Chapter 25 - Back to Normal?

Start from the beginning

I listened to what he had to say in the interview closely. "Confirm or deny the rumor that since you knocked up Quinn Fabray you decided to cool things off with most of the girls at the school?" Jacob asked. "It's true. It was the responsible thing to do," Puck shrugged. "Is it also true you're suffering from a crippling depression because you're not over Miss Fabray?" Jacob asked as Puck then punched the camera. I sighed. Had me blowing him off really made him that upset? I wished that I could look in the eye without feeling so guilty about everything that happened, but I couldn't. So, for the time being there was no way for us to be together.

The next day was our first Glee Club practice. I was happy to be back in the choir room. It felt like home to me. I sat next to Tina in Glee Rehearsal as Mike, her new boyfriend sat behind us. "It's really cool that you and Mike are dating. He's really sweet," I smiled a bit. "Thank you Quinn. Our summer romance started when we were camp counselors at Asian Camp," Tina grinned. "What happened between you and Artie?" I asked confused since the last time I had seen Tina her and Artie seemed pretty in love from what I could tell. "He blew me off. He acted like video games were more important than his relationship with me. Mike's sweet and he tries to be into what I'm into," Tina explained. I nodded understandingly. I was happy for Tina. She deserved to find happiness.

The bell rang as Mr. Schue took control over the room. "These are comments from Jacob Ben-Israel's most recent Glee Club blog. "Glee is a giant ball of suck."," Mr. Schue said. "We get it, Mr. Schue. Everyone still hates us. So what? So we're plankton on the high school food chain? Only difference now is that none of us really care," Kurt said. "Kurt's right. We're a family. They can bring it all they want. None of it is going to break us," Mercedes said. "I'm really happy that you guys have all bonded. The problem is that all of this negative stuff is keeping other students from auditioning," Mr. Schue frowned. "Good. Why do we need new members?" Tina asked. "Well, since Matt transferred, we only have 11 members, and if we want to go to Nationals, if we want to beat Vocal Adrenaline, we have to go from a small rebel force to a giant wall of sound," Mr. Schue told us.

Besides that we needed 12 members to compete at Sectionals. "Yeah, Mr. Schuester's right, you guys. You didn't see Vocal Adrenaline at Regionals. They were epic. We're going to need more voices in order to beat them," Rachel said as she got up. "Yeah. I'm with Rachel on this one," Finn said joining her. "Gross," Brittany muttered. "You're going to have to trust me on this, guys. Now, here's the plan. Nationals are in New York this year, and we are going," Mr. Schue said as we all cheered. "Now let's go out there and show the school how cool it's going to be, how cool we can be. If they're not going to come to us, let's go to them. They say we only sing show tunes and '80s pop. Let's show them how down we are. Let's give them the song of the year, New Directions style," Mr. Schue said as we cheered.

We all decided to perform 'Empire State of Mind' by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys. We began working on the number so that at lunch we could attract some new members. During the chorus I came running down the stairs with Brittany and Santana as we danced our way while performing hoping to attract some new members. Us girls then took over singing background for Mercedes as she sang the bridge. We finished the song on the steps hoping to hear some applause but there was nothing.

"Well that was a bust," Mercedes said shaking her head as we changed out of our costumes and back into our normal clothes. "Definitely," I agreed. "Oh come on guys I'm sure there will be someone who will want to join," Rachel said. "Face it Rachel, there's nothing we can do to get new members. Glee Club is doomed," Tina frowned. "I'm not giving up yet," Rachel said confidently as she left to put up some more signs throughout the school.

That afternoon was cheerios tryouts. I got myself ready hoping that all of last year would go away and I would find myself back on the squad. "Next," Coach Sylvester called as I walked out onto the gym floor. "No way. Get out," Coach Sylvester said to me. "Coach Sylvester, please hear me out," I said. "Nope. I trusted you, and you let me down. I don't want you anywhere near my squad. You'll deafen them with the sound of your stretch marks rubbing together," Coach Sylvester said. "I understand you had your confetti cannons taken away. Well, I'll bet there are quite a few church groups who would gladly give money to a squad who helped rehabilitate a girl who got pregnant and now speaks out for abstinence education while wearing a Cheerios uniform," I said. "Next," Coach Sylvester called as I smirked walking off the floor. I hoped I had done enough to get back on the squad.

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