Chapter 11

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(Hosanna's POV)

I walk with Abby and Julia to dinner. I get in line with them and they both seem excited about tonight. I'm glad. They both are happy with their jobs and that they're still here but I get the feeling that they're afraid they might not be able to stay.
"How's your training going?" I ask.
"Not good," Abby says.
"What's wrong?" I inquire.
"We're not really getting any better," Julia admits.
I think for a moment. "Eric and I will be doing my leadership training most likely every morning in the training room next week. Why don't I rearrange your schedules so you can train with us in the mornings?" I offer.
"If we couldn't keep up with you during initiation, how could we keep up with two leaders?" Julia asks.
"Well, we jog for an hour or so to start," I explain. "You could try to keep up with us if you want or you can run around the track inside until your stamina improves. You've still got six weeks. Work at it every day.  After we jog, we do weights and the punching bags. The weights will give you strength and I can adjust your stance at the bags. You'll probably have to be on your own while we're sparing though since it might be too advanced but you two could practice together or get some of the three other lower ranking guys to help you. They pretty much make their own schedules as long as they get their work done."
"You'd really do all of that for us?" Julia questions.
"Of course I would. We're friends," I tell her.
"Thank you," Abby says.
"No problem. So, I'll meet you when I'm done," I confirm before walking off to the leaders' table.
I see Eric sitting with Ryan. I sit down next to him. "There you are. I went up to the control room but you weren't there," Eric says.
"I visited the nursery so I could invite Julia and Abby to the party tonight," I tell him.
"Oh," he replies.
He leans closer to me. "I missed you today," he whispers before kissing me.
"I missed you, too," I say.
"So, how'd the training go?" he questions.
I shrug. "Pretty good. Ellen and Neil are catching on quickly but Nathan had a ton of questions for me," I admit.
Eric gives me a hard look. "What?" I question.
"I forgot you had to train him. I don't like him near you," he says protectively.
"Yeah, well I didn't want to train him either but what choice do I have? He signed up for that position," I explain.
"I could easily move him to the fence," Eric mumbles.
"For what? Annoying me?" I say.
Eric shrugs. "I just don't like him. I don't trust him," he informs me.
"I don't particularly care for him either but he did make an attempt to be respectful to me today," I tell him.
"Well that's good. So, we're going to Zeke's party tonight?" he confirms.
"Yeah, Julia and Abby are coming home with me to get ready," I tell him.
"You really like them, huh?" he says surprised.
"Yeah, I do. They're going to be training with us in the morning next week," I explain.
"Good. They could use some work," he agrees.
"I'm glad you're okay with this. I was afraid you would be upset," I tell him.
He shrugs. "It's your call. I'm never going to treat you like a child. You can make your own decisions," he says.
I pull him closer and kiss him gently. "One of the many reasons why I love you so much," I say kissing him again.  "Speaking of reasons why I love you... I read a message from you today," I tell him trying to hold in the laugh.
He furrows his brows at me. "What message?" he asks.
"You left a note on the board in the nursery specifically saying that anyone who feeds Chloe prunes... that you'll kill them," I say chuckling.
"Hey, I meant that," he chuckles in response.
"Sure you did," I say laughing harder.
"What's so funny?" Ryan asks getting Max and Lydia's attention.
I explain what happened and the whole table of leaders are laughing so hard we've drawn the attention of several tables nearby. I bet they haven't seen that before since they all looked surprised.
We finish up shortly and Eric takes my hand as we go to leave. I wave to the girls and they come up to join us smiling. We make our way up to the leaders' floor. I kiss Eric before opening my door and letting the girls in.
"Wow, this is your apartment?" Julia asks.
"Yeah," I say. "I'm having a dinner party on Sunday night. Do you both want to come?"
"Really?" they question simultaneously.
"Of course, you can each bring someone if you'd like. Although, let me know. I think I need to get another table or some more chairs or something," I say. Maybe Eric and I can go out shopping for that tomorrow.
"My room is back here," I say leading them. I open my closet. "Take your pick first."
They each shuffle though my closet. It's not that full but I'm sure I have something they might like. Julia selects a dress that I haven't worn yet. Abby picks a skirt and frilly shirt. I pick out one of the corset tops that I got last weekend but it's not as revealing as the other one I wore along with a skirt. "Feel free to pick out another outfit for Sunday. You can keep whatever you take," I say.
"Hosanna, you are the nicest person we know," Abby tells me in awe.
"Well, thanks," I grin.  That was sweet.
We all get changed and head to my bathroom. "I don't have much makeup but you're welcome to use whatever you want," I say getting out my tiny makeup bag.
We all apply a minimal amount of makeup and cross the hallway to Eric's apartment. I knock on his door and open it to see him reading on the couch. I smile at him. "Are you ready?" I ask.
"Yeah, let's go," he says standing up and grabbing his keys.
I see Julia and Abby peeking in the door to see his place.  I open the door wider.  "You look beautiful," Eric says approaching me.  I smile at him.  He kisses my lips gently and we step out in the hallway.
He locks his door.  "Can you lock mine, too?  I don't have any pockets for my keys," I say.
"Sure," he tells me smiling at me.  He locks up my door and takes my hand.  We descend in the elevator.  When it opens, Eric and I lead the way to Zeke's place through the Pit.  Abby and Julia follow behind us talking quietly. 
"I was thinking of getting a bigger table or a table for my balcony tomorrow.  What do you think?" I ask him.
"I was actually going to get you a bigger table..." Eric offers.
"Really?" I question excitedly.  He nods.  "You spoil me."
He pulls my hand to his lips and kisses it. 
We walk a little further before arriving at Zeke's apartment.  We stop in front of his door and I knock.  It's so loud though that I doubt anyone could hear it.  I just open the door to see a huge apartment similar to my brother's layout but with more furniture.  Although it looks a little smaller, but I do see a couple doorways in the back.  Those probably must be for a bedroom and bathroom.  The apartment is packed full of people and the music is really loud.  Everyone is drinking and dancing.  We all enter.  I notice Neil and Ellen together and I pull Eric and Julia with me. 
"I need to talk to Ellen," I tell Eric and the girls.  "We'll be right back."  I leave them with Neil and Ellen walks with me to the opened door of the bathroom. 
It's empty so I close and lock the door.  I turn to face Ellen.  "What do you know about Divergents?" I ask.
Ellen gets pale and looks away from me.  "Why are you asking me this?" she says quietly.
I notice her mannerisms and how she's fiddling with her fingers.  She's trembling.  "Oh my goodness, Ellen, are you Divergent?" I whisper. 
I see a tear fall from her face.  "Shh, it's okay Ellen.  I won't tell anyone," I say moving forward to hug her. 
She hugs me back.  "But you're a leader now.  I was warned to stay away from the leaders, to hide it," she says.
"The leaders here won't hurt you now.  I'm working with them to change that.  I wouldn't tell anybody else though," I explain.
"How do you know they won't kill me?" she questions.
"Because I told them that I'm Divergent and they chose to stand with me," I divulge.
"What?  Even Eric?" she asks incredulously.
"Even Eric," I agree. I'm sure she knows who he is in relation to Jeanine.  "You can't repeat any of this to anyone, especially not Erudite or former Erudite."
She nods.  "I wouldn't say anything to them.  They're the ones who are actively searching us out," she says. I nod so glad she's aware.
"I know and they're trying to do a lot more.  I shouldn't tell you any details but know that we're trying to fix this mess which is why you're on security, to stop Erudite from hacking into our system again," I say.
"Again?" she asks.
"Yeah," I confirm.  "There's also something I need to tell you.  It's going to sound crazy so try to believe me that God led me there for a reason, okay?"
She nods.  "You asked about that line of code.  I need to tell you about that," I say.
"Alright," she agrees. 
"You cannot repeat any of this.  If you have to, lie," I say.  I sigh heavily.  "That line of code needs to never be touched or blocked.  It is from outside the fence.  We have been put in here for a reason.  We are part of an experiment.  Their goal is to create people like us—Divergent.  We are the reason for this city of people to be locked here behind that gate.  If anyone like us is threatened, there are people here that will try to take us out in time but people like Jeanine Matthews are hunting us.  The other Dauntless Leaders and I are trying to stop her," I say.
"Wait, people outside of the fence?  How would you know that?" she asks.
"Because I've been there before.  It's a long story but after Tobias left, I ran away.  I ended up outside the fence and met those people," I explain.  "I've got pictures I can show you but it'll have to be on Sunday night."
"Okay, but why can't we touch that line of code?" she asks.
"Because if we mess with it, they might do something drastic like wipe our minds with that memory serum we talked about the other day," I say.
"Hosanna, you're freaking me out.  Are these people a threat, too?" she asks fearfully.
"They want to help us and they want me to help them but they got nervous that they couldn't wipe my mind.  I have to hide talking about this from them so if you want to talk to me about any of this, it will have to be somewhere where there are no cameras, which there are more than what you observe at work," I say.
"I need a drink," she says weakly. 
"Yeah, me, too," I agree. "Whatever you do, don't tell anyone about this except me or Eric—privately though.  If you want to talk about this with me, maybe ask to borrow one of Eric's books."
She nods and hugs me.  "I am thoroughly freaked out about all of this," she says.
I hug her back.  "God revealed this for a reason.  We need to trust in him, remain calm, and follow his will," I explain.
"You're right," she says.  "That makes me feel so much better."
Someone knocks on the door.  "Just a minute," I shout.
"Will you be alright?" I ask. 
"Yeah, I think so," she nods.
"Forget about this for now and let's have some fun," I say. 
I grab her hand and pull her out with me.  I see Eric and Neil, each with a beer in hand.  Julia and Abby are talking to a couple boys.  I smile at that.  I hope they're nice. 
I reach Eric and put my arms around him.  Ellen does the same with Neil. 
"What was that about?" Eric says close to my ear. 
I reach up closer to his ear and say, "I was thinking of lending her our copy of The Hunger Games."
He looks at me with a serious look and I nod.  "Okay.  Can I come over later?" he says.
"Of course you can.  You're the one who has to let me in to my place," I say kissing his lips. 
"Do you want a drink?" Eric offers. 
"Yes.  Thanks," I say.  Eric hands me his beer and walks to the kitchen with Neil.  I reach out and hold Ellen's hand.  I see Mia and Ryan walk in the door.  They are both carrying several packages of drinks.  That's pretty nice of them to bring all of that, maybe next time we'll bring something.  Mia sees us and she stacks everything on Ryan before coming over to meet us. 
"Hey," she grins.
"Hi," I say. 
"Where's Eric and Neil?" she asks. 
"They went to get us drinks," I point out.
She nods her head.  All three of our men return to us at the same time, drinks in hand.  "Thank you," I say reaching for the cup from Eric. 
It's half full.  "Aww, afraid I'm going to get drunk?" I say.
"I just figured you wouldn't drink much," he says shrugging and taking his beer back.
"You're probably right," I say sipping my beverage. 
"Did you see my brother or Zeke?" I ask.
"Yeah, they're drinking over there," Eric gestures to where he just came from. 
"Lead the way," I say grasping his hand. 
We walk to his kitchen where there's a table and chairs.  Tobias and Zeke are sitting there playing some sort of drinking game.  I approach my brother and put my arms around him, kissing his cheek.  "Oh, there's my sweet sister," he says putting an arm around mine and laughing. 
"How much have you had to drink already?" I ask.
"Not much," he admits soberly.
"Don't get too carried away, okay?" I say.
"Okay," he agrees.
"I love you," I say hugging him tightly.
"Love you too, baby girl," he responds. 
I release my brother and have a few sips of my drink while Eric and I watch his game.  He's going to be so drunk by the amount he's chugging.  I finish my drink after a few minutes. 
"You want to dance?" I ask Eric.
"Yes," he says finishing his beer and grabbing my cup.  He tosses them in the trash and leads me out to the living room where my friends are dancing. 
We start to dance.  He puts my arms around his neck, pulling me flush with his body.  As we're moving to the beat of the music, he kisses me.  Eric breaks away kissing my cheek.  I think he says something against my skin but I can't hear over the music.  We continue to dance until the song changes to something slower.  He grasps my hand and leads me into a familiar slow dance, like the first time we ever danced together except this time we're closer.  I lean my head in the crook of his neck.  After a minute, I feel strange, like someone is watching us.  I lift my head to see Nathan staring at us from across the room.  He's at least here with some friends.  I sigh and turn my head away burying my face back in the same spot.  Why does he give me such a disturbing feeling?  Eric and I take a break after a few more songs while I watch most of my friends continue dancing or drinking.  I see Mia and Ryan leaning up against the opposite wall from us talking.  Mia catches my eye and waves to me.  I wave back. 
"Do you want another drink?" Eric asks me. 
"Sure.  About as much as last time?" I request.
He nods and kisses me.  "I'll be right back," he confirms before walking away towards the kitchen. 
I turn slightly to watch Julia dancing with a boy I've never seen before.  I smile.  She looks happy.  I feel arms surround me. 
"I thought you were getting us drinks?" I say.
My hair is pushed aside to one shoulder and I feel him kissing my neck but it feels like he's pinching me, or biting me. 
"Ow, Eric?  What are you...?" I say before looking down to see those are not Eric's arms around me.  This person has a different shade of skin and no tattoos on his forearms.  I notice that creepy eye tattoo I saw earlier today.  Everything happens in an instant.  One hand cups the underside of my left breast while the other trails down under my skirt.  I try to push him off of me but I'm struggling. 
"Nathan, stop it.  Let go of me," I insist authoritatively attempting to pry his hands off but he won't let go.  He pulls me back against him and I cringe at the feeling of what is pressed against me.  Absolutely disgusted by what he just touched me with, I bend my body in half and flip him onto the floor in front of me.  I punch him once in the face.  I may have broken his nose but he definitely deserved that. 
I look up to see Eric and Ryan rushing from different ends of the room over to us.  I grab my neck, feeling for blood or something.  I have no idea what he did to me but it still hurts.  There's nothing there though.  Eric starts to drag him out of the apartment by his shirt and I hear the music stop.  I follow along with Ryan and Mia to the hallway.  Mia wraps her arm around me.  Ellen, Neil, Zeke, and my brother come out of the door, too.  Everyone from the party begins to pool around the door and empty in the hallway as well.
"Everyone not a part of this, either go back to the party or leave," Eric says evenly in his scary leader voice.  I can tell he's livid though by the look in his eyes.  Everyone but my friends go back into Zeke's apartment.  They don't want to try his patience. Zeke shuts the door but stays out here.
Eric tosses his phone to my brother.  "Call security and get them down here," he orders.  My brother makes the call.
"Does someone want to tell me what just happened?" Eric shouts.
"I saw it but I couldn't make it through the crowd to stop him," Ryan says calmly.  "The moment you left, Nate advanced on her.  She must have thought it was you at first.  He kissed her neck and put his hands all over her.  She tried to fight him off and she said something to him but he continued on until she tossed him off of her and punched him in the face."
Eric looks to me.  "Anything else?" I turn my face away. 
"He did a bit more than that but that was pretty much what happened in this instance," I say.
"There were others?" Eric asks.
"He looked at me inappropriately several times today before training and took up most of the training session playing dumb," I tell him.
"He was looking down her top today, too," Neil adds. 
"What?" Ellen says outraged.
"Hey, I kicked him hard when she wasn't looking," he comments in his defense.
"Did you discipline him in any way earlier?" Eric asks me trying to calm down.
"I told him to treat me with respect and to not look at me inappropriately.  I actually had to tell him twice," I explain.
"Anything to say for yourself, Nathan?" Eric asks.
He wipes some of the blood off his face.  "Yeah, you need to learn to share your things.  You can't keep something that sweet to yourself," he replies crudely motioning to me. He must be really drunk to speak to Eric like that.
I roll my eyes but it looks like Eric is seething.  "How about we take her back to my place and we can each have her?" Nathan says. 
At that moment Eric explodes and goes after Nathan, repeatedly pounding on him.  I rush over and pull him off.  He relaxes at my touch slightly. 
I grab his cheeks and turn his face away from Nathan.  Eric's eyes are still on him though. 
"Baby, look at me," I say.  His eyes snap to mine and they soften.  "We'll deal with him in the morning."
The security team arrives and Ryan says he'll accompany them to escort Nathan to lockup. 
"Will you take my girl home with you, Eric?" Ryan asks as he leaves.
"Yeah, I've got her," he agrees.
Tobias comes over and hugs me.  "Are you okay?" he inquires quietly touching my face. He's never seen anything quite like this involving me and he already looks intoxicated.
"Yeah, I'll be fine," I tell him rubbing my neck.
He grabs my hand and pushes my hair back.  "Eric, did you do this to her?" my brother asks.
Eric comes closer and looks at my neck, pursing his lips.  "No, but I have some cream that'll take care of that.  I don't want his mark left on my girl," he says.
"What mark?" I inquire.
"You have a massive hickey on your neck," Mia comments. 
"What's that?" I question confused.
"That mark you're rubbing, he sucked on your neck until it bruised.  It's called a hickey or a love bite," Ellen explains. 
"Ewww!  Yes, let's get this off," I say.

*****That was a pretty tense chapter. Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.*****

Words of Wisdom:
Jealousy can be consuming. If you see what others have and you covet it, with your eyes and in your heart, you will never be truly happy. We ought to be content in what we have and stop thinking the grass is always greener on the other side. Even if you grasp what you've desired, once you obtain that goal, it will not complete you. If you align your heart with God and are happy with what you currently havewhat He's given youyou will be more content than you could ever be with that desire.

"You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God."
‭‭James‬ ‭4:2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant