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Third Person's POV


"You did what?" Kimberly asked.

"I destroyed their wedding" Alex said in the phone.

"You did?!" Kimberly burst out laughing at that and shake her head.

"Only you can do that, Alex. But how did you do it?"

"I exposed who she really is and, that's it. Wedding is over. By the way, I found out something and I'm really mad at you right now, Kimberly"

"What? Why? What did I do?" Kimberly panicked, thinking of what she had done wrong.

"I found documents to drop charges against Yoona and why do I see my signature on it, which I'm pretty sure I didn't sign" Kimberly instantly bit down on her lip, feeling guilty.

"Oh... I'm sorry. I did that to buy my freedom" Kimberly said, truthfully, seeing no point in lying.

"Kimberly! I'm so mad at you, right now! She deserved to rot in vampire jail! You should not have signed it!" Alex crossed her arms in anger.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I really am. But I had to do it for my kids"

"What did he promised you at that time?" Alex asked.

"Well, he said I would gain custody over the twins. And well, a divorce"

"He did give you all that, didn't he?" Alex asked.

"Yes! And I am now a free woman and a proud single mother!" Kimberly said.

"Are you happy?" Alex asked.

"Very happy! Thanks to you and Bryan appearing in my life!" Kimberly said, with a smile on her face.

"Great. Look outside" Alex said. Kimberly felt confused, before she walk towards the window and peered out. She gasped when she saw Alex and Changkyun in front of the house.

"Alex! You didn't tell me you were here!" Kimberly instantly rushed to see them. As she arrived at the entrance, she saw Bryan and the twins already there.

"Oh, look at you guys! I missed you guys so much!" Alex hugged the twins, while Changkyun and Bryan did the brohug.

"It's been a while" Alex said, as she walked over towards Kimberly.

"Wait" Kimberly gripped Alex's arms and look at Alex from head to toe, sensing something off.

"How many months?" Kimberly asked, Alex smiled at her.

"Not yet, it's just three weeks." Alex stated, placing a hand on her small bump. Kimberly instantly pulled Alex in a hug.

"How can you even tell?" Alex wondered to herself.

"Oh my god! Congratulations!" Kimberly said, then she walk over to give Changkyun a hug.

"Oh, god! I'm so happy. I'll cook dinner for you guys! In fact, I'll start cooking now" Alex chuckled at Kimberly's enthusiasm.

"Please, do. I'm so hungry, right now" Alex said.

"But we ate two hours ago" Changkyun said.

"I'm carrying two babies in here, Changkyunnie. Sorry, make that three, including you" She said, which he rolled his eyes at. She chuckle at that and hold his hands, together they all head towards the living room.

Enslaved By A... Monster? (Monsta X fanfic) Book #1 Monster SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now