Chapter 23 - Don't Stop Believin'

Start from the beginning

We rushed backstage excitedly. "That was awesome!" Finn beamed. "Oh, my God!" Brittany grinned. "We've got second place in the bag," Tina smiled. "Screw that. We are going to win this!" Rachel exclaimed. I grabbed my stomach as I ran backstage the pain was starting to get intense. "Quinnie," my mom grinned at me as I turned around and smiled. "Mom," I hugged her. "You were wonderful out there. I'm so sorry I missed all the other times you performed, were their a lot?" she asked. I shook my head. "Quinnie...are you okay?" she asked noticing how I was acting. "I think my water just broke," I said as her eyes grew wide.

Puck then walked out. "Hey there you are I was looking for you," he said. I smiled a bit before wincing in pain. "Everything okay?" he asked worriedly. "I think the baby is coming," I whispered as Puck ran to get Mr. Schue and the New Directions. "I'll drive you to the nearest hospital," my mom told me. I nodded as the New Directions followed my mom's car heading to the hospital with us.

By the time we got to the hospital the pain was incredibly intense. " it hurts so bad," I whimpered as Puck wheeled me quickly into the hospital. "My daughter is having a baby," my mom told the nurse who looked at me concerned. "Uh, right this way," she said as she was taking us into a room to see how far along I was to having the baby. "Wait! Wait!" I screamed "I want Mercedes with me, too." Mercedes nodded as she went into the room with my mom, Puck, and me.

"She's about 9 centimeters dilated. We can't give her anything," the doctor said. I again screamed in pain. "Are you sure?" my mom asked. "I'm sorry Mrs. Fabray but if you had gotten here sooner we could've given her something," the doctor told my mom who shook her head. "It's going to be okay baby," my mom whispered as she stroked my hair. They got me changed and onto the delivery table. I whimpered crying in pain, especially as each contraction hit. "Mom," I whimpered as she continued to try to help me through the delivery. "I know baby I know," she whispered to me. "Okay we need you to start pushing," the doctor told me as I began pushing. The pain was unbearable as I screamed with each push. "It's never coming, ever!" I yelled. "Yes she will it'll be okay," Puck assured me looking nervously at me. "Shut up!" I yelled back "Ooh, you suck! You suck! You suck! You suck!" I screamed at him. "Come on," Mercedes encouraged as I continued to push. "Come on, Quinnie," my mom encouraged. "Let me go! Let me go! No! No! No! No!" I screamed wanting this to be over. "Okay, she's crowning!" the nurse said. "Push, baby," my mom said. "Come on, Quinn, push," Mercedes also encouraged as I finally pushed and out came a beautiful baby girl. I could hear her cry.

"Congratulations it's a girl," the nurse smiled at me. I teared up relieved that this was all over. The doctors were cleaning off the baby getting her prepared before they handed her to me to hold. "Hi there," I whispered looking at her. "Wow...she looks like you," Puck said emotionally as I smiled at him. "Thank you for being here," I said. "I'm glad...with all the screaming you just did at me I wasn't too sure," Puck said. "Sorry," I whispered. "It's okay," he told me seriously. "Okay we need to take her to the nursery. Do you have a name?" the doctor asked. "Beth," Puck told them. "Beth. Alright we'll put that down," the doctor said as they took the baby.

"You did amazing Quinnie," my mom told me. "Thanks mom," I said "It was a lot harder than I thought it would be," I admitted. "I know," my mom said as she stroked my hair. "Kids why don't you head back to the need to find out if you won," my mom told Mercedes and Puck. Puck looked at me worriedly. "I'm should go...bring me back the good news," I smiled. " long as you're sure," Puck said. "I'm sure," I assured him as he, Mercedes, as well as the rest of the New Directions made their way back to the theatre.

For the most part I did some resting before getting changed into a pink robe. I tried to walk around which I did feel a little sore at first but once I got on my feet, it felt fine. My mom walked with me to the nursery so I could see my baby girl. "She's just beautiful Quinnie," my mom said. "Thanks," I whispered looking at her. "Have you given any thought to my offer?" my mom asked as I looked at her. "I can't keep her mom...I mean you're just getting out of a relationship. The last thing you need is to have another mouth to feed," I told her seriously. "Are you absolutely sure about this?" she asked me. The truth was, I wasn't. Beth had grown to be a part of me. I didn't want to let her go. I just knew it was for the best for her life if I did. "Yes," I whispered as my mom nodded understandingly. "You're doing the right thing Quinnie, I'm proud of you," she told me. "Thanks," I whispered before asking "Do you think you could get me some food...I'm hungry." "Of course," my mom said as she left to get me something to eat.

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