~056~ Missing

69 7 1

Grape's POV
I even remember him frantically messaging me when I was out.

Suga's POV
In my dreams I felt someone stepping on my back and gasp.
Then I felt something warm on top of me.

Later in the morning
I woke up and saw a blanket over me I smiled knowing it definitely was Grape.
I went to the bathroom and took a shower.
I forgot that my clothes are on Grape's bed.
Oh well..
I wrapped the towel on my waist and walk out of the bathroom towards Grape's door.
As I entered the room I didn't see Grape.
Putting on my shirt, I called out for Grape.
"Grape! "

But I didn't get a respond.
I ran up and down the stairs, round and round the house but I still couldn't find Grape.
Where is this girl?

I texted Grape..

Suga messages to Grape
Me:Grape where r u?

Since this is text I'm using short forms :)
So in the future you know what this means.

Me:Hello?! Grape where are you?!




Me:where r u?!

Me:are you in trouble?!

Grape's POV
I went out as I felt much better although I my degree is
I still went out.
I went to meet Jungkook as it's his day today.

Though I may or may not be still guilty about the who Sehun thing, doesn't mean i'll forget about Jungkook but they won't have to know. Maybe if I don't tell them, they won't know.

Anyways I went out to a food court to have my breakfast with Jungkook when my phone keep whistling.
(The sound when you have a nofication)
So I just put my phone on silent mode.

Jungkook's POV
I wonder who is texting Grape.
Is it a girl? Is it another boy?!

"Ah excuse me I need to go to the rest room", Grape excused herself

"Oh okay"

When Grape left I was debating whether I should take her phone and see who is texting her or not.
If I do is that called not giving her privacy or something?
Ugh just one look won't hurt.
Just as I was about to grab the her phone.....

"What are you doing? "

And I am dead........
End flashback

I even knew Jungkook was about to look at my phone. But alas he didn't. It showed their trust in me, but-

BTS IS IN MY SCHOOL! ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora