~041~ Almost Late

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V/Taehtung's POV
"Beep! Beep!"
My alarm clock rang.
It was 5am.
I got ready for school and wore casually. But of course, according to the school's dress code.
When I was about to leave my house, I checked the time and it was approximately 6am.
I quickly grabbed my house keys, phone, my school bag and rushed out of the house. Proceeding to lock my front door and gate.

Oh shit

I left my car keys inside the house.
I hurriedly ran back into the house, grabbed my car keys, quickly locked the front door and gate once again.

When I was about to start the engine I checked my phone for the time and it was already 6.30am.
So I quickly drove to Grape's house, hoping not to be late.

Earlier at 5am for Grape.
(Grape's POV)
"Beep! Beep! Beep!"
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.
It was 5 in the morning.
I got out of bed and quickly got ready for school.
After I was done with my morning routine, I quickly picked an outfit for school.
When I have finally finished all of that, I checked the time it was 6.50am.

Hey I improved by 5 minutes, fine I know that's not much of an improvement but we'll to me it is.

I suddenly remembered that V was going to fetch me.

So I shouted at my brother Suho,
"Hey you will need to go to school by yourself today!"

"Why?", he questioned.

"Cause my friend is going to bring me to school." I replied

"Who? Which friend?", he asked.

But before I was able to answer him, "Ding! Ding!"
Someone rang the door bell.
I went to check and it was Tae.

"Hey Grape, I hope I'm not too late.", he said.

"Hehe no you are not. You are just on time.", I replied back while smiling.

"Hey Grape you haven't said who it was!", Suho shouted across the house.

"V!" I shouted back, replying him.

"What?! You mean V? As in Kim Taehyung,V from BTS?!", he questioned shocked.

"Yeah" I said simply.
Suho came downstairs and immediately greeted V.

"Hi my name is Suho, Grape's brother and also a fan of you. I think I sound like a fangirl now. Let me change my-"

Suho was cut off by me, "Okay, okay. Shut up. He doesn't want to hear your long speech and by the way we are going to be late for school." I said while putting my hand on Suho's mouth.
"Oh my god it is 7am. already let's go!" I said and pushed V out.
He brought me to school and we were both just on time.

"Bye Grape see you later and break time!", he shouted and waved at me.

"Bye V see you!", I shouted back before heading towards my first class.
Sorry for updating late. I promise to update tomorrow.

Please review! :)

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