opens up, take it," I advise.
He laughs, too.  "Alright," he agrees.

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now