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Third Person's POV


"I have to go home. Straight to the states" Alex stated.

"Your leg is not even healed yet"

"It's fine. It's really urgent. I have to go back" Alex said.

"What is it that's so urgent?" Kimberly asked, gripping Alex's hand.

"It's business stuff. I'll come back and get you as soon as possible. You have a husband now. I'm sure he will be against you living in the states" Alex said, as Kimberly sigh and nodded. Alex give her a small smile and pull Kimberly in a brief hug, before pulling away.

"Besides, I don't really feel welcomed here. Those men are tough to be friends with. I can't imagine how you did it"

"If you didn't notice, I'm like a servant here. Except now, I've been promoted to head chef around here. They are rich and were raised to be like that, I can't really blame the way they are. The council expect too much from them and they get so little in return"

"Yeah. I guess I can't exactly be mad at Hyungwon, he's kinda right, I am spoiled. He's nice and everything, but so hard to get along with. I tried, but then I think, for what?" Alex smiled at Kimberly.

"How do you stay so positive in everything?"

"I am not exactly an optimist, but since our parents passed on, I realised I should've made them happier. I took them for granted and in a split second, I lost them. You're so lucky that you didn't get to develop feelings for them. Cause it's painful, so painful, to the point I feel like dying, when I lost them" Alex said.

"Why didn't you cry?" Kimberly asked.

"I didn't want to cry, because why should I? Crying is like a sign of regret for me. I don't want to show people that I regret not spending more time with the people I love. I want to show people, I cherished them enough and love them so much, I have nothing to regret"

"But that's a lie"

"It's a lie, I really want to believe in" Alex replied.

"Not just believe in, I want to think it's true" Alex said.

"I think it is" Kimberly replied.

"Even if it is, I still don't feel satisfied and I know this sounds selfish, but I want more time with them" Alex said.

"That is regret" Kimberly stated.

"I know..." Alex looked down, as she felt tears pricking at her eyes.

"Regret shouldn't even be mentioned in your life. It sucks so bad!" Alex groaned, looking at Kimberly.

"I love you" Alex said, as she burst out chuckling.

"I love you too" Kimberly replied.

"Bye" Alex said.

"How long will you be gone?" Kimberly asked.

"Three months, or a year. I don't know" She shrugged.

"A year?! Alexia Montgomery! Stop joking!"

"Kimberly Montgomery! I'm not joking!" Alex replied, laughing and run towards the jeep, where Shownu was waiting to drive her.

"Okay, let's go. I'm sorry, I took too long. It's just so hard to separate with your lover, am I right?" She joked, nudging her elbow at Shownu's side. Shownu didn't respond and just kept on driving, completely emotionless. Alex fell silent and pursed her lips in embarrassment. Alex, you should just shut up.

Enslaved By A... Monster? (Monsta X fanfic) Book #1 Monster SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now